* Creates an input event receiver bound to the specified input channel.
* @param inputChannel The input channel.
* @param looper The looper to use when invoking callbacks.
public InputEventReceiver(InputChannel inputChannel, Looper looper) {
if (inputChannel == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("inputChannel must not be null");
if (looper == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("looper must not be null");
mInputChannel = inputChannel;
mMessageQueue = looper.getQueue();
mReceiverPtr = nativeInit(new WeakReference<InputEventReceiver>(this),
inputChannel, mMessageQueue);"dispose");
// Called from native code.
private void dispatchInputEvent(int seq, InputEvent event, int displayId) {
mSeqMap.put(event.getSequenceNumber(), seq);
onInputEvent(event, displayId);
* Called when an input event is received.
* The recipient should process the input event and then call {@link #finishInputEvent}
* to indicate whether the event was handled. No new input events will be received
* until {@link #finishInputEvent} is called.
* @param displayId The display id on which input event triggered.
* @param event The input event that was received.
public void onInputEvent(InputEvent event, int displayId) {
finishInputEvent(event, false);
public void onInputEvent(InputEvent event, int displayId) {
enqueueInputEvent(event, this, 0, true);
void enqueueInputEvent(InputEvent event,
InputEventReceiver receiver, int flags, boolean processImmediately) {
QueuedInputEvent q = obtainQueuedInputEvent(event, receiver, flags);
// Always enqueue the input event in order, regardless of its time stamp.
// We do this because the application or the IME may inject key events
// in response to touch events and we want to ensure that the injected keys
// are processed in the order they were received and we cannot trust that
// the time stamp of injected events are monotonic.
QueuedInputEvent last = mPendingInputEventTail;
if (last == null) {
mPendingInputEventHead = q;
mPendingInputEventTail = q;
} else {
last.mNext = q;
mPendingInputEventTail = q;
mPendingInputEventCount += 1;
Trace.traceCounter(Trace.TRACE_TAG_INPUT, mPendingInputEventQueueLengthCounterName,
if (processImmediately) {
} else {
此方法给mPendingInputEventHead 链表赋值,mPendingInputEventHead的类是QueuedInputEvent ,QueuedInputEvent 是用来存储输入事件Input Event的链表数据结构,供deliverInputEvent方法分发;参数processImmediately是立即执行的意思,true的话直接调用doProcessInputEvents,false调用scheduleProcessInputEvents方法,发送一个异步消息,最终也会调用doProcessInputEvents方法,doProcessInputEvents方法的实现:
void doProcessInputEvents() {
// Deliver all pending input events in the queue.
while (mPendingInputEventHead != null) {
QueuedInputEvent q = mPendingInputEventHead;
mPendingInputEventHead = q.mNext;
if (mPendingInputEventHead == null) {
mPendingInputEventTail = null;
q.mNext = null;
mPendingInputEventCount -= 1;
Trace.traceCounter(Trace.TRACE_TAG_INPUT, mPendingInputEventQueueLengthCounterName,
long eventTime = q.mEvent.getEventTimeNano();
long oldestEventTime = eventTime;
if (q.mEvent instanceof MotionEvent) {
MotionEvent me = (MotionEvent)q.mEvent;
if (me.getHistorySize() > 0) {
oldestEventTime = me.getHistoricalEventTimeNano(0);
mChoreographer.mFrameInfo.updateInputEventTime(eventTime, oldestEventTime);
// We are done processing all input events that we can process right now
// so we can clear the pending flag immediately.
