As a male cat, Heihei needs to find a valve to release his excessive energy, which maintains his stamina and keeps him muscular. Every early night is his usual time for crazy dashes. He would meow to attract my attention. If I give no response, he will suddenly make some moves in my presence, like a fleeing rabbit just released from some confinement. His noises and dramatic actions often distract me from my ongoing tasks. I have to stand up, chase him and manage to seize him.

Sometimes he is so naughty, deliberately remaining static. When my fingertip almost touches his tail, he suddenly darts out with full force as a bullet fired out of a gun. When he stops, he always poses a bluffing posture to fright me by showing his might and muscles.

Sometimes, he just jumps onto a swirling chair or a spinning tea table so that I can turn him round and round.
When this heated “catch me if you can” is going on, Xiangxiang, a female, will always serve as an interested onlooker. She never participates in such crazy dashes that’s why she is chubby and fat.

Due to daily exercise, Heihei is a strong muscle cat without a bulging belly while Xiangxiang, with lack of exercise, has become a soft fatty ball. The former feels hard and heavy. The latter is just like fluffy cotton candy.

作为一只公猫,黑黑需要找到一个阀门来释放他过多的能量,这可以保持他的耐力,也使他肌肉发达。每天傍晚是他疯狂跑酷的时间。他会用 "喵 "来吸引我的注意。如果我没有回应,他就会在我面前突然做出一些疯狂举动,就像刚从笼中逃脱的兔子。他的吵闹声和戏剧性的动作常常使我不得不停下手头的工作。我只好站起身来,追赶他,设法抓住他。
当这种激烈的 "有本事就来抓我 "的游戏进行时、香香,一只母猫,总是作为旁观者在一旁看热闹。她从不参与这种疯狂的跑酷,这就是为什么她成了土肥圆。