Vocabulary in 15 Agu 2017

Vocabulary in 15 Agu 2017

作者: 正儿八经逻辑 | 来源:发表于2017-08-15 15:22 被阅读0次

    • 色情内容 pornographic[1] contents
    • 淫秽材料 indecent[2] materials
    • 不当材料 inappropriate materials

    • capital[3] punishment 极刑, (引申为) 死刑
    • maltreat/abuse (a person or animal) 虐待
    • seduce (someone) into (something) 诱使 (某人) 堕落 (而去做…)
    • the "eye for eye, tooth for tooth" principle “以眼还眼, 以牙还牙” 原则
    • hero worship 英雄崇拜, 对个人的盲目崇拜


    • (tell) a white lie; (tell) white lies 善意的谎言
    • guardian 保护者, 守卫, 监护人
    • without obedience[4] 没孝心
    • you indulge (in something); you indulge yourself 沉溺
      to indulge (someone) 溺爱 (某人)
      children who are indulged by their parents 被父母宠坏了的孩子
    • minor 未成年人
    • (a) forgiving personality 宽容的个性


    • to shift their jobs 跳槽
    • A canny person is clever and able to think quickly. 机警的, 精明的, 谨慎的
    • camera surveillance 摄像监控

    1. pornographic /ˌpɔːnəˈɡræfɪk/

    2. decent 得体的。indecent 不得体的。

    3. A capital offence is one that is so serious that the person who commits it can be punished by death.

    4. obedience (对长者的) 忠顺, 孝心



          本文标题:Vocabulary in 15 Agu 2017
