[informix@linux5 ~]$ onstat -d
IBM Informix Dynamic Server Version 11.50.UC6 -- On-Line -- Up 41 days 00:24:08 -- 1202832 Kbytes
address number flags fchunk nchunks pgsize flags owner name
6e4d1808 1 0x40001 1 1 2048 N B informix rootdbs
6f2569f8 2 0x40001 2 1 2048 N B informix phydbs
6f256b58 3 0x40001 3 1 2048 N B informix logdbs
6f256cb8 4 0x42001 4 1 2048 N TB informix tmpdbs
6f256e18 5 0x40011 5 1 65536 N BB informix blobdbs
6f257018 6 0x40001 6 1 2048 N B informix data0tbs01
6f257178 7 0x40001 7 1 2048 N B informix indextbs01
6f2572d8 8 0x40001 8 1 2048 N B informix ywdattbs01
6f257438 9 0x40001 9 1 2048 N B informix ywdattbs02
6f257598 10 0x40001 10 1 2048 N B informix ywdattbs03
6f2576f8 11 0x40001 11 1 2048 N B informix ywdattbs04
6f257858 12 0x40001 12 1 2048 N B informix ywdattbs05
6f2579b8 13 0x40001 13 1 2048 N B informix ywdattbs06
6f257b18 14 0x40001 14 1 2048 N B informix ywdattbs07
6f257c78 15 0x40001 15 1 2048 N B informix ywdattbs08
15 active, 2047 maximum
Note: For BLOB chunks, the number of free pages shown is out of date.
Run 'onstat -d update' for current stats.
address chunk/dbs offset size free bpages flags pathname
6e4d1968 1 1 512 500000 490253 PO-B- /home/db/informix/bssdbs/rootchunk00
6f257dd8 2 2 50 7500000 2499947 PO-B- /home/db/informix/bssdbs/phychunk00
6f259018 3 3 50 15000000 4499947 PO-B- /home/db/informix/bssdbs/logchunk00
6f2591f0 4 4 50 5000000 4999747 PO-B- /home/db/informix/bssdbs/tmpchunk00
6f2593c8 5 5 50 960000 ~30000 30000 POBB- /home/db/informix/bssdbs/blobchunk00
6f2595a0 6 6 50 15000000 0 PO-B- /home/db/informix/bssdbs/datachunk00
6f259778 7 7 50 15000000 9412952 PO-B- /home/db/informix/bssdbs/indextchunk00
6f259950 8 8 50 15000000 8736073 PO-B- /home/db/informix/bssdbs/ywdatchunk00
6f259b28 9 9 50 15000000 6918473 PO-B- /home/db/informix/bssdbs/ywdatchunk01
6f259d00 10 10 50 15000000 5267785 PO-B- /home/db/informix/bssdbs/ywdatchunk02
6f25a018 11 11 50 15000000 6715721 PO-B- /home/db/informix/bssdbs/ywdatchunk03
6f25a1f0 12 12 50 15000000 8368457 PO-B- /home/db/informix/bssdbs/ywdatchunk04
6f25a3c8 13 13 50 15000000 13559113 PO-B- /home/db/informix/bssdbs/ywdatchunk05
6f25a5a0 14 14 50 15000000 10890569 PO-B- /home/db/informix/bssdbs/ywdatchunk06
6f25a778 15 15 50 15000000 8064329 PO-B- /home/db/informix/bssdbs/ywdatchunk07
15 active, 32766 maximum
vi sysconfig下的rawdevice加行
/dev/raw/raw25 /dev/bssvg02/bssvdatachunk01_30g
lvcreate -L 30G -n bssvdatachunk01_30g bssvg02
raw /dev/raw/raw25 /dev/bssvg02/bssvdatachunk01_30g
su - informix
cd /home/db/informix/bssdbs/
ln -s /dev/raw/raw25 datachunk01_30g
cd /dev/raw
chown informix:informix raw25
chown 660 raw25
onspaces -a data0tbs01 -p /home/db/informix/bssdbs/datachunk01_30g -o 50 -s 30720000
[informix@linux5 bssdbs]$ onstat -d
IBM Informix Dynamic Server Version 11.50.UC6 -- On-Line -- Up 41 days 00:50:01 -- 1202832 Kbytes
address number flags fchunk nchunks pgsize flags owner name
6e4d1808 1 0x60001 1 1 2048 N B informix rootdbs
6f2569f8 2 0x40001 2 1 2048 N B informix phydbs
6f256b58 3 0x40001 3 1 2048 N B informix logdbs
6f256cb8 4 0x42001 4 1 2048 N TB informix tmpdbs
6f256e18 5 0x40011 5 1 65536 N BB informix blobdbs
6f257018 6 0x60001 6 2 2048 N B informix data0tbs01
6f257178 7 0x40001 7 1 2048 N B informix indextbs01
6f2572d8 8 0x40001 8 1 2048 N B informix ywdattbs01
6f257438 9 0x40001 9 1 2048 N B informix ywdattbs02
6f257598 10 0x40001 10 1 2048 N B informix ywdattbs03
6f2576f8 11 0x40001 11 1 2048 N B informix ywdattbs04
6f257858 12 0x40001 12 1 2048 N B informix ywdattbs05
6f2579b8 13 0x40001 13 1 2048 N B informix ywdattbs06
6f257b18 14 0x40001 14 1 2048 N B informix ywdattbs07
6f257c78 15 0x40001 15 1 2048 N B informix ywdattbs08
15 active, 2047 maximum
Note: For BLOB chunks, the number of free pages shown is out of date.
Run 'onstat -d update' for current stats.
address chunk/dbs offset size free bpages flags pathname
6e4d1968 1 1 512 500000 490253 PO-B- /home/db/informix/bssdbs/rootchunk00
6f257dd8 2 2 50 7500000 2499947 PO-B- /home/db/informix/bssdbs/phychunk00
6f259018 3 3 50 15000000 4499947 PO-B- /home/db/informix/bssdbs/logchunk00
6f2591f0 4 4 50 5000000 4999747 PO-B- /home/db/informix/bssdbs/tmpchunk00
6f2593c8 5 5 50 960000 ~30000 30000 POBB- /home/db/informix/bssdbs/blobchunk00
6f2595a0 6 6 50 15000000 0 PO-B- /home/db/informix/bssdbs/datachunk00
6f259778 7 7 50 15000000 9412952 PO-B- /home/db/informix/bssdbs/indextchunk00
6f259950 8 8 50 15000000 8736073 PO-B- /home/db/informix/bssdbs/ywdatchunk00
6f259b28 9 9 50 15000000 6918473 PO-B- /home/db/informix/bssdbs/ywdatchunk01
6f259d00 10 10 50 15000000 5267785 PO-B- /home/db/informix/bssdbs/ywdatchunk02
6f25a018 11 11 50 15000000 6715721 PO-B- /home/db/informix/bssdbs/ywdatchunk03
6f25a1f0 12 12 50 15000000 8368457 PO-B- /home/db/informix/bssdbs/ywdatchunk04
6f25a3c8 13 13 50 15000000 13559113 PO-B- /home/db/informix/bssdbs/ywdatchunk05
6f25a5a0 14 14 50 15000000 10890569 PO-B- /home/db/informix/bssdbs/ywdatchunk06
6f25a778 15 15 50 15000000 8064329 PO-B- /home/db/informix/bssdbs/ywdatchunk07
72f8add8 16 6 25 15360000 15359997 PO-B- /home/db/informix/bssdbs/datachunk01_30g
16 active, 32766 maximum