

作者: 阁香书院 | 来源:发表于2020-11-28 14:00 被阅读0次


    The creation of man from clay is a miraculous birth theme that recurs(反复) throughout world religions and mythologies.


    Just like Nuwa who molded figures from the yellow earth in Chinese mythology, a similar work was done by Prometheus, a Titan who had stood on the side of the Olympians led by Zeus against his father Cronus, in Greek and Roman mythology.


    As the name of Prometheus meant “forethought”(先知), he could see into the future and predicted the final victory of Zeus in the Titanomachy(提坦之战). However, Prometheus was embittered(愤怒的) by Zeus’ cruel treatment of banishing(驱逐) his Titan-brothers eternally(永远 地) into the chthonic(阴暗的) depth of Tartarus.

    因为“普罗米修斯”的意思就是“先知”,他能够看见未来,预见到了宙斯会在这场大战中取得最后的胜利。 然而,宙斯将战败的提坦巨人永久关进地狱深渊塔尔塔罗斯的做法让普罗米修斯心生不满。

    To defy(对抗) the supremacy of Zeus, he formed, out of clay, the first man, into whom Athena had breathed a soul. Full of love for the beings he had called into existence, Prometheus determined to elevate(提升) their minds and improve their condition in every way.



    He therefore shaped men to walk on two legs so that while all the other animals turned their faces downward, humans alone would raise their heads to heaven and gaze(凝视) at the stars. He taught them astronomy, mathematics, the alphabet, medication and so on.


    When Prometheus set about making human beings, his brother Epimetheus, whose name means “afterthought”(后知), was assigned the task of creating the lower creatures.


    Due to a lack of wisdom and common sense, Epimetheus gave each species a special gift to survive on the earth, such as strength to the wild beasts, feathers to winged animals, and hard shells to sea creatures, leaving no superior gifts for the human beings to rival other species.


    Although endowed with intelligence, Prometheus thought that this gift was not enough, so he contrived(人为的) to steal some sparks from the heaven and gave the torch to his beloved mankind.

    尽管普罗米修斯给了人类智慧,但他认为这还不足以保证人类的生存,于是他设法从天宫盗来了火种,将火把传给了他心爱的人类。 283、晨读夜诵,英语小故事(中英对照)盗取天火的普罗米修斯




