There are all kinds of people in this world. It happens that we have become friends. This is not fate. It is just that we should be friends.
falling in love with u is the easiest,thing I’ve ever done
You know......the world's full of lonely people afraid to make the first move.

Violence never triumphs, only dignity can win the real victory.
They don't have a choice, but you do.
"Why do you always find fault?”
"Because you can do better ”
Rich white people pay me to play the piano for them because it makes them feel educated. But once I get off the stage, I'm gonna go back to them and be another nigger. Because that's their real culture. I bear this alone, because I am not accepted by my people, because I am not like them! So, if I'm not black enough, if I'm not white enough, if I'm not manly enough, then tell me, Tony, what am I? !

It takes a lot of courage to change people's minds.
Falling in love with you was the easiest thing i have ever done. Nothing matters to me but you. And everyday i am alive, i'm aware of this. I loved you the day i met you, i love you today and i will love you to rest of my life.
与你相爱是我所做过的最轻松的事。没有什么比你更重要。在我活着的每一天我都会深深地感觉到。遇见你的那天我就以爱上你,今天我爱你, 余生也会继续爱你。
The trees have shed their leafy clothing and their colors have faded to grays and browns. I saw a millions of trees all dusted with snow just like out of a fairy tale. I would count the hours, minutes and seconds until you are in my arms.
I,the vulgar and rude little darling, am about to pry open your world of guarded elegance and defensiveness.
Falling in love with you is the easiest thing I've ever done.
Nothing is more important than you .
My father used to say, whatever you do, do it 100 percent, work like you work, laugh like you laugh, and eat like it's your last meal.
Dear Dolores:
When I think of you, I think of the beautiful plains of Iowa. The distance between us, makes me depressed, without your time and journey is meaningless to me, and you love is the easiest thing I have done. Nothing is more important than you. Every day I live, I will feel deeply that I have loved you since the day I met you. I love you today and I will love you for the rest of my life.
Love, Tony. PS, kiss the kids

"Lonely people are always afraid to take the first step,"
probably because they are always alone,
with no way back, no hugs and warmth
Don't worry about it.
I get it, it's a complicated world
Whatever you do, do it to perfection, work hard at work, laugh hard, and enjoy your food as if it were your last meal!
不管你做什么 、都要做到极致 、上班就认真工作 、笑就尽情大笑 、吃东西时 、就像吃最后一餐那样去享受!
Dear Dolores:
the leaves are falling, the colors are turning gray and brown, and I see a million snow-covered trees, like stepping out of a fairy tale, and I'm counting the hours, the minutes, the seconds until I hold you in my arms.
Love, Tony. PS, kiss the kids
whatever you do,do it a hundred percent.
You never win with violence.You only win when you maintain your dignity.
Dear Dolores:
How are you? I'm not bad. I eat well, too, mostly hamburgers, so don't worry about me. I saw Dr. Shelly play the piano tonight. He doesn't play like a black man, like Liberace, but better. I think he's a genius. When I look at him in the rearview mirror, he's always musing. That's what geniuses do, but they don't seem to have much fun in life. I miss your
loving Tony PS so much. Kiss the kids
你好吗?我还不错。我吃的也很好,大多是汉堡 ,所以别担心我吃不好。我今晚看到谢利博士弹钢琴了,他弹起琴来不像个黑人,像李伯拉斯,但比他更好。我觉得他就是个天才。当我从后视镜看他的时候,他总是若有所思,天才大概都是这样的吧,但天才的生活看上去没什么乐趣。我非常非常想念
The world is very complicated
-Thank you for writing for my husband.
-Thank you for sharing your husband.
Dear Dolores:
I had steak and eggs this morning. The band played in all the fancy places, and Dr. Shelly and I got along just fine, but sometimes I thought he was unhappy, so he drank so much. I never knew this country was so beautiful, but now I see it with my own eyes. The beauty of nature is unbelievable. It's just as beautiful as everyone says. And it's good for me that there are few cars in the country and the roads are clear. I'm eating meatball spaghetti, but the food in this restaurant tastes like ketchup on Chinese noodles. We're going to the South now, and when we get there, I'll write you a letter. I love you!
Love, Tony. PS, kiss the kids
There are all kinds of people in this world.It happens that we have become friends.This is not fate.It is just that we should be friends.
