第一部分 日志
- 日志组织架构
class LogSegment private[log] (val log: FileRecords,
val lazyOffsetIndex: LazyIndex[OffsetIndex],
val lazyTimeIndex: LazyIndex[TimeIndex],
val txnIndex: TransactionIndex,
val baseOffset: Long,
val indexIntervalBytes: Int,
val rollJitterMs: Long,
val time: Time)
filerecords: 实际保存kafka的消息对象
indexIntervalBytes 其实就是 Broker 端参数 log.index.interval.bytes 值,它控制了日志段对象新增索引项的频率。默认情况下,日志段至少新写入 4KB 的消息数据才会新增一条索引项。而 rollJitterMs 是日志段对象新增倒计时的“扰动值”。因为目前 Broker 端日志段新增倒计时是全局设置,这就是说,在未来的某个时刻可能同时创建多个日志段对象,这将极大地增加物理磁盘 I/O 压力。有了 rollJitterMs 值的干扰,每个新增日志段在创建时会彼此岔开一小段时间,这样可以缓解物理磁盘的 I/O 负载瓶颈。
baseoffset : 每个日志端保存自己的起始位移大小,一旦对象呗创建,则是固定的,不能再被修改
append 方法
* Append the given messages starting with the given offset. Add
* an entry to the index if needed.
* It is assumed this method is being called from within a lock.
* @param largestOffset The last offset in the message set 最大位移
* @param largestTimestamp The largest timestamp in the message set. 最大时间戳
* @param shallowOffsetOfMaxTimestamp The offset of the message that has the largest timestamp in the messages to append. 最大时间戳对应的消息位移
* @param records The log entries to append. 真正要写入的消息集合
* @return the physical position in the file of the appended records
* @throws LogSegmentOffsetOverflowException if the largest offset causes index offset overflow
def append(largestOffset: Long,
largestTimestamp: Long,
shallowOffsetOfMaxTimestamp: Long,
records: MemoryRecords): Unit = {
if (records.sizeInBytes > 0) {
trace(s"Inserting ${records.sizeInBytes} bytes at end offset $largestOffset at position ${log.sizeInBytes} " +
s"with largest timestamp $largestTimestamp at shallow offset $shallowOffsetOfMaxTimestamp")
val physicalPosition = log.sizeInBytes()
if (physicalPosition == 0)
rollingBasedTimestamp = Some(largestTimestamp)
// 确保输入参数最大位移值是合法的, 确保lastest-baseoffset = [0,Int.MaxValue]之间 ,这是一个已知常见的问题
// append真正的写入,将内存中的消息对象写入操作系统的页缓存当中去
// append the messages
val appendedBytes = log.append(records)
trace(s"Appended $appendedBytes to ${log.file} at end offset $largestOffset")
// Update the in memory max timestamp and corresponding offset. 更新最大日志最大时间戳,最大时间戳所属的位移值属性,每个日志段都要保存最大时间戳信息和所属消息的位移信息
if (largestTimestamp > maxTimestampSoFar) {
maxTimestampSoFar = largestTimestamp
offsetOfMaxTimestampSoFar = shallowOffsetOfMaxTimestamp
// append an entry to the index (if needed) 更新索引项,以及写入的字节数;日志端没写入4KB,数据就要更新索引项,当写入字节数操作4KB的时候,append方法会调用索引对象的append方法新增索引项,同时清空已写入的字节数目
if (bytesSinceLastIndexEntry > indexIntervalBytes) {
offsetIndex.append(largestOffset, physicalPosition)
timeIndex.maybeAppend(maxTimestampSoFar, offsetOfMaxTimestampSoFar)
bytesSinceLastIndexEntry = 0
bytesSinceLastIndexEntry += records.sizeInBytes
read 方法
* Read a message set from this segment beginning with the first offset >= startOffset. The message set will include
* no more than maxSize bytes and will end before maxOffset if a maxOffset is specified.
