Ceph Luminous手动解决pg分布不均衡问题

Ceph Luminous手动解决pg分布不均衡问题

作者: 咏箢 | 来源:发表于2018-12-18 15:56 被阅读104次


    在ceph出现了数据分布不均衡的时候,我们可以选择人工干预,通过调整pg分布来 达到数据(大致)均衡。
    从Luminous v12.2.z开始,OSDMap中有一个新的pg-upmap异常表,允许集群将特定的PG显式映射到特定的OSD。本文记录一次该方案的实践。




    • 环境ceph版本
    [root@node1 ~]# ceph version
    ceph version 12.2.8 (ae699615bac534ea496ee965ac6192cb7e0e07c0) luminous (stable)
    [root@node1 ~]# 
    • 环境ceph状态
    [root@node1 ~]# ceph -s
        id:     3825da34-808e-48e3-865d-15e14ab46d66
        health: HEALTH_ERR
                1 full osd(s)
                7 pool(s) full
        mon: 1 daemons, quorum node1
        mgr: node1(active)
        mds: infinityfs1-1/1/1 up  {0=node1=up:active}
        osd: 14 osds: 14 up, 14 in
        rgw: 1 daemon active
        pools:   9 pools, 680 pgs
        objects: 2.23M objects, 12.3TiB
        usage:   18.5TiB used, 3.64TiB / 22.1TiB avail
        pgs:     680 active+clean
    [root@node1 ~]# 
    • osd的容量信息如下,发现osd.5使用率达到99%,而同一存储池使用的其他osd的使用率最少的使用才70%几,所以采用人工干预,使其均衡。
    [root@node1 ~]# ceph osd df
     3   ssd 0.13599  1.00000  140GiB 1.00GiB  139GiB  0.72 0.01 128 
    10   ssd 0.13599  1.00000  140GiB 1.00GiB  139GiB  0.72 0.01 129 
     0   hdd 1.81898  1.00000 1.82TiB 1.59TiB  236GiB 87.32 1.05 149 
     1   hdd 1.81898  1.00000 1.82TiB 1.54TiB  286GiB 84.65 1.01 130 
     2   hdd 1.81898  1.00000 1.82TiB 1.59TiB  237GiB 87.26 1.04 127 
     4   hdd 1.81898  1.00000 1.82TiB 1.56TiB  267GiB 85.65 1.03 135 
     5   hdd 1.81898  1.00000 1.82TiB 1.80TiB 18.6GiB 99.00 1.18 149 
     6   hdd 1.81898  1.00000 1.82TiB 1.59TiB  239GiB 87.19 1.04 151 
     7   hdd 1.81898  1.00000 1.82TiB 1.54TiB  287GiB 84.59 1.01 129 
     8   hdd 1.81898  1.00000 1.82TiB 1.32TiB  508GiB 72.73 0.87 121 
     9   hdd 1.81898  1.00000 1.82TiB 1.44TiB  387GiB 79.24 0.95 135 
    11   hdd 1.81898  1.00000 1.82TiB 1.37TiB  457GiB 75.46 0.90 131 
    12   hdd 1.81898  1.00000 1.82TiB 1.56TiB  261GiB 86.01 1.03 152 
    13   hdd 1.81898  1.00000 1.82TiB 1.56TiB  262GiB 85.94 1.03 146 
     0   hdd 1.81898  1.00000 1.82TiB 1.59TiB  236GiB 87.32 1.05 149 
     1   hdd 1.81898  1.00000 1.82TiB 1.54TiB  286GiB 84.65 1.01 130 
     2   hdd 1.81898  1.00000 1.82TiB 1.59TiB  237GiB 87.26 1.04 127 
     4   hdd 1.81898  1.00000 1.82TiB 1.56TiB  267GiB 85.65 1.03 135 
     5   hdd 1.81898  1.00000 1.82TiB 1.80TiB 18.6GiB 99.00 1.18 149 
     6   hdd 1.81898  1.00000 1.82TiB 1.59TiB  239GiB 87.19 1.04 151 
     7   hdd 1.81898  1.00000 1.82TiB 1.54TiB  287GiB 84.59 1.01 129 
     8   hdd 1.81898  1.00000 1.82TiB 1.32TiB  508GiB 72.73 0.87 121 
     9   hdd 1.81898  1.00000 1.82TiB 1.44TiB  387GiB 79.24 0.95 135 
    11   hdd 1.81898  1.00000 1.82TiB 1.37TiB  457GiB 75.46 0.90 131 
    12   hdd 1.81898  1.00000 1.82TiB 1.56TiB  261GiB 86.01 1.03 152 
    13   hdd 1.81898  1.00000 1.82TiB 1.56TiB  262GiB 85.94 1.03 146 
     3   ssd 0.13599  1.00000  140GiB 1.00GiB  139GiB  0.72 0.01 128 
    10   ssd 0.13599  1.00000  140GiB 1.00GiB  139GiB  0.72 0.01 129 
                        TOTAL 22.1TiB 18.5TiB 3.64TiB 83.55          
    MIN/MAX VAR: 0.01/1.18  STDDEV: 31.87
    [root@node1 ~]# 


