

作者: Mixqum | 来源:发表于2017-05-22 21:31 被阅读0次

添加到项目build path

MediaInfoLibrary INSTANCE = (MediaInfoLibrary) Native.loadLibrary("你电脑MediaInfo.dll,libmediainfo.so.0.0.0路径", MediaInfoLibrary.class, singletonMap(OPTION_FUNCTION_MAPPER, new FunctionMapper() {

        public String getFunctionName(NativeLibrary lib, Method method) {
            // MediaInfo_New(), MediaInfo_Open() ...
            return "MediaInfo_" + method.getName();




import java.io.Closeable;
import java.io.File;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.EnumMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.logging.Logger;

import com.sun.jna.NativeLibrary;
import com.sun.jna.Platform;
import com.sun.jna.Pointer;
import com.sun.jna.WString;

public class MediaInfo implements Closeable {

    static {
        // libmediainfo for linux depends on libzen
        if (Platform.isLinux()) {
            try {
                // We need to load dependencies first, because we know where our native libs are (e.g. Java Web Start Cache).
                // If we do not, the system will look for dependencies, but only in the library path.
            } catch (LinkageError e) {
                Logger.getLogger(MediaInfo.class.getName()).warning("Failed to preload libzen");

    private Pointer handle;

    public MediaInfo() {
        handle = MediaInfoLibrary.INSTANCE.New();

    public synchronized boolean open(File file) {
        return file.isFile() && MediaInfoLibrary.INSTANCE.Open(handle, new WString(file.getAbsolutePath())) > 0;

    public synchronized String inform() {
        return MediaInfoLibrary.INSTANCE.Inform(handle).toString();

    public String option(String option) {
        return option(option, "");

    public synchronized String option(String option, String value) {
        return MediaInfoLibrary.INSTANCE.Option(handle, new WString(option), new WString(value)).toString();

    public String get(StreamKind streamKind, int streamNumber, String parameter) {
        return get(streamKind, streamNumber, parameter, InfoKind.Text, InfoKind.Name);

    public String get(StreamKind streamKind, int streamNumber, String parameter, InfoKind infoKind) {
        return get(streamKind, streamNumber, parameter, infoKind, InfoKind.Name);

    public synchronized String get(StreamKind streamKind, int streamNumber, String parameter, InfoKind infoKind, InfoKind searchKind) {
        return MediaInfoLibrary.INSTANCE.Get(handle, streamKind.ordinal(), streamNumber, new WString(parameter), infoKind.ordinal(), searchKind.ordinal()).toString();

    public String get(StreamKind streamKind, int streamNumber, int parameterIndex) {
        return get(streamKind, streamNumber, parameterIndex, InfoKind.Text);

    public synchronized String get(StreamKind streamKind, int streamNumber, int parameterIndex, InfoKind infoKind) {
        return MediaInfoLibrary.INSTANCE.GetI(handle, streamKind.ordinal(), streamNumber, parameterIndex, infoKind.ordinal()).toString();

    public synchronized int streamCount(StreamKind streamKind) {
        return MediaInfoLibrary.INSTANCE.Count_Get(handle, streamKind.ordinal(), -1);

    public synchronized int parameterCount(StreamKind streamKind, int streamNumber) {
        return MediaInfoLibrary.INSTANCE.Count_Get(handle, streamKind.ordinal(), streamNumber);

    public Map<StreamKind, List<Map<String, String>>> snapshot() {
        Map<StreamKind, List<Map<String, String>>> mediaInfo = new EnumMap<StreamKind, List<Map<String, String>>>(StreamKind.class);

        for (StreamKind streamKind : StreamKind.values()) {
            int streamCount = streamCount(streamKind);

            if (streamCount > 0) {
                List<Map<String, String>> streamInfoList = new ArrayList<Map<String, String>>(streamCount);

                for (int i = 0; i < streamCount; i++) {
                    streamInfoList.add(snapshot(streamKind, i));

                mediaInfo.put(streamKind, streamInfoList);

        return mediaInfo;

    public Map<String, String> snapshot(StreamKind streamKind, int streamNumber) {
        Map<String, String> streamInfo = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>();

        for (int i = 0, count = parameterCount(streamKind, streamNumber); i < count; i++) {
            String value = get(streamKind, streamNumber, i, InfoKind.Text);

            if (value.length() > 0) {
                streamInfo.put(get(streamKind, streamNumber, i, InfoKind.Name), value);

        return streamInfo;

    public synchronized void close() {

    public synchronized void dispose() {
        if (handle == null)

        // delete handle
        handle = null;

    protected void finalize() {

    public enum StreamKind {

    public enum InfoKind {
         * Unique name of parameter.

         * Value of parameter.

         * Unique name of measure unit of parameter.


         * Translated name of parameter.

         * Translated name of measure unit.

         * More information about the parameter.

         * How this parameter is supported, could be N (No), B (Beta), R (Read only), W
         * (Read/Write).

