SwiftUI 屏幕旋转监听实现

SwiftUI 屏幕旋转监听实现

作者: fordG | 来源:发表于2020-04-09 16:53 被阅读0次



    class GlobalModel: ObservableObject{
        @Published var orientationType: UIDeviceOrientation = .portrait
        init() {
            // 检测设备方向
            NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(receivedRotation), name: UIDevice.orientationDidChangeNotification, object: nil)
        func resetPushed(){
            self.LoginPassworPushed = false
            self.LoginMsgPushed = false
        @objc func receivedRotation(){
            // 屏幕方向
            self.orientationType = UIDevice.current.orientation
    //        switch UIDevice.current.orientation {
    //        case UIDeviceOrientation.unknown:
    //            print("方向未知")
    //        case .portrait: // Device oriented vertically, home button on the bottom
    //            print("屏幕直立")
    //        case .portraitUpsideDown: // Device oriented vertically, home button on the top
    //            print("屏幕倒立")
    //        case .landscapeLeft: // Device oriented horizontally, home button on the right
    //            print("屏幕左在上方")
    //        case .landscapeRight: // Device oriented horizontally, home button on the left
    //            print("屏幕右在上方")
    //        case .faceUp: // Device oriented flat, face up
    //            print("屏幕朝上")
    //        case .faceDown: // Device oriented flat, face down
    //            print("屏幕朝下")
    //        }

    *然后利用 orientationType属性的改变来获取屏幕转动之后的操作,也可以自定义一个class,通过闭包来回掉监听的结果



          本文标题:SwiftUI 屏幕旋转监听实现