    2.1设置集群仅支持 Luminous(或者L之后的)客户端

    ceph osd set-require-min-compat-client luminous

    ceph osd set-require-min-compat-client luminous --yes-i-really-mean-it


    [root@node1 h]# ceph osd set-require-min-compat-client luminous
    set require_min_compat_client to luminous
    [root@node1 h]# 
    [root@node1 h]# 
    [root@node1 h]# ceph features
        "mon": {
            "group": {
                "features": "0x3ffddff8eea4fffb",
                "release": "luminous",
                "num": 1
        "mds": {
            "group": {
                "features": "0x3ffddff8eea4fffb",
                "release": "luminous",
                "num": 1
        "osd": {
            "group": {
                "features": "0x3ffddff8eea4fffb",
                "release": "luminous",
                "num": 14
        "client": {
            "group": {
                "features": "0x3ffddff8eea4fffb",
                "release": "luminous",
                "num": 11
    [root@node1 h]# 


    ceph osd getmap {osdmap_filename}


    [root@node1 h]# ceph osd getmap -o osd.map
    got osdmap epoch 130
    [root@node1 h]# 
    [root@node1 h]# ls
    [root@node1 h]# 


    osdmaptool {osdmap_filename} --upmap out.txt [--upmap-pool <pool>] [--upmap-max <max-count>] [--upmap-deviation <max-deviation>]

    • upmap-pool :指定需要优化均衡的存储池名

    • upmap-max: 指定一次优化的数据条目,默认100,可根据环境业务情况调整该值,一次调整的条目越多,数据迁移会越多,可能对环境业务造成影响。

    • max-deviation:最大偏差值,默认为0.01(即1%)。如果OSD利用率与平均值之间的差异小于此值,则将被视为完美。


    [root@node1 h]# 
    [root@node1 h]# osdmaptool osd.map --upmap out.txt --upmap-pool filepool --upmap-max=2
    osdmaptool: osdmap file 'osd.map'
    writing upmap command output to: out.txt
    checking for upmap cleanups
    upmap, max-count 2, max deviation 0.01
     limiting to pools filepool (1)
    [root@node1 h]# cat out.txt 
    ceph osd pg-upmap-items 1.1 5 8
    ceph osd pg-upmap-items 1.2 0 8 5 11
    [root@node1 h]# 


    [root@node1 h]# 
    [root@node1 h]# osdmaptool osd.map --upmap out.txt --upmap-pool filepool
    osdmaptool: osdmap file 'osd.map'
    writing upmap command output to: out.txt
    checking for upmap cleanups
    upmap, max-count 100, max deviation 0.01
     limiting to pools filepool (1)
    [root@node1 h]# 
    [root@node1 h]# cat out.txt 
    ceph osd pg-upmap-items 1.1 5 8
    ceph osd pg-upmap-items 1.2 0 8 5 11
    ceph osd pg-upmap-items 1.8 5 8
    ceph osd pg-upmap-items 1.10 5 8 6 11
    ceph osd pg-upmap-items 1.15 5 11
    ceph osd pg-upmap-items 1.18 5 8 2 9
    ceph osd pg-upmap-items 1.1f 5 8
    ceph osd pg-upmap-items 1.20 5 11
    ceph osd pg-upmap-items 1.21 5 9
    ceph osd pg-upmap-items 1.22 5 8
    [root@node1 h]# 
    [root@node1 h]# 

    ceph osd pg-upmap-items 1.1 5 8
    表明pg 1.1需从osd.5重新映射到osd.8

    ceph osd pg-upmap-items 1.2 0 8 5 11
    表明pg 1.2的osd集合中osd.0重映射到osd.8 ,osd.5重映射到osd.11