         * Domain of this piece of information.

    public static String version() {
        return staticOption("Info_Version");

    public static String parameters() {
        return staticOption("Info_Parameters");

    public static String codecs() {
        return staticOption("Info_Codecs");

    public static String capacities() {
        return staticOption("Info_Capacities");

    public static String staticOption(String option) {
        return staticOption(option, "");

    public static String staticOption(String option, String value) {
        return MediaInfoLibrary.INSTANCE.Option(null, new WString(option), new WString(value)).toString();



import static java.util.Collections.singletonMap;

import java.lang.reflect.Method;

import com.sun.jna.FunctionMapper;
import com.sun.jna.Library;
import com.sun.jna.Native;
import com.sun.jna.NativeLibrary;
import com.sun.jna.Pointer;
import com.sun.jna.WString;

interface MediaInfoLibrary extends Library {

    MediaInfoLibrary INSTANCE = (MediaInfoLibrary) Native.loadLibrary("mediainfo", MediaInfoLibrary.class, singletonMap(OPTION_FUNCTION_MAPPER, new FunctionMapper() {

        public String getFunctionName(NativeLibrary lib, Method method) {
            // MediaInfo_New(), MediaInfo_Open() ...
            return "MediaInfo_" + method.getName();

     * Create a new handle.
     * @return handle
    Pointer New();

     * Open a file and collect information about it (technical information and tags).
     * @param handle
     * @param file full name of the file to open
     * @return 1 if file was opened, 0 if file was not not opened
    int Open(Pointer handle, WString file);

     * Configure or get information about MediaInfo.
     * @param handle
     * @param option The name of option
     * @param value The value of option
     * @return Depends on the option: by default "" (nothing) means No, other means Yes
    WString Option(Pointer handle, WString option, WString value);

     * Get all details about a file.
     * @param handle
     * @return All details about a file in one string
    WString Inform(Pointer handle);

     * Get a piece of information about a file (parameter is a string).
     * @param handle
     * @param streamKind Kind of stream (general, video, audio...)
     * @param streamNumber Stream number in Kind of stream (first, second...)
     * @param parameter Parameter you are looking for in the stream (Codec, width, bitrate...),
     *            in string format ("Codec", "Width"...)
     * @param infoKind Kind of information you want about the parameter (the text, the measure,
     *            the help...)
     * @param searchKind Where to look for the parameter
     * @return a string about information you search, an empty string if there is a problem
    WString Get(Pointer handle, int streamKind, int streamNumber, WString parameter, int infoKind, int searchKind);

     * Get a piece of information about a file (parameter is an integer).
     * @param handle
     * @param streamKind Kind of stream (general, video, audio...)
     * @param streamNumber Stream number in Kind of stream (first, second...)
     * @param parameter Parameter you are looking for in the stream (Codec, width, bitrate...),
     *            in integer format (first parameter, second parameter...)
     * @param infoKind Kind of information you want about the parameter (the text, the measure,
     *            the help...)
     * @return a string about information you search, an empty string if there is a problem
    WString GetI(Pointer handle, int streamKind, int streamNumber, int parameterIndex, int infoKind);

     * Count of streams of a stream kind (StreamNumber not filled), or count of piece of
     * information in this stream.
     * @param handle
     * @param streamKind Kind of stream (general, video, audio...)
     * @param streamNumber Stream number in this kind of stream (first, second...)
     * @return number of streams of the given stream kind
    int Count_Get(Pointer handle, int streamKind, int streamNumber);

     * Close a file opened before with Open().
     * @param handle
    void Close(Pointer handle);

     * Dispose of a handle created with New().
     * @param handle
    void Delete(Pointer handle);



import java.io.File;

public class TestMediaInfo
    private static int i=0;
    public static void main(String args[])
        String fileName   = "D:\\javaFx_workspace\\testVideo\\test1\\PIC_0781.MP4";
        File file         = new File(fileName);
        MediaInfo info    = new MediaInfo();
        String format     = info.get(MediaInfo.StreamKind.Video, i, "Format",
                                MediaInfo.InfoKind.Text, MediaInfo.InfoKind.Name);
        String bitRate       = info.get(MediaInfo.StreamKind.Video, i, "BitRate",
                                MediaInfo.InfoKind.Text, MediaInfo.InfoKind.Name);
        String frameRate   = info.get(MediaInfo.StreamKind.Video, i, "FrameRate",
                                MediaInfo.InfoKind.Text, MediaInfo.InfoKind.Name);
        String width       = info.get(MediaInfo.StreamKind.Video, i, "Width",
                                MediaInfo.InfoKind.Text, MediaInfo.InfoKind.Name);

        String audioBitrate  = info.get(MediaInfo.StreamKind.Audio, i, "BitRate",
                                MediaInfo.InfoKind.Text, MediaInfo.InfoKind.Name);
        String audioChannels = info.get(MediaInfo.StreamKind.Audio, i, "Channels",
                                MediaInfo.InfoKind.Text, MediaInfo.InfoKind.Name);
        String duration = info.get(MediaInfo.StreamKind.Video, i, "Duration",
                MediaInfo.InfoKind.Text, MediaInfo.InfoKind.Name);



