从本篇文章/音频/视频中我学到的最重要的概念:1 ,a time for memories
2:Mother's love for her daughter is priceless
3:Every mother loves his children
4:A little thing can give my love to my mother
gathering n 集会 聚会
scent n 气味
inquiry n 查询
disturbing adj 令人不安的 担心的
acquaint v 使某人了解 把…某人通知
indicate v表示 标示
awkward adj 尴尬
alarming adj 恐惧的 惊恐的
option 可选择的办法
accomplishment n 才能 文艺
treat n 难得的乐事
soak v 渗透 渗入
giant 特大的 巨大的
sway .. ..v 摇摆 摇动
breeze n 微风 和风
3,在本片文章/音频/视频中我最喜欢的一句话:Holding my son in my arms ,l was happy for him ,just the way l knew my mother had been happy for me all those years ago when l told her l was geting married.
Each year of their growth seemed to match our increasingly close relationship and the deepening love we had for each other.
做题时对于一道题比较纠结 如:文章中说的是she is sad 题中:she is very sad.感觉程度上不一样。
6,我的一些其他感受和收获 :
母亲对孩子的爱是无可代替的,明白父母的苦心 我最深的感受是我做的还不太好,对于父母这一词的理解还在表面层次,
7,下次学习的努力方向 :争取练好音标的发音。每天10分钟的练习。