    source out.txt

    [root@node1 h]# 
    [root@node1 h]# source out.txt 
    set 1.1 pg_upmap_items mapping to [5->8]
    set 1.2 pg_upmap_items mapping to [0->8,5->11]
    set 1.8 pg_upmap_items mapping to [5->8]
    set 1.10 pg_upmap_items mapping to [5->8,6->11]
    set 1.15 pg_upmap_items mapping to [5->11]
    set 1.18 pg_upmap_items mapping to [5->8,2->9]
    set 1.1f pg_upmap_items mapping to [5->8]
    set 1.20 pg_upmap_items mapping to [5->11]
    set 1.21 pg_upmap_items mapping to [5->9]
    set 1.22 pg_upmap_items mapping to [5->8]
    [root@node1 h]# 
    [root@node1 h]# ceph -s
        id:     3825da34-808e-48e3-865d-15e14ab46d66
        health: HEALTH_ERR
                1 full osd(s)
                7 pool(s) full
                113103/6686299 objects misplaced (1.692%)
        mon: 1 daemons, quorum node1
        mgr: node1(active)
        mds: infinityfs1-1/1/1 up  {0=node1=up:active}
        osd: 14 osds: 14 up, 14 in; 10 remapped pgs
        rgw: 1 daemon active
        pools:   9 pools, 680 pgs
        objects: 2.23M objects, 12.3TiB
        usage:   18.5TiB used, 3.64TiB / 22.1TiB avail
        pgs:     113103/6686299 objects misplaced (1.692%)
                 670 active+clean
                 8   active+remapped+backfill_wait
                 2   active+remapped+backfilling
        client:   14.6GiB/s rd, 8.17GiB/s wr, 5.41kop/s rd, 13.11kop/s wr
        recovery: 57.7MiB/s, 9objects/s
    [root@node1 h]# 



    [root@node1 ~]# 
    [root@node1 ~]# ceph osd df
     3   ssd 0.13599  1.00000  140GiB 1.01GiB  139GiB  0.72 0.01 128 
    10   ssd 0.13599  1.00000  140GiB 1.01GiB  139GiB  0.72 0.01 129 
     0   hdd 1.81898  1.00000 1.82TiB 1.56TiB  261GiB 86.00 1.03 148 
     1   hdd 1.81898  1.00000 1.82TiB 1.54TiB  286GiB 84.65 1.01 130 
     2   hdd 1.81898  1.00000 1.82TiB 1.57TiB  259GiB 86.07 1.03 126 
     4   hdd 1.81898  1.00000 1.82TiB 1.56TiB  267GiB 85.65 1.02 135 
     5   hdd 1.81898  1.00000 1.82TiB 1.56TiB  262GiB 85.91 1.03 139 
     6   hdd 1.81898  1.00000 1.82TiB 1.56TiB  263GiB 85.87 1.03 150 
     7   hdd 1.81898  1.00000 1.82TiB 1.54TiB  289GiB 84.49 1.01 129 
     8   hdd 1.81898  1.00000 1.82TiB 1.49TiB  333GiB 82.13 0.98 128 
     9   hdd 1.81898  1.00000 1.82TiB 1.49TiB  336GiB 81.97 0.98 137 
    11   hdd 1.81898  1.00000 1.82TiB 1.47TiB  361GiB 80.61 0.96 135 
    12   hdd 1.81898  1.00000 1.82TiB 1.56TiB  261GiB 86.01 1.03 152 
    13   hdd 1.81898  1.00000 1.82TiB 1.56TiB  262GiB 85.94 1.03 146 
     0   hdd 1.81898  1.00000 1.82TiB 1.56TiB  261GiB 86.00 1.03 148 
     1   hdd 1.81898  1.00000 1.82TiB 1.54TiB  286GiB 84.65 1.01 130 
     2   hdd 1.81898  1.00000 1.82TiB 1.57TiB  259GiB 86.07 1.03 126 
     4   hdd 1.81898  1.00000 1.82TiB 1.56TiB  267GiB 85.65 1.02 135 
     5   hdd 1.81898  1.00000 1.82TiB 1.56TiB  262GiB 85.91 1.03 139 
     6   hdd 1.81898  1.00000 1.82TiB 1.56TiB  263GiB 85.87 1.03 150 
     7   hdd 1.81898  1.00000 1.82TiB 1.54TiB  289GiB 84.49 1.01 129 
     8   hdd 1.81898  1.00000 1.82TiB 1.49TiB  333GiB 82.13 0.98 128 
     9   hdd 1.81898  1.00000 1.82TiB 1.49TiB  336GiB 81.97 0.98 137 
    11   hdd 1.81898  1.00000 1.82TiB 1.47TiB  361GiB 80.61 0.96 135 
    12   hdd 1.81898  1.00000 1.82TiB 1.56TiB  261GiB 86.01 1.03 152 
    13   hdd 1.81898  1.00000 1.82TiB 1.56TiB  262GiB 85.94 1.03 146 
     3   ssd 0.13599  1.00000  140GiB 1.01GiB  139GiB  0.72 0.01 128 
    10   ssd 0.13599  1.00000  140GiB 1.01GiB  139GiB  0.72 0.01 129 
                        TOTAL 22.1TiB 18.5TiB 3.63TiB 83.57          
    MIN/MAX VAR: 0.01/1.03  STDDEV: 31.38
    [root@node1 ~]# 


