#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#if __has_include(<YYWebImage/YYWebImage.h>)
#import <YYWebImage/YYImageCache.h>
#import "YYImageCache.h"
@class YYWebImageOperation;
/// The options to control image operation.
// 控制图片请求的模式
typedef NS_OPTIONS(NSUInteger, YYWebImageOptions) {
/// Show network activity on status bar when download image.
/// 当下载图片的时候会在状态栏显示一个当前网络状况
YYWebImageOptionShowNetworkActivity = 1 << 0,
/// Display progressive/interlaced/baseline image during download (same as web browser).
/// 能够像浏览器一样,显示一个逐渐显示的图片,有三种方式:渐进显示,中间带交叉效果,基于基线显示.这里可以看demo理解三种模式的区别
YYWebImageOptionProgressive = 1 << 1,
/// Display blurred progressive JPEG or interlaced PNG image during download.
/// This will ignore baseline image for better user experience.
/// 下载的时候显示一个 `模糊的` 渐渐显示的JPEG图片,或者一个交错显示的PNG图片,具体效果还是看demo
/// 这种模式会忽略baseline这种显示模式来获得更好的用户体验
YYWebImageOptionProgressiveBlur = 1 << 2,
/// Use NSURLCache instead of YYImageCache.
/// 使用 NSURLCache 来代替 YYImageCache
YYWebImageOptionUseNSURLCache = 1 << 3,
/// Allows untrusted SSL ceriticates.
/// 允许未受信任的SSL证书,PS:基于我的理解以及对比SDWebImage,这种模式一般用户调试过程,不用于生产过程
YYWebImageOptionAllowInvalidSSLCertificates = 1 << 4,
/// Allows background task to download image when app is in background.
/// app进入后台的时候允许后台下载图片
YYWebImageOptionAllowBackgroundTask = 1 << 5,
/// Handles cookies stored in NSHTTPCookieStore.
/// 把cookies存储进 NSHTTPCookieStore
YYWebImageOptionHandleCookies = 1 << 6,
/// Load the image from remote and refresh the image cache.
/// 从远程下载图片并且刷新图片缓存, 这种模式可以用于更换了图片内容,但是图片URL不替换
YYWebImageOptionRefreshImageCache = 1 << 7,
/// Do not load image from/to disk cache.
/// 不从硬盘缓存加载图片,同时也不会把图片缓存进磁盘
YYWebImageOptionIgnoreDiskCache = 1 << 8,
/// Do not change the view's image before set a new URL to it.
/// 当没有通过一个URL下载到一个新的图片的时候不去修改图片,PS:字面意思,忽略占位图;
YYWebImageOptionIgnorePlaceHolder = 1 << 9,
/// Ignore image decoding.
/// This may used for image downloading without display.
/// 忽略图片解码。
/// 这种模式可能用于下载的时候并不去显示该图片;
YYWebImageOptionIgnoreImageDecoding = 1 << 10,
/// Ignore multi-frame image decoding.
/// This will handle the GIF/APNG/WebP/ICO image as single frame image.
/// 忽略多frame图片解码
/// 这种模式会将 GIF/APNG/WebP/ICO图片转换为单一frame的图片;PS: 开发中如果需求图片固定显示大小,这个模式可能会有用
YYWebImageOptionIgnoreAnimatedImage = 1 << 11,
/// Set the image to view with a fade animation.
/// This will add a "fade" animation on image view's layer for better user experience.
/// 设置图片的时候带有一个fade的动画效果
/// 会给view's layer添加一个淡入淡出动画效果来获取更好的用户体验
YYWebImageOptionSetImageWithFadeAnimation = 1 << 12,
/// Do not set the image to the view when image fetch complete.
/// You may set the image manually.
/// 当图片下载完成之前不去设置它Image
/// 你可以手动设置图片
YYWebImageOptionAvoidSetImage = 1 << 13,
/// This flag will add the URL to a blacklist (in memory) when the URL fail to be downloaded,
/// so the library won't keep trying.
/// 这种模式会把URL加进黑名单中,当下载失败的时候,黑名单存储在内存中,所以这种模式不会尝试重复下载
YYWebImageOptionIgnoreFailedURL = 1 << 14,
/// Indicated where the image came from.
/// 用来告诉我们图片来源
typedef NS_ENUM(NSUInteger, YYWebImageFromType) {
/// No value. 空
YYWebImageFromNone = 0,
/// Fetched from memory cache immediately.
/// If you called "setImageWithURL:..." and the image is already in memory,
/// then you will get this value at the same call.
/// 立刻从内存中查找图片,如果你调用了"setImageWithURL..."并且图片已经存在于内存,你会从相同的回调里面得到这个值;
/// Fetched from memory cache. 从内存中获取的
/// Fetched from disk cache. 从磁盘中获取的
/// Fetched from remote (web or file path). 从远程下载的,可以是web或者一个路径
/// Indicated image fetch complete stage.
/// 用来告诉我们图片下载的完成度的
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, YYWebImageStage) {
/// Incomplete, progressive image. 未完成,带进度的image
YYWebImageStageProgress = -1,
/// Cancelled. 已经取消了
YYWebImageStageCancelled = 0,
/// Finished (succeed or failed). 已经结束,可能是成功或者失败
YYWebImageStageFinished = 1,
The block invoked in remote image fetch progress.
因此可以通过receivedSize/expectedSize获得progress,如果expectedSize = -1代表着不知道一共有多大;
@param receivedSize Current received size in bytes.
@param expectedSize Expected total size in bytes (-1 means unknown).
typedef void(^YYWebImageProgressBlock)(NSInteger receivedSize, NSInteger expectedSize);
@discussion 当'YYWebImageCompletionBlock'这个完成回调在下载完成之前,会执行这个回调用来给你一个机会做一些额外的处理,比如用来修改图片尺寸等. 如果这里不需要对图片进行transform处理,只会返回image这一个参数
@example 你可以裁剪/模糊图片,或者添加圆角,通过以下代码:
^(UIImage *image, NSURL *url){
// 可能你需要创建一个 @autoreleasepool来限制内存开销
image = [image yy_imageByResizeToSize:CGSizeMake(100, 100) contentMode:UIViewContentModeScaleAspectFill];
image = [image yy_imageByBlurRadius:20 tintColor:nil tintMode:kCGBlendModeNormal saturation:1.2 maskImage:nil];
image = [image yy_imageByRoundCornerRadius:5];
return image;
The block invoked before remote image fetch finished to do additional image process.
@discussion This block will be invoked before `YYWebImageCompletionBlock` to give
you a chance to do additional image process (such as resize or crop). If there's
no need to transform the image, just return the `image` parameter.
@example You can clip the image, blur it and add rounded corners with these code:
^(UIImage *image, NSURL *url) {
// Maybe you need to create an @autoreleasepool to limit memory cost.
image = [image yy_imageByResizeToSize:CGSizeMake(100, 100) contentMode:UIViewContentModeScaleAspectFill];
image = [image yy_imageByBlurRadius:20 tintColor:nil tintMode:kCGBlendModeNormal saturation:1.2 maskImage:nil];
image = [image yy_imageByRoundCornerRadius:5];
return image;
@param image The image fetched from url.
@param url The image url (remote or local file path).
@return The transformed image.
typedef UIImage * _Nullable (^YYWebImageTransformBlock)(UIImage *image, NSURL *url);
@param image The image.
@param url 图片url,远程或者本地路径
@param from 图片从哪来,
@param error 图片下载中的错误
@param finished 如果请求取消掉了,返回NO,其他是YES
The block invoked when image fetch finished or cancelled.
@param image The image.
@param url The image url (remote or local file path).
@param from Where the image came from.
@param error Error during image fetching.
@param finished If the operation is cancelled, this value is NO, otherwise YES.
typedef void (^YYWebImageCompletionBlock)(UIImage * _Nullable image,
NSURL *url,
YYWebImageFromType from,
YYWebImageStage stage,
NSError * _Nullable error);
A manager to create and manage web image operation.
@interface YYWebImageManager : NSObject
Returns global YYWebImageManager instance.
@return YYWebImageManager shared instance.
+ (instancetype)sharedManager;
* 生成一个manager,带有缓存与操作队列
* @param cache manager用到的图片缓存, (传nil不使用缓存)
* @param queue 图片请求,调度运行的请求队列,(传nil,生成新的operation立即启动不需要队列queue)
* @return 一个新的manager
Creates a manager with an image cache and operation queue.
@param cache Image cache used by manager (pass nil to avoid image cache).
@param queue The operation queue on which image operations are scheduled and run
(pass nil to make the new operation start immediately without queue).
@return A new manager.
- (instancetype)initWithCache:(nullable YYImageCache *)cache
queue:(nullable NSOperationQueue *)queue NS_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER;
- (instancetype)init UNAVAILABLE_ATTRIBUTE;
+ (instancetype)new UNAVAILABLE_ATTRIBUTE;
* 创建返回一个新的operation,这个operation会立刻开始执行
* @param url 图片url,可以是远程或者本地路径
* @param options 控制下载的option
* @param progress 进度回调block,会在后台线程的时候调用,传空的话会禁用此特性
* @param transform 附加的transform处理block,会在后台线程的时候调用,传空禁用此block
* @param completion 完成回调block,会在后台线程的时候调用,传空禁用此block
* @return 一个新的图片operation
Creates and returns a new image operation, the operation will start immediately.
@param url The image url (remote or local file path).
@param options The options to control image operation.
@param progress Progress block which will be invoked on background thread (pass nil to avoid).
@param transform Transform block which will be invoked on background thread (pass nil to avoid).
@param completion Completion block which will be invoked on background thread (pass nil to avoid).
@return A new image operation.
- (nullable YYWebImageOperation *)requestImageWithURL:(NSURL *)url
progress:(nullable YYWebImageProgressBlock)progress
transform:(nullable YYWebImageTransformBlock)transform
completion:(nullable YYWebImageCompletionBlock)completion;
The image cache used by image operation.
You can set it to nil to avoid image cache.
@property (nullable, nonatomic, strong) YYImageCache *cache;
* 图片的请求调度运行的队列
* 你不通过队列,新建一个新的operation的时候,可以给这个值置为nil;
* 你可以用这个队列来控制请求并发的最大最小数量,获得当前操作队列的状态值,或者来取消这个manager中所有的operation
The operation queue on which image operations are scheduled and run.
You can set it to nil to make the new operation start immediately without queue.
You can use this queue to control maximum number of concurrent operations, to obtain
the status of the current operations, or to cancel all operations in this manager.
@property (nullable, nonatomic, strong) NSOperationQueue *queue;
* 默认值为nil,共享的图片变换的过程,
* 当调用`requestImageWithURL:options:progress:transform:completion`并且`transform`不为nil时,这个block才有用
The shared transform block to process image. Default is nil.
When called `requestImageWithURL:options:progress:transform:completion` and
the `transform` is not nil, this block will be used.
@property (nullable, nonatomic, copy) YYWebImageTransformBlock sharedTransformBlock;
The image request timeout interval in seconds. Default is 15.
@property (nonatomic) NSTimeInterval timeout;
The username used by NSURLCredential, default is nil.
@property (nullable, nonatomic, copy) NSString *username;
The password used by NSURLCredential, default is nil.
@property (nullable, nonatomic, copy) NSString *password;
The image HTTP request header. Default is "Accept:image/webp,image/\*;q=0.8".
@property (nullable, nonatomic, copy) NSDictionary<NSString *, NSString *> *headers;
每个图片http请求做额外的 HTTP header 操作的时候会调用这个block,默认为nil
使用这个block,可以为指定的URL,添加或移除 HTTP header field;
A block which will be invoked for each image HTTP request to do additional
HTTP header process. Default is nil.
Use this block to add or remove HTTP header field for a specified URL.
@property (nullable, nonatomic, copy) NSDictionary<NSString *, NSString *> *(^headersFilter)(NSURL *url, NSDictionary<NSString *, NSString *> * _Nullable header);
A block which will be invoked for each image operation. Default is nil.
Use this block to provide a custom image cache key for a specified URL.
@property (nullable, nonatomic, copy) NSString *(^cacheKeyFilter)(NSURL *url);
Returns the HTTP headers for a specified URL.
返回URL的 HTTP headers
@param url A specified URL.
@return HTTP headers.
- (nullable NSDictionary<NSString *, NSString *> *)headersForURL:(NSURL *)url;
Returns the cache key for a specified URL.
@param url A specified URL
@return Cache key used in YYImageCache. key在YYImageCache中有用到
- (NSString *)cacheKeyForURL:(NSURL *)url;
Increments the number of active network requests.
If this number was zero before incrementing, this will start animating the
status bar network activity indicator.
This method is thread safe.
This method has no effect in App Extension.
+ (void)incrementNetworkActivityCount;
Decrements the number of active network requests.
If this number becomes zero after decrementing, this will stop animating the
status bar network activity indicator.
This method is thread safe.
This method has no effect in App Extension.
+ (void)decrementNetworkActivityCount;
Get current number of active network requests.
This method is thread safe.
This method has no effect in App Extension.
+ (NSInteger)currentNetworkActivityCount;
#import "YYWebImageManager.h"
#import "YYImageCache.h"
#import "YYWebImageOperation.h"
#import "YYImageCoder.h"
#import <objc/runtime.h>
#define kNetworkIndicatorDelay (1/30.0)
/// App Extension中返回nil,否则返回sharedApplication;
/// Returns nil in App Extension.
static UIApplication *_YYSharedApplication() {
static BOOL isAppExtension = NO;
static dispatch_once_t onceToken;
dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
Class cls = NSClassFromString(@"UIApplication");
if(!cls || ![cls respondsToSelector:@selector(sharedApplication)]) isAppExtension = YES;
if ([[[NSBundle mainBundle] bundlePath] hasSuffix:@".appex"]) isAppExtension = YES;
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wundeclared-selector"
return isAppExtension ? nil : [UIApplication performSelector:@selector(sharedApplication)];
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
@interface _YYWebImageApplicationNetworkIndicatorInfo : NSObject
@property (nonatomic, assign) NSInteger count;
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSTimer *timer;
@implementation _YYWebImageApplicationNetworkIndicatorInfo
@implementation YYWebImageManager
在生成的时候会生成一个YYImageCache单例类,会新建一个 NSOperationQueue
+ (instancetype)sharedManager {
static YYWebImageManager *manager;
static dispatch_once_t onceToken;
dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
YYImageCache *cache = [YYImageCache sharedCache];
NSOperationQueue *queue = [NSOperationQueue new];
if ([queue respondsToSelector:@selector(setQualityOfService:)]) {
queue.qualityOfService = NSQualityOfServiceBackground; // 后台优先级
manager = [[self alloc] initWithCache:cache queue:queue];
return manager;
- (instancetype)init {
@throw [NSException exceptionWithName:@"YYWebImageManager init error" reason:@"Use the designated initializer to init." userInfo:nil];
return [self initWithCache:nil queue:nil];
- (instancetype)initWithCache:(YYImageCache *)cache queue:(NSOperationQueue *)queue{
self = [super init];
if (!self) return nil;
// 这里很好的遵循了苹果规范,初始化的时候先调用父类,同时初始化了_cache,_queue,_timeout,_header这些属性
_cache = cache;
_queue = queue;
_timeout = 15.0;
if (YYImageWebPAvailable()) {
_headers = @{ @"Accept" : @"image/webp,image/*;q=0.8" };
} else {
_headers = @{ @"Accept" : @"image/*;q=0.8" };
return self;
// 这里就是具体的下载请求方法了
- (YYWebImageOperation *)requestImageWithURL:(NSURL *)url
completion:(YYWebImageCompletionBlock)completion {
// 1、先生成一个request,并且根据传入参数生成request参数
NSMutableURLRequest *request = [NSMutableURLRequest requestWithURL:url];
request.timeoutInterval = _timeout;
request.HTTPShouldHandleCookies = (options & YYWebImageOptionHandleCookies) != 0;
request.allHTTPHeaderFields = [self headersForURL:url]; // 设置请求头
request.HTTPShouldUsePipelining = YES;
request.cachePolicy = (options & YYWebImageOptionUseNSURLCache) ?
NSURLRequestUseProtocolCachePