Mom, I have mucue stuck in my throat.妈妈,我喉咙里有痰。
Honey, you'll get taller if you drink milk.宝贝,如果你喝牛奶,你会长更高。
Mom, what should I do with this booger?妈妈,我该怎么处理这个鼻屎?
Sweetheart, let's take a selfie together.宝贝,我们一起拍张自拍吧。
Mom, what's my star sign?妈妈,我的星座是什么?
Daddy, I want to give you a thumbs up.爸爸,我要给你点个赞。
Mom, your power bank is on the sofa.妈妈,你的充电宝在沙发上。
The “Start of Winter" is the nineteenth solar term.立冬是第19个节气。
Mom, this drink has so many bubbles.妈妈,这个饮料有好多泡泡啊。
Honey, do you want to get your hair cut?宝贝,你想剪头发吗?
Honey, look sideways while you are walking.宝贝走路时要看旁边。
Baby,get off when the elevator is completely open.宝贝,等电梯门完全打开再出去。
I've had a cold for two days.我感冒两天了。
When is daddy coming home from work?爸爸什么时候下班回家?
Let's play rock, paper, scissors.我们来玩石头剪刀布吧。
Mom, my desk is too wobbly.妈妈,我的书桌太晃。
My shoes are too tight.我的鞋太紧了。
Sweetie, don't get in a strangers car.宝贝,不可以上陌生人的车哦。
Mom, can I try this pair of shoes on?妈妈,我能试试这双鞋吗?
Do you want a boiled egg?你想吃个水煮蛋吗?
Let me split this apple in half.让我把这个苹果分成两半吧。
Baby, cover your mouth with your sneeze.宝贝,打喷嚏的时候把嘴遮住。
Be quiet, I'm talking on the phone.安静,我在讲电话。
Mom, I want to watch TV.妈妈,我想看电视。
The temperature fell a lot today.今天气温降了很多。
There are a lot of dishes today.今天有很多碗要洗。
Mom, can you help me roll up my sleeves?妈妈,你能帮我卷起袖子吗?
Today is Thanksgiving day.今天是感恩节。
Don't watch TV while lying down.不要躺着看电视。
Mom, what day is it today?妈妈,今天是星期几?