if (mProcessInputEventsScheduled) {
mProcessInputEventsScheduled = false;
private void deliverInputEvent(QueuedInputEvent q) {
Trace.asyncTraceBegin(Trace.TRACE_TAG_VIEW, "deliverInputEvent",
if (mInputEventConsistencyVerifier != null) {
mInputEventConsistencyVerifier.onInputEvent(q.mEvent, 0);
InputStage stage;
if (q.shouldSendToSynthesizer()) {
stage = mSyntheticInputStage;
} else {
stage = q.shouldSkipIme() ? mFirstPostImeInputStage : mFirstInputStage;
if (q.mEvent instanceof KeyEvent) {
mUnhandledKeyManager.preDispatch((KeyEvent) q.mEvent);
if (stage != null) {
} else {
deliverInputEvent方法中产生InputStage对象,q.shouldSendToSynthesizer()返回的是fasle,因此stage的取值从mFirstPostImeInputStage : mFirstInputStage这两个里面选一个,q.shouldSkipIme()方法:
public boolean shouldSkipIme() {
if ((mFlags & FLAG_DELIVER_POST_IME) != 0) {
return true;
return mEvent instanceof MotionEvent
&& (mEvent.isFromSource(InputDevice.SOURCE_CLASS_POINTER)
|| mEvent.isFromSource(InputDevice.SOURCE_ROTARY_ENCODER));
mFlags在QueuedInputEvent初始化的时候是0,与FLAG_DELIVER_POST_IME做异或运算之后为0,因此主要看后面return的判断,而SOURCE_CLASS_POINTER,SOURCE_ROTARY_ENCODER的注释是触摸屏幕,鼠标或者轨迹球事件,因此正常的触摸事件在shouldSkipIme方法中会返回true,所以stage在这里就是mFirstPostImeInputStage ,而mFirstPostImeInputStage 在setView方法中赋值为:
public void setView(View view, WindowManager.LayoutParams attrs, View panelParentView) {
// Set up the input pipeline.
CharSequence counterSuffix = attrs.getTitle();
mSyntheticInputStage = new SyntheticInputStage();
InputStage viewPostImeStage = new ViewPostImeInputStage(mSyntheticInputStage);
InputStage nativePostImeStage = new NativePostImeInputStage(viewPostImeStage,
"aq:native-post-ime:" + counterSuffix);
InputStage earlyPostImeStage = new EarlyPostImeInputStage(nativePostImeStage);
InputStage imeStage = new ImeInputStage(earlyPostImeStage,
"aq:ime:" + counterSuffix);
InputStage viewPreImeStage = new ViewPreImeInputStage(imeStage);
InputStage nativePreImeStage = new NativePreImeInputStage(viewPreImeStage,
"aq:native-pre-ime:" + counterSuffix);
mFirstInputStage = nativePreImeStage;
mFirstPostImeInputStage = earlyPostImeStage;
mPendingInputEventQueueLengthCounterName = "aq:pending:" + counterSuffix;
* Base class for implementing a stage in the chain of responsibility
* for processing input events.
* <p>
* Events are delivered to the stage by the {@link #deliver} method. The stage
* then has the choice of finishing the event or forwarding it to the next stage.
* </p>
abstract class InputStage {
private final InputStage mNext;
protected static final int FORWARD = 0;
protected static final int FINISH_HANDLED = 1;
protected static final int FINISH_NOT_HANDLED = 2;
* Creates an input stage.
* @param next The next stage to which events should be forwarded.
public InputStage(InputStage next) {
mNext = next;
* Delivers an event to be processed.
public final void deliver(QueuedInputEvent q) {
if ((q.mFlags & QueuedInputEvent.FLAG_FINISHED) != 0) {
} else if (shouldDropInputEvent(q)) {
finish(q, false);
} else {
apply(q, onProcess(q));
* Marks the the input event as finished then forwards it to the next stage.
protected void finish(QueuedInputEvent q, boolean handled) {
q.mFlags |= QueuedInputEvent.FLAG_FINISHED;
if (handled) {
q.mFlags |= QueuedInputEvent.FLAG_FINISHED_HANDLED;
* Forwards the event to the next stage.
protected void forward(QueuedInputEvent q) {
* Applies a result code from {@link #onProcess} to the specified event.
protected void apply(QueuedInputEvent q, int result) {
if (result == FORWARD) {
} else if (result == FINISH_HANDLED) {
finish(q, true);
} else if (result == FINISH_NOT_HANDLED) {
finish(q, false);
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid result: " + result);
* Called when an event is ready to be processed.
