8.19 gasStation

8.19 gasStation

作者: 陈十十 | 来源:发表于2016-08-21 03:37 被阅读8次

  • 暴力法 timeout
  • better
    int canCompleteCircuit(vector<int>& gas, vector<int>& cost) {
        int n = cost.size(), sum;
        for (int start=0; start<n;) {
            if (gas[start]-cost[start] < 0) {
            sum = 0;
            int j=start;
            for (; j<start+n; ++j) {
              sum += gas[j%n]-cost[j%n];
              if (sum<0) break;
            if (j==start+n) return start;
            else start = j;
        return -1;//should never be


  • We are looking for if we can find a starti that allows us to traverse without ever getting negative gas total, meaning we can safely get to any gas station starting from here.
  • ~Given if there's solution it must be unique, there's only one starti that can reach all other stations while other stations can not safely reach starti.~ (can used this property to eliminate answer)
  • So if we start at some index tryi, and end up out of gas at index tryi+m: we know tryi and tryi+m cannot be the answer. Moreover, any index in between cannot be neither. (cuz of property above)


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