Words & Phrases
1.admittedly ad.
used when you are admitting that something is true:
E.g. This has led to financial losses, though admittedly on a fairly small scale.
2.prerequisite n.
something that is necessary before something else can happen or be done:
prerequisite for of to
E.g. A reasonable proficiency in English is a prerequisite for the course.
3.inert a.
If anything is passive , it is the ball. It is the inert thing that is put in motion or stopped.
a)not moving, or not having the strength or power to move
b)not producing a chemical reaction when combined with other substance
c)not willing to do anything
4.There is sense in which we moderns are inundated with facts to the detriment of understanding.
a)be inundated with/by sth
to receive so much of something that you cannot easily deal with it all [应接不暇]
E.g. After the broadcast, we were inundated with requests for more information.
b)to the detriment of sth
resulting in harm or damage to something
E.g. He worked very long hours, to the detriment of his marriage.
5.present sb with sth
a)to give something to someone, for example at a formal or official occasion
E.g. She was presented with an award.
b)to cause something to happen or exist
I knew I had presented her with an impossible task.
6.pull haul yourself up by your bootstraps
to improve your position and get out of a difficult situation by your own efforts, without help from other people自力更生[改善境遇 摆脱困境]

读完第一章我发现上了这么多年学,我确实是新时代的文盲。在这个信息爆炸的时代,我们每天要接受太多的信息,但我自知这些快速信息都是垃圾,就像李笑来说的,知识不会爆炸,爆炸的都是垃圾。每天用手机刷出来的订阅号微博朋友圈,都是让人看的想吐的东西,因为看这些的时候很少有人会去思考,盲目认同。我真的很懒,从来不想主动思考问题,这实在是很可怕。这本书反复强调the understanding of reading,简直是在不断的告诫我,你要自己思考啊,要主动的想问什么啊。书不在多在于精,读书是要引发思考的,而不是像我以前读完就读完了,以后别人提到,只会说,啊我读过那本书,但其实和没读一样。