* @return A result code indicating how the event was handled.
protected int onProcess(QueuedInputEvent q) {
return FORWARD;
* Called when an event is being delivered to the next stage.
protected void onDeliverToNext(QueuedInputEvent q) {
Log.v(mTag, "Done with " + getClass().getSimpleName() + ". " + q);
if (mNext != null) {
} else {
* Delivers post-ime input events to the view hierarchy.
final class ViewPostImeInputStage extends InputStage {
public ViewPostImeInputStage(InputStage next) {
protected int onProcess(QueuedInputEvent q) {
if (q.mEvent instanceof KeyEvent) {
return processKeyEvent(q);
} else {
final int source = q.mEvent.getSource();
if ((source & InputDevice.SOURCE_CLASS_POINTER) != 0) {
return processPointerEvent(q);
} else if ((source & InputDevice.SOURCE_CLASS_TRACKBALL) != 0) {
return processTrackballEvent(q);
} else {
return processGenericMotionEvent(q);
private int processPointerEvent(QueuedInputEvent q) {
final MotionEvent event = (MotionEvent)q.mEvent;
mAttachInfo.mUnbufferedDispatchRequested = false;
mAttachInfo.mHandlingPointerEvent = true;
boolean handled = mView.dispatchPointerEvent(event);
mAttachInfo.mHandlingPointerEvent = false;
if (mAttachInfo.mUnbufferedDispatchRequested && !mUnbufferedInputDispatch) {
mUnbufferedInputDispatch = true;
if (mConsumeBatchedInputScheduled) {
return handled ? FINISH_HANDLED : FORWARD;
public void setView(View view, WindowManager.LayoutParams attrs, View panelParentView) {
synchronized (this) {
if (mView == null) {
mView = view;
public void addView(View view, ViewGroup.LayoutParams params,
Display display, Window parentWindow) {
if (view == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("view must not be null");
if (display == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("display must not be null");
if (!(params instanceof WindowManager.LayoutParams)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Params must be WindowManager.LayoutParams");
final WindowManager.LayoutParams wparams = (WindowManager.LayoutParams) params;
if (parentWindow != null) {
} else {
// If there's no parent, then hardware acceleration for this view is
// set from the application's hardware acceleration setting.
final Context context = view.getContext();
if (context != null
&& (context.getApplicationInfo().flags
& ApplicationInfo.FLAG_HARDWARE_ACCELERATED) != 0) {
wparams.flags |= WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_HARDWARE_ACCELERATED;
ViewRootImpl root;
View panelParentView = null;
synchronized (mLock) {
// Start watching for system property changes.
if (mSystemPropertyUpdater == null) {
mSystemPropertyUpdater = new Runnable() {
@Override public void run() {
synchronized (mLock) {
for (int i = mRoots.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
int index = findViewLocked(view, false);
if (index >= 0) {
if (mDyingViews.contains(view)) {
// Don't wait for MSG_DIE to make it's way through root's queue.
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException("View " + view
+ " has already been added to the window manager.");
// The previous removeView() had not completed executing. Now it has.
// If this is a panel window, then find the window it is being
// attached to for future reference.
if (wparams.type >= WindowManager.LayoutParams.FIRST_SUB_WINDOW &&
wparams.type <= WindowManager.LayoutParams.LAST_SUB_WINDOW) {
final int count = mViews.size();
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
if (mRoots.get(i).mWindow.asBinder() == wparams.token) {
panelParentView = mViews.get(i);
root = new ViewRootImpl(view.getContext(), display);
// do this last because it fires off messages to start doing things
try {
root.setView(view, wparams, panelParentView);
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
// BadTokenException or InvalidDisplayException, clean up.
if (index >= 0) {
removeViewLocked(index, true);
throw e;
public void addView(@NonNull View view, @NonNull ViewGroup.LayoutParams params) {
mGlobal.addView(view, params, mContext.getDisplay(), mParentWindow);
void makeVisible() {
if (!mWindowAdded) {
ViewManager wm = getWindowManager();
wm.addView(mDecor, getWindow().getAttributes());
mWindowAdded = true;