Daily Dictation Series

Daily Dictation Series

作者: oneoverzero | 来源:发表于2020-03-14 09:07 被阅读0次

    Link: https://www.bilibili.com/video/av24173069?p=1

    1 Mother Teresa, who received a Nobel Peace Prize for her work on behalf of the poor, dies in Calcutta, India — she was 87 years old.
    R 连读:received a; work on; years old
    2 — Jerry, what time do you have? — I have 5 o'clock.
    R Cancelation: he, his, her, have, had, him, has; 连读:what time
    3 There are three things I have learned NEVER to discuss with people: religion, politics and the Great Pumpkin!
    R 连读:there are; Canc: have; 发音: to (t & d)
    4 Don't ever let somebody tell you you can't do something.
    R Strong sounds: s, n, l; Weak sounds: d, t, th; the former usually cancels the latter. So here "t" in "Don't", "let" and "can't" was canceled. something --> somen
    5 I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass... and I'm all out of bubblegum!
    R change: come here to ---> come hered; canc: and ---> an; change: I'm ---> uhm; change: out of ---> uh duh; connect: and I'm all out of ---> an'uhm'all'uh duh
    6 The secret of life is just to live every moment.
    R conn: secret of ---> secred'of; canc: just ----> jus; change: to ---> t; conn: live every ---> liv'every
    7 Another rogue trader has cost a bank billions.
    R rogue: 流氓; conn: cost a ---> cosd'a
    8 German, Rolf Buchholz is the man with the most piercings; he's got 453.
    R conn & canc: is the ---> iz'e; with the ---> wiz'e; canc: most piercings ---> mos piercings; change: hundred ---> hunnerd
    9 A satellite that was carried to space abord the shuttle Discovery 20 years ago is about to fall to earth, but nobody knows where the debris will hit.
    R conn: satellite that ---> satelli'that; change: carried to ---> carrie't; canc: aboard the ---> aboar'the; canc: 20 (twenty)---> twenny; canc: about to ---> abou't; change: fall to Earth ---> 有些人会读成 fall'd'Earth,但是 to 后面接元音时,to 通常还读 to,此时 fall to Earth 仍读 fall to Earth,不发生变音; conn: knows where ---> knowz'where; change: debris ---> d'bris,残骸,碎片
    10 It's a lofty, probably impossible goal.
    R lofty: 崇高的
    11 New York swept the Tampa Bay Rays by identical 4-2 scores in a day-night doubleheader Wednesday.
    R conn: swept the ---> swep'the; conn: identical ---> idennical; doubleheader: two games in one day; day-night: one game in the afternoon, one game in the evening; change: 4-2 ---> four'd'two 或者省略中间的 to,读成 four'two.
    12 Jim Henson, creator of The Muppets — from Kermit the Frog to Sesame Street — is born in Greenville, Mississippi.
    R change: creator ---> creador; canc: ceator of the ---> creador'o'the; change: to ---> t
    13 Asian tiger mosquitoes are native to the tropics of Southeast Asia, but in the past few years they've spread all across the southeastern United States.
    R Asian ---> A'ren; change: mosquitoes ---> mosqui'does; change: native ---> na'dive; conn: native to the ---> na'dive'd'the; conn: but in the ---> but^in^e; canc: past ---> pas
    14 Cats reputedly have 9 lives, and he clearly wanted to spend at least one of them here in New York City.
    R change: reputedly ---> repu'dedly; canc: wanted ---> wan'ed; canc & conn: at least ---> a^leas'; canc: one of them ---> one^(n)o^them
    15 The frantic pacing — scene changes every 11 seconds on average — often leaves kids zoned out and spun up, unable to concentrate.
    R conn: changes every 11 ---> changez^every^eleven; conn: seconds on ---> secondz^an; (未完)



          本文标题:Daily Dictation Series
