第九单元 医疗领域人工智能发展

第九单元 医疗领域人工智能发展

作者: 5765f3fa240e | 来源:发表于2020-05-19 12:49 被阅读0次

    sterilize  [ˈsterilaiz]


    latrine /lə'triːn/ n. (尤指营地)公共厕所

    respiratory /rɪ'spɪrət(ə)rɪ/ adj. 呼吸的,呼吸用的

    metabolic /ˌmetə'bɒlɪk/ adj. 代谢作用的,新陈代谢的

    The high-level Commission on Health Employment and Economic Growth 卫生领域就业和经济增长高级别委员会

    dementia /dɪ'menʃə/ n. 〈医〉痴呆

    health care sector 医疗/卫生保健行业

    fellow UN agencies 联合国机构的各位同事

    representatives of industry 各位业界代表

    the vast amount of technical expertise assembled in this room 这里汇集了众多的技术专业人才

    market analysts 市场分析人士

    proponent n. (某事业、理论等的)支持者,拥护者

    intelligent machines 智能机器

    delivery of health care 医疗保健服务

    a new frontier 新前沿


    n. 边界, 边境

    开发地区的边缘, 边

    transformative power of artificial intelligence 推动人工智能变革

    transformative adj. 有改革能力的,变化的,变形的

    health sector 医疗保健领域

    a huge transformative impact 变革带来的巨大冲击


    n.1.(判断事物的) 角度, 方法, 观点 2.透视;远景

    sound public policies 良好的公共政策

    ethical dilemmas 伦理难题

    dilemma  [diˈleməˌ dai-] n.进退两难的局面,困难的选择

    We need a broader perspective. 我们需要听取更广泛的意见

    smart machines 智能机器

    I find it wise to look at potential benefits, risks, and ethical dilemmas in the context of several worldwide trends that shape priority health needs. 因此,我认为,在影响优先健康需求的几个全球性趋势中来审视潜在利益、风险和伦理难题,不失为一种明智的做法。

    We are not sure we know all the questions that need to be asked. 对所有需要了解的问题是什么,我们也尚不确定。


    vt. & vi. 卖; 售; 销

    vt. 经销; 推销;出卖, 背叛

    hard-pressed    ['hɑ:dprest]

    adj. 被紧紧追赶的;任务紧急而繁忙的;处境艰难的

    sell:  idea/ plan

    to try to make someone accept a new idea or plan, or to become accepted

    It's all right for Washington, but will it sell in small-town America

    sell something to somebody

    It's hard for any government to sell new taxes to the electorate.

    sell somebody something

    managers selling employees the new working hours

    be sold on doing something =think an idea or plan is very good

    Joe's completely sold on the concept





    I would be hard-pressed to sell these countries on the advantages of artificial intelligence when even standard machines for analysing patient samples or sterilising equipment cannot run for want of electrical supplies. 在这些国家,因为缺乏电力供应,连用于分析患者样本或消毒设备的标准机器都不能运转,我也实在很难再向他们宣传人工智能的优势。

    ubiquitous  [juːˈbikwitəs]


    ready to hand 手头备用的; 伸手可取; 便捷可得的

    ready to eat 即食食品;速煮食品;方便食品

    ready to wear  (衣服)立即可穿的,成衣

    ready to order  准备点菜;准备订货

    At the same time, I have also observed the ubiquitous presence of smartphone even in the most resource-restrained settings. 同时,我也看到智能手机无处不在,即使在资源最有限的环境中也是如此。

    Schools may not have toilets or late ones. Children may not have shoes. But smartphones are ready to hand. 学校可能没有厕所,孩子们可能没有鞋子,但智能手机却便捷可得。

    dichotomy    [dai'kɔtəmi]

    n. 二分法;两分;分裂;双歧分枝

    [ 复数 dichotomies  ]

    ageing    ['eidʒiŋ]

    n. (材料自然或人为的)老化;变老,衰老

    adj. 变老的,上了年纪的;到了使用寿命的

    v. 变老;使……苍老;成熟(age 的现在分词)

    population ageing 人口老龄化

    rapid unplanned urbanisation 迅速无序的城市化

    globalized marketing of unhealthy products 不健康产品的全球性营销

    an overloaded health workforce 超负荷工作的医护人员

    between visits to a doctor 两次就诊之间

    health facilities  卫生设施;保健设施;保健设备(health facility的复数形式);卫生医疗设备

    the delivery of health care 医疗保健服务


    take something somewhere不及物动词和及物动词

    to take goods, letters, packages etc to a particular place or person

    The morning mail has just been delivered.

    Do you deliver on Saturdays

    deliver something to somebody

    They set off to deliver supplies to an isolated village.

    Im having some flowers delivered for her birthday



          本文标题:第九单元 医疗领域人工智能发展
