Edge-X 设备服务开发
一,设备驱动(device driver) 核心接口
/ ProtocolDriver is a low-level device-specific interface used by
// by other components of an EdgeX Device Service to interact with
// a specific class of devices.
type ProtocolDriver interface {
// Initialize performs protocol-specific initialization for the device
// service. The given *AsyncValues channel can be used to push asynchronous
// events and readings to Core Data.
Initialize(lc logger.LoggingClient, asyncCh chan<- *AsyncValues) error
// HandleReadCommands passes a slice of CommandRequest struct each representing
// a ResourceOperation for a specific device resource.
HandleReadCommands(deviceName string, protocols map[string]contract.ProtocolProperties, reqs []CommandRequest) ([]*CommandValue, error)
// HandleWriteCommands passes a slice of CommandRequest struct each representing
// a ResourceOperation for a specific device resource.
// Since the commands are actuation commands, params provide parameters for the individual
// command.
HandleWriteCommands(deviceName string, protocols map[string]contract.ProtocolProperties, reqs []CommandRequest, params []*CommandValue) error
// Stop instructs the protocol-specific DS code to shutdown gracefully, or
// if the force parameter is 'true', immediately. The driver is responsible
// for closing any in-use channels, including the channel used to send async
// readings (if supported).
Stop(force bool) error
// AddDevice is a callback function that is invoked
// when a new Device associated with this Device Service is added
AddDevice(deviceName string, protocols map[string]contract.ProtocolProperties, adminState contract.AdminState) error
// UpdateDevice is a callback function that is invoked
// when a Device associated with this Device Service is updated
UpdateDevice(deviceName string, protocols map[string]contract.ProtocolProperties, adminState contract.AdminState) error
// RemoveDevice is a callback function that is invoked
// when a Device associated with this Device Service is removed
RemoveDevice(deviceName string, protocols map[string]contract.ProtocolProperties) error
// AsyncValues : 异步通道,用来做异步事件发送
Initialize(lc logger.LoggingClient, asyncCh chan<- *AsyncValues) error
HandleWriteCommands(deviceName string, protocols map[string]contract.ProtocolProperties, reqs []CommandRequest, params []*CommandValue) error
deviceName string: 设备名
protocols map[string]contract.ProtocolProperties:设备的连接信息
reqs []CommandRequest:指令请求,可以是多条
params []*CommandValue:指令值,可以是多个返回值,与reqs的数量通常是对应的
在这里有一个设计:在HandleWriteCommands时,reqs 与params 是分开的,本意是分别代别请求的资源和参数,其中的结构体成员有重复;
// ProtocolProperties contains the device connection information in key/value pair
type ProtocolProperties map[string]string
// CommandRequest is the struct for requesting a command to ProtocolDrivers
type CommandRequest struct {
// DeviceResourceName is the name of Device Resource for this command
// 例如一个设备的功能项(资源项名称),例如可以是属性的名字
DeviceResourceName string
// Attributes is a key/value map to represent the attributes of the Device Resource
// 这个看起来是非必须的,资源名可以唯一约束时,Attributes的补充看起来非必须
Attributes map[string]string
// Type is the data type of the Device Resource
Type ValueType
// CommandValue is the struct to represent the reading value of a Get command coming
// from ProtocolDrivers or the parameter of a Put command sending to ProtocolDrivers.
type CommandValue struct {
// DeviceResourceName is the name of Device Resource for this command
DeviceResourceName string
// Origin is an int64 value which indicates the time the reading
// contained in the CommandValue was read by the ProtocolDriver
// instance.
// 当前值生成的时间
Origin int64
// Type is a ValueType value which indicates what type of
// value was returned from the ProtocolDriver instance in
// response to HandleCommand being called to handle a single
// ResourceOperation.
// 当前返回值的类型,指示从后续的那个结构体中去取值(NumericValue,stringValue,BinValue)
Type ValueType
// NumericValue is a byte slice with a maximum capacity of
// 64 bytes, used to hold a numeric value returned by a
// ProtocolDriver instance. The value can be converted to
// its native type by referring to the the value of ResType.
NumericValue []byte
// stringValue is a string value returned as a value by a ProtocolDriver instance.
stringValue string
// BinValue is a CBOR encoded binary value with a maximum
// capacity of 1MB, used to hold binary values returned
// by a ProtocolDriver instance. Its decoded value is externally accessed
// using BinaryValue() method
BinValue []byte
// HandleReadCommands passes a slice of CommandRequest struct each representing
// a ResourceOperation for a specific device resource.
HandleReadCommands(deviceName string, protocols map[string]contract.ProtocolProperties, reqs []CommandRequest) ([]*CommandValue, error)
// Stop instructs the protocol-specific DS code to shutdown gracefully, or
// if the force parameter is 'true', immediately. The driver is responsible
// for closing any in-use channels, including the channel used to send async
// readings (if supported).
Stop(force bool) error
// AddDevice is a callback function that is invoked
// when a new Device associated with this Device Service is added
AddDevice(deviceName string, protocols map[string]contract.ProtocolProperties, adminState contract.AdminState) error
// UpdateDevice is a callback function that is invoked
// when a Device associated with this Device Service is updated
UpdateDevice(deviceName string, protocols map[string]contract.ProtocolProperties, adminState contract.AdminState) error
// RemoveDevice is a callback function that is invoked
// when a Device associated with this Device Service is removed
RemoveDevice(deviceName string, protocols map[string]contract.ProtocolProperties) error