* @param startOffset A lower bound on the first offset to include in the message set we read 要读取的第一条信息位移
* @param maxSize The maximum number of bytes to include in the message set we read 能读取的最大字节数
* @param maxPosition The maximum position in the log segment that should be exposed for read 能读到的最大文件位置
* @param minOneMessage If this is true, the first message will be returned even if it exceeds `maxSize` (if one exists) 是否允许在消息体过大时,至少返回地第一条信息(为了保证不出现消费饿死的情况)
* @return The fetched data and the offset metadata of the first message whose offset is >= startOffset,
* or null if the startOffset is larger than the largest offset in this log
def read(startOffset: Long,
maxSize: Int,
maxPosition: Long = size,
minOneMessage: Boolean = false): FetchDataInfo = {
if (maxSize < 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Invalid max size $maxSize for log read from segment $log")
// 定位要读取的起始文件位置, kafka要更加索引信息找到对应物理文件位置才开始读取消息
val startOffsetAndSize = translateOffset(startOffset)
// if the start position is already off the end of the log, return null
if (startOffsetAndSize == null)
return null
val startPosition = startOffsetAndSize.position
val offsetMetadata = LogOffsetMetadata(startOffset, this.baseOffset, startPosition)
val adjustedMaxSize =
if (minOneMessage) math.max(maxSize, startOffsetAndSize.size)
else maxSize
// return a log segment but with zero size in the case below
if (adjustedMaxSize == 0)
return FetchDataInfo(offsetMetadata, MemoryRecords.EMPTY)
// calculate the length of the message set to read based on whether or not they gave us a maxOffset
//举个例子,假设 maxSize=100,maxPosition=300,startPosition=250,那么 read 方法只能读取 50 字节,因为 maxPosition - startPosition = 50。我们把它和 maxSize 参数相比较,其中的最小值就是最终能够读取的总字节数。
val fetchSize: Int = min((maxPosition - startPosition).toInt, adjustedMaxSize)
// 从指定位置开始读取指定大小的消息集合
FetchDataInfo(offsetMetadata, log.slice(startPosition, fetchSize),
firstEntryIncomplete = adjustedMaxSize < startOffsetAndSize.size)
* Run recovery on the given segment. This will rebuild the index from the log file and lop off any invalid bytes
* from the end of the log and index.
* Broker 在启动时会从磁盘上加载所有日志段信息到内存中,并创建相应的 LogSegment 对象实例。在这个过程中,它需要执行一系列的操作。
* @param producerStateManager Producer state corresponding to the segment's base offset. This is needed to recover
* the transaction index.
* @param leaderEpochCache Optionally a cache for updating the leader epoch during recovery.
* @return The number of bytes truncated from the log
* @throws LogSegmentOffsetOverflowException if the log segment contains an offset that causes the index offset to overflow
def recover(producerStateManager: ProducerStateManager, leaderEpochCache: Option[LeaderEpochFileCache] = None): Int = {
var validBytes = 0
var lastIndexEntry = 0
maxTimestampSoFar = RecordBatch.NO_TIMESTAMP
try {
for (batch <- log.batches.asScala) {
// The max timestamp is exposed at the batch level, so no need to iterate the records
if (batch.maxTimestamp > maxTimestampSoFar) {
maxTimestampSoFar = batch.maxTimestamp
offsetOfMaxTimestampSoFar = batch.lastOffset
// Build offset index
if (validBytes - lastIndexEntry > indexIntervalBytes) {
offsetIndex.append(batch.lastOffset, validBytes)
timeIndex.maybeAppend(maxTimestampSoFar, offsetOfMaxTimestampSoFar)
lastIndexEntry = validBytes
validBytes += batch.sizeInBytes()
if (batch.magic >= RecordBatch.MAGIC_VALUE_V2) {
leaderEpochCache.foreach { cache =>
if (batch.partitionLeaderEpoch >= 0 && cache.latestEpoch.forall(batch.partitionLeaderEpoch > _))
cache.assign(batch.partitionLeaderEpoch, batch.baseOffset)
updateProducerState(producerStateManager, batch)
} catch {
case e@ (_: CorruptRecordException | _: InvalidRecordException) =>
warn("Found invalid messages in log segment %s at byte offset %d: %s. %s"
.format(log.file.getAbsolutePath, validBytes, e.getMessage, e.getCause))
val truncated = log.sizeInBytes - validBytes
if (truncated > 0)
debug(s"Truncated $truncated invalid bytes at the end of segment ${log.file.getAbsoluteFile} during recovery")
// A normally closed segment always appends the biggest timestamp ever seen into log segment, we do this as well.
timeIndex.maybeAppend(maxTimestampSoFar, offsetOfMaxTimestampSoFar, skipFullCheck = true)
recover 开始时,代码依次调用索引对象的 reset 方法清空所有的索引文件,之后会开始遍历日志段中的所有消息集合或消息批次(RecordBatch)。对于读取到的每个消息集合,日志段必须要确保它们是合法的,这主要体现在两个方面:该集合中的消息必须要符合 Kafka 定义的二进制格式;该集合中最后一条消息的位移值不能越界,即它与日志段起始位移的差值必须是一个正整数值。