【女友的圈套】What did I do wrong?

【女友的圈套】What did I do wrong?

作者: 脚下日月 | 来源:发表于2015-01-20 22:52 被阅读201次

Q:My girlfriend asked me what her attractiveness rating is, and I said 7. Now she is really upset. What did I do wrong?


I think that asking this question in the first place reflects poorly on your girlfriend - she's obviously insecure about her looks and about your feelings for her. Also, it's a trick question: If you answer "10", she'll be mad at you because you lied (if she was a 10, she'd be the most attractive woman in the world, a globally acclaimed super model). If you answer anything less than 10, she'll be mad that you don't find her attractive enough (otherwise you'd say "10").


Having said that, your mistake is that you answered her question with a concrete rating. Besides falling into the trap stated above, the fact that you can rate your girlfriend's attractiveness at all means that you compare it to that of other women, and not always favorably (if she's 7 on your scale of 1 - 10, that means you know women who rate 8, or 9, or 10). She's probably mad about that also - that she's not unique to you, she's just one of many women you rate as a potential romantic/sexual partner.


If my wife asked me such a question, I'd tell her that she doesn't have an "attractiveness rating" - she is too unique for ratings. I'd also add that she's the only one I love, and the only one I want to be with. Hopefully, that would get me out of the trap :)





本文标题:【女友的圈套】What did I do wrong?
