

作者: hejiwen | 来源:发表于2015-06-26 11:13 被阅读0次

    3 StepsTo Succeeding In Today's Digital Economy


    The entirety ofwhat we touch, say, and do produces data – and our fingerprints are digitallyover it all. On any particular day, over 1.3 billion people are connecting witheach other on social media. About 9 billion sensors are following a lot of whatis created, purchased, and shipped. And all of this action generates data –quite a bit of it.


    Notwithstanding,each piece of data is certainly not created all by itself. Alternately, it is asymbol of various complex connections between people, instruments andbusinesses. It’s easy to see these connections working, what with theestablishment of ‘smart’ cars, smartphones, and other interactive devices.


    As businesses goon using technology and add to this sea of data, the Internet of Things (IoT) –which yours truly predicted about a year and a half ago Could Be The BiggestThing In Retail And It’s NotMobile– starts to take a more paramount role in the synergy of commerce andcommunity. Gartner predicts that the number of linked devices in the IoT willmultiply nearly thirty-fold in just a little more than a decade, increasingfrom about 900 million connected devices in 2009 to plus 26 billion by 2020.The result will be everything – businesses, processes, data, everythingtangible, in fact – will be interconnected in a network.


    Customers use digital menu screens to order food at McDonald’s Corp.’s 505th Russian fastfood restaurant on its opening day at the Central Children’s Mall inMoscow,Russia,on Thursday, June 11, 2015. Europe was a bright spot for a company strugglingwith sluggish demand in bothAsiaand its homecountry.


    In today’s digitaleconomy these factors are not the only ones that need to be taken into accountin order to be successful. Here are several more crucial steps to consider:


    1. DisruptiveMarketing

    Richard Hollis,CEO of Holonis, an online correlated marketing platform for digital businessmarketing, says “With today’s powerful digital technology, businesses areliterally rebooting the economy with enterprise level software that formerlywas only available and affordable for giant corporations. That software is nowstandard for medium and small businesses that want to integrate all theirmarketing and advertising into one simple process that challenges the existingthinking and expectations of the marketplace. This is what is meant bydisruptive marketing.”


    Holonis是一个数字营销业务的在线关联营销平台,它的首席执行官Richard Hollis说:“拥有当前强有力的数字工具,企业可以通过之前只有大公司才能担负起的企业级软件重新启动经济。中小型企业标准化软件希望将所有的营销和广告集成到一个挑战现有市场思维和期望的简单过程,这就是所谓的颠覆性营销。”

    This means, amongother things, that even the smallest businesses can now get on the bandwagonwith the latest disruptive marketing trends like experimental video andtransmedia storytelling.


    2. Your businesscan help consumers to a better, more plugged-in life

    For ordinaryconsumers, this means a chance to lead safer, less complicated lives. Forinstance, connected cars are engineered to make driving more secure and shrinkcommute times due to connected instruments, real-time vehicle-to-vehiclecommunications, and previous route preference. When your product or service isviewed in this light, the ROI is bound to increase.


    There is also the opportunity to share resources in a more accountable way. This type of world-wide sharing of materials is increasing in popularity due to startups such as Zipcar, Uber and Airbnb. By acting with business networks that facilitate businesses to conduct trade between buyers and sellers that is as convenient and simple as personal shopping networks like Amazon or Alibaba,consumers are coming to expect the same kind of easeand simplicity from every business and service they use. When you can deliveron that kind of consumer expectation you can expect increased customer loyalty.

    这同样还是以更加负责任的方式分享资源的一个机会。这种世界范围内分享资源的方式正由于像Zipcar, Uber以及Airbnb这些创业公司的出现而不断增加。通过与协助买家与卖家进行贸易的商务网络,比如Amazon和Alibaba这样简单方便的购物网络合作,消费者就会期盼从他们使用的任何企业和服务中能够体验到同样的简单和方便。如果你能满足这样的客户期望,那么就会增加客户忠诚度。

    3. How fast canyou and your organization adapt?

    When a companydecides to ignore the changes inherent in a networked economy, the result canbe extremely damaging. “The imperative for business leaders is clear: fallingbehind in creating internal and external networks could be a critical mistake,”research from McKinsey & Companyconcludes. The keystone to taking fulladvantage of the ever-changing digital economy is acceleration in gaining theproper insights at just the right time. This era of exceptional hyper-connectivitycalls for real-time enterprise on the part of management.


    当一个企业决定忽视网络经济内在的变化时,那么结果就会很糟。McKinsey & Company的研究总结道,“企业领导的当务之急非常清晰:滞后创建内部和外部网络是个严重的失误”。充分利用不断变化的数字经济的关键点就是在合适的时间加速获取正确的见解。这个卓越的超链接时代需要实时企业管理。




