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The Walking Tree - 行树 (英文版)By An

The Walking Tree - 行树 (英文版)By An

作者: 9e8f23cdb72c | 来源:发表于2018-08-12 12:10 被阅读46次


    The Giving Tree

          You might have never heard of The Walking Tree, but I bet that everyone knows what The Giving Tree is. The Giving Tree is obviously, giving and warm-hearted. “She loved a boy, very very much - even more than she loved herself.” Don’t you know this feeling? If you are a parent, you will probably love your kids more than anything, if you are a son or a daughter, you will understand that your parents love you very much, just like how The Giving Tree loves the boy.

    The Giving Tree by Plain White T’s

          Unlike the other parents, The Giving Tree did not have a nice ending. All she wanted was to play with the boy, she just wanted to feel his warmth again. But boy did not play with her. Boy took all she has, and finally realized that he was wrong at the end, when he was old, when she was old.

          Isn’t that familiar? That’s what some kids do to their parents. Take all they have until there are nothing left for them.

          The Giving Tree is a sad Tree to me, but gladly, I have met The Walking Tree.

          The first time I saw The Walking Tree, he was alone. In fact, he always looks alone, when I’m not with him.

    “Hi Tree, how are you doing?

    ...Oh I must be having some mental problems, talking to a tree!”

    “Hey there, what’s wrong talking to a tree?” It’s the first time I heard The Walking Tree talking.

          We became friends ever since. The Walking Tree said that he is quite lonely, because no humans see him usually and they don’t care about talking with trees, in fact, they treat talking with trees a shame.

          But I don’t. I love talking with trees. Why? I have no other friends to talk with anyways.

          I love to get on The Walking Tree and listen to those stories of his. The Walking Tree said that he was living in a forest, too, just like the other trees. The Walking Tree said that he really doesn’t understand The Giving Tree, he never wanted to be a tree like her, killing herself for someone who doesn’t love her.

          So he left the forest when he realized that he could walk. He wanted to see the world, and live in a place with no stupid trees like The Giving Tree.

          I love to talk with the Walking Tree, I really do. There aren’t a lot of trees which can walk and talk, The Walking Tree became my special tree.

          I would tell him my stories. I would tell him how I feel. I would tell him my secrets. I would come to him when I was nervous before a performance or an exam.

          The Walking Tree is my best friend, because I know that he is there to support me. I trust him. I know that he loves me and I love him back from the moon.

          I talk with The Walking Tree a whole lot, we would meet in a grassland which has a river nearby.

          One day, I came to him with sad eyes and told him how I felt. He listened to what I said. And there is a long silence.

    “Hey Anni, there is something that I wanted to tell you.”

    “What is it, Tree? Are you leaving me to another place?”

    “No, I want to tell you that I can’t walk anymore.”

    “But why? You are a walking tree!”

    “I don’t walk anymore. I haven’t walked since you came here. I have always been waiting for you, staying at this spot. Now my roots have digged deep underground, I have to stay.”

    “I’m sorry Tree...”

    “Wait, I am not sad about that! I love to be friends with you, and...

    Now I can stay here and be Your Tree.”

    The End❤️




        本文标题:The Walking Tree - 行树 (英文版)By An