    [root@node1 ~]# ceph osd df
     3   ssd 0.13599  1.00000  140GiB 1.00GiB  139GiB  0.72 0.01 128 
    10   ssd 0.13599  1.00000  140GiB 1.00GiB  139GiB  0.72 0.01 129 
     0   hdd 1.81898  1.00000 1.82TiB 1.59TiB  236GiB 87.32 1.05 149 
     1   hdd 1.81898  1.00000 1.82TiB 1.54TiB  286GiB 84.65 1.01 130 
     2   hdd 1.81898  1.00000 1.82TiB 1.59TiB  237GiB 87.26 1.04 127 
     4   hdd 1.81898  1.00000 1.82TiB 1.56TiB  267GiB 85.65 1.03 135 
     5   hdd 1.81898  1.00000 1.82TiB 1.80TiB 18.6GiB 99.00 1.18 149 
     6   hdd 1.81898  1.00000 1.82TiB 1.59TiB  239GiB 87.19 1.04 151 
     7   hdd 1.81898  1.00000 1.82TiB 1.54TiB  287GiB 84.59 1.01 129 
     8   hdd 1.81898  1.00000 1.82TiB 1.32TiB  508GiB 72.73 0.87 121 
     9   hdd 1.81898  1.00000 1.82TiB 1.44TiB  387GiB 79.24 0.95 135 
    11   hdd 1.81898  1.00000 1.82TiB 1.37TiB  457GiB 75.46 0.90 131 
    12   hdd 1.81898  1.00000 1.82TiB 1.56TiB  261GiB 86.01 1.03 152 
    13   hdd 1.81898  1.00000 1.82TiB 1.56TiB  262GiB 85.94 1.03 146 
     0   hdd 1.81898  1.00000 1.82TiB 1.59TiB  236GiB 87.32 1.05 149 
     1   hdd 1.81898  1.00000 1.82TiB 1.54TiB  286GiB 84.65 1.01 130 
     2   hdd 1.81898  1.00000 1.82TiB 1.59TiB  237GiB 87.26 1.04 127 
     4   hdd 1.81898  1.00000 1.82TiB 1.56TiB  267GiB 85.65 1.03 135 
     5   hdd 1.81898  1.00000 1.82TiB 1.80TiB 18.6GiB 99.00 1.18 149 
     6   hdd 1.81898  1.00000 1.82TiB 1.59TiB  239GiB 87.19 1.04 151 
     7   hdd 1.81898  1.00000 1.82TiB 1.54TiB  287GiB 84.59 1.01 129 
     8   hdd 1.81898  1.00000 1.82TiB 1.32TiB  508GiB 72.73 0.87 121 
     9   hdd 1.81898  1.00000 1.82TiB 1.44TiB  387GiB 79.24 0.95 135 
    11   hdd 1.81898  1.00000 1.82TiB 1.37TiB  457GiB 75.46 0.90 131 
    12   hdd 1.81898  1.00000 1.82TiB 1.56TiB  261GiB 86.01 1.03 152 
    13   hdd 1.81898  1.00000 1.82TiB 1.56TiB  262GiB 85.94 1.03 146 
     3   ssd 0.13599  1.00000  140GiB 1.00GiB  139GiB  0.72 0.01 128 
    10   ssd 0.13599  1.00000  140GiB 1.00GiB  139GiB  0.72 0.01 129 
                        TOTAL 22.1TiB 18.5TiB 3.64TiB 83.55          
    MIN/MAX VAR: 0.01/1.18  STDDEV: 31.87
    [root@node1 ~]# 





        本文标题:Ceph Luminous手动解决pg分布不均衡问题
