1、groupadd : create a new group
groupadd [options] group
-g, --gid GID :创建用户组时指定gid
-r, --system: Create a system group.
2、goupdel:delete a group
groupdel [options] GROUP
3、useradd: create a new user or update default new user information
useradd [options] LOGIN_NAME
useradd -D
useradd -D [options]
-c, --comment COMMENT:添加用户描述
-d, --home-dir HOME_DIR:设置用户家目录
-e, --expiredate EXPIRE_DATE:设置用户过期时间,格式:YYYY-MM-DD
-g, --gid GROUP:设置用户主组
-G, --groups GROUP1[,GROUP2,...[,GROUPN]]],指定用户的附加组,多个组之间用逗号
-r, --system : Create a system account. 创建系统用户
-s, --shell SHELL:指定用户默认shell
-u, --uid UID: 指定用户的uid
4、passwd: update user's authentication tokens
passwd [-k] [-l] [-u [-f]] [-d] [-e] [-n mindays] [-x maxdays] [-w warndays] [-i inactivedays] [-S] [--stdin] [username]
-l, --lock : 锁定用户密码
-u, --unlock :解锁用户密码
-d, --delete :清空用户密码
-e, --expire : 设置用户密码过期日期,Available to root only.
-n, --minimum DAYS , 设置用户密码最短期限,Available to root only.
-x, --maximum DAYS ,设置用户密码最长期限,Available to root only.
-w, --warning DAYS,设置用户密码告警期限,Available to root only.
5、userdel: delete a user account and related files
userdel [options] LOGIN_NAME
-r, --remove , 删除用户时一并删除其家目录
6、usermod: modify a user account
usermod [options] LOGINNAME
-u, --uid UID
-G, --groups GROUP1[,GROUP2,...[,GROUPN]]]:修改用户的附加组;原来的附加组将被覆盖;可与-a 结合使用,则表示给用户追加新的附加组
-a, --append,给用户添加新组. 只与 -G 选项一起使用
-c, --comment COMMENT:修改用户描述
-d, --home HOME_DIR:修改用户家目录,但家目录中的文件不会移动,此时结合-m 实现;
-m, --move-home:只能与-d 选项一同使用,用于将原来的家目录中文件移动到新的家目录中
-s, --shell SHELL:修改用户的默认shell
-L, --lock:Lock a user's password. This puts a '!' in front of the encrypted password
-U, --unlock: Unlock a user's password. This removes the '!' in front of the encrypted password.
-l, --login NEW_LOGIN:修改用户名
-f, --inactive INACTIVE
-e, --expiredate EXPIRE_DATE
7、gpasswd: administer /etc/group and /etc/gshadow
-a, --add user
Add the user to the named group.
-d, --delete user
Remove the user from the named group.
-r, --remove-password: 清空用户组密码,只在使用newgrp 临时切换到一个组时。
Remove the password from the named group. The group password will be empty. Only group members will be allowed to use newgrp to join the named group.
-M, --members user,...
Set the list of group members.
8、 id : print real and effective user and group IDs/显示用户真实有效的ID
id [OPTION]... [USER]
-g, --group,print only the effective group ID , 只显示有效的gid
-G, --groups , print all group IDs,显示所有的用户组,包括主组和附加组
-n, --name , print a name instead of a number, for -ugG ,显示用户组的名字而不是id
-u, --user , print only the effective user ID , 只显示有效的uid
>>>groupadd -g 2016 distro
>>> tail -1 /etc/group
(2)、创建用户mandriva, 其ID号为1005;基本组为distro;
>>>useradd mandriva -u 1005 -g distro
>>>tail -1 /etc/passwd
>>>useradd -u 1100 -d /home/linux mageia
>>>tail -1 /etc/passwd
>>>echo "mageedu" | passwd --stdin mageia
Changing password for user mageia.
passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully.
>>> userdel mandriva
>>> ll /home/mandriva -d
drwx------. 2 1005 distro 62 Aug 30 17:47 /home/mandriva
>>> id mandriva
id: mandriva: no such user
>>>groupadd peguin
>>>useradd slackware -u 2002 -g distro -G peguin
>>>tail -1 /etc/passwd
>>>tail -1 /etc/group
>>>usermod -s /bin/tcsh slackware
>>> tail -1 /etc/passwd
>>>groupadd admins
usermod -G admins slackware
>>>tail -1 /etc/group