The experience of being in a tra

The experience of being in a tra

作者: 白昼的鸟 | 来源:发表于2020-09-05 01:52 被阅读0次

First of all,I am going to say it's as bad as I used to go through.

My booty is hurted and My legs is sore and painful.I just want to make time go fast and fast,so I can go off the train.The journey is not good for everyone on the train.Assembled crowd stayed in the small space for about 20 hours, the most unbearable thing is that we have to wear the mask all the time along the journey.

I can't fall asleep at night for many reasons. I am sick of being put in the place but I have to surrender to it causes there's no choice for me.

When you are not comfortable with being in this place,you have to try you best you keep yourself not so uptight and down.

That's it.


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      本文标题:The experience of being in a tra
