【topic2】day1. notes for Payments

【topic2】day1. notes for Payments

作者: Shania92 | 来源:发表于2017-04-13 20:33 被阅读0次

    1.payments startup:新型付款公司

    2.cheaper mortgage 低额的抵押贷款

    3.become overdrawn 开始透支

    4.nudge 推动(+to do)

    5.retail banking 小额银行存放业务

    6.One reason (incumbents have proved so resilient:在职人员弹性如此大的原因是

    此处作为reason 的定语从句;

    have proved+形容词=be +形容词,Eg.have proved more resistant 有抵抗力的;

    7.landscape :只欧洲的银行对新型付款公司的信息封闭的情况

    形势;情形;情状 A landscape is all the features that are important in a particular situation.

    8.Provided the customer has given explicit consent


    give explicit consent 予以明确同意

    9.integrated into 综合考虑

    10.With access to account data

    With access to:获得访问

    11.rock-bottom interest rates 基本利率

    12.They will not be subject to the same capital and stress-testing requirements banks face: but nor will they be licensed to undertake the riskier business of lending.这些(新型企业)将不会承担传统银行需要面对的资本及压力测试要求,(这也使得)它们将不会得到“承担高额商业贷款”的许可证。

    be subject to:收支配于,此处我理解为承受


    13.perfect on paper 理论上是完美的

    14.teamed up with 与。。。合作



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