I'm not a new face any more. But I want to start my pathway, and every pathway starts with a P1 speech. And here I'm to kick off my pathway, and I hope to see followers!
I did my P1 two years ago. Most of you might already know that I graduated from Fudan University with master degree majored in polymer, and then joined RohmHaas as my first job, and stay with the same company but different names till now. I joined DOW magic toastmasters to improve my presentations skill and feedback skill, and surrounded myself with a group of talented people.
What I can tell you more? I take this opportunity to think through my path 13 years career, although I don't have shining career, but I do learn one thing to share, that is to change and match. I have been with this company for 13 years! How could I stay that long? I'd like to share my career path and what I passionate about.
I started my career in 2005 in R&D. That was a perfect match. I majored in polymer and study microemulsion polymerization in my graduate school, now I worked on emulsion polymerization. Perfect. I soon realized RohmHaas was a company excellent in emulsion polymerization and sold emulsion products into all different applications. I knew some fellows who spent their whole career in R&D and were so knowledgeable. I wished I could be them and I planned to stay in R&D for my whole career. Unfortunately, my boss quit me and I was too ashamed to ask why. My best guest was I did one thing wrong that I sent an email to her boss without get her approval in advance. I was so excited by my ideal and wanted to show off in front of boss. I was too naïve and lack of professional quality. Trust me I never did such stupid thing again ever since then. But luckily enough, I was suggested to the other group in the same department. Not too sad. One year later, my new boss suggested me to another job, information searcher in a department called "knowledge center". That was the first position outside of US in this department. I said OK and I was interviewed and got the job. Later on my boss told me he approached several colleagues and only I accepted it.
I learned new techniques about database, searching skill. I also worked as a liaison for other service our department offered. I organized sharing sessions almost every one month to introduce the service and tools we offered. I hope my presentation skill was better as each time I saw reduced audience and there was one session only one person joined, but I quite enjoyed what I did. This time I planned my path from patent searcher to be a patent agent and patent attorney later through my whole career. The site leader thinking to give me a big room with a few computers for colleagues to search, like a mini version library of what we had in US. And then DOW brought ROH, the site leader left the company, our department was merged, I got a new boss.
One day I got an email from a big boss in my previous R&D department and he offered me a job as product steward. I had no idea what product steward was but I was very happy with this email. Sometimes you didn't realize how important you were until you were leaving. My big boss was trying to retain me. Remember I suck in the R&D in the beginning. To me, this prove that I did well in my R&D job. I thought it through for a couple of days, asked a colleague about what's the job and decided to take it. I had a call with my future boss and it was more an introduction of the job rather than an interview.
That was the best decision I ever made, because I met my favorite boss. I didn't try to please him but he was quite satisfied with me. I received the most praise ever in my life and he said I could do anything I want. That was so inspiring. I learned quickly and was passionate every day.
8 years passed, I still in my same job but I have 3 bosses, not including two short time bosses. Now I know I will not stay in the same position for the rest of my career. But I'm open to change and confident that I can match new opportunity quickly.
Interestingly enough, each of my job build my knowledge base now and what makes me unique is I'm in the intersection of three area, this makes me unique. Because this unique skill set, I am involved in shaping polymer regulation in different countries.

Now I'm adding new circles, I increase my presentation and persuasive skill in Toastmasters. The more skill set you have, the more competitive you are.
I have to admit other toastmasters are more talented than me. PJ entered district level in his first Chinese humorous speech contest, while I forgot my script in the same contest. Cherry enter division level in her first international speech contest, while I was the last one even after long time preparation and two years practice in toastmasters. Not mention the achievement Roland had. That doesn't hurt my passion in Toastmasters.
For me, toastmasters is a life time journey. The eventual goal of EHS regulations is to protect people and the environment. Everybody want safe food, clean water, fresh air and blue sky. But there are so many problems, and we can't address them all together, it's vital to put the resource to address more urgent issues.
I vision someday I will use my toastmaster skill to persuade authorities and key stakeholders on better regulation for chemical industry!
Keep changing and matching what you do.
What I passionate is the most cost effective regulation. This is me. I like to try new things, at the same time I am persistent in what I'm doing. I'm satisfied with my job and passionate about it.