

作者: JackeyHuo | 来源:发表于2017-12-04 01:49 被阅读0次

    Daily Routine

    Plan Performing

    1. compiler PA2, at least ficnish half the error report
    2. spark form, fill both, and send department related one to counsellor, noon at the latest.
    3. join the league activity at afternoon
    4. debug board for 25M, if there is time
    5. learn SVM, or read some tensorflow documentation
    6. doing network experiment 2 

    actually did:

    1. compiler PA2, finish the first 2 feature
    2. spark form, got grade from counsellor
    3. join the league activity


    got up at 8am, washing and eating, 9am, doing compiler PA2, till 11:45. go to the bed, not sleep but watch youtube. at 13:30 take a short nap, 14:pm, wake up and continue pa. at 16:45, went out to join the activity, 18:00am, activity finished, and eat out finished, start doing pa.

    till 22:00, doing pa2, at 22:00, plan to switch computer to surface. finding the surface cannot support 2k screen. HERE I MAKE A HUGE STUPID MISTAKE, I though it's caused by kernel, so remove lots kernel file, then the os crashed!, I have to reinstall the whole system, and ended up find it's surface itself, that donot support 2k. after setting up the environment at 1:00, start pa2, till 1:40. now the power is wore out.


    1. finish pa2
    2. start network experiment 2
    3. start singnal process principle homework 4
    4. get mark of teacher, send spark form to counsellor



