

作者: 一只虾米菌 | 来源:发表于2021-05-02 15:54 被阅读0次

Summer is a charming word,the part of time never let you down.

Spring is sneaking away,the green gets tender and strong.

Temperature up and down,then ups and ups,sometimes the rain clasp.

Wrinkle face is the field in that time,different vegetables and fruits coming up endlessly.

The purple eggplant,dark purple grape,green chili,brown further kiwi,yellow mango,pink peach,stripe watermelon,once think about it,the saliva just fulfill my mouth.

There is a sharp feeling in my mind,that great love stories should happen in the season,magical environment should buff up the taste of love.

Chinese songs translation.

fall in the sea,look like a piece of dirt,all the things gone,covered the by the unsure things,whom will you hug with and be loved.

seems all the word is like a big lie which you left out.there is no if,no longer love you any more,memorize your good action in the midnight but pass away your things,too much things I have to care and cherish.I have to admit I am not love any more.

The night has its star,the cloudy has its droppings,the tiny me only own you.The honey in the air,I just wanna slipped into your heavy coat.To against with strong rains. Seems like the outline of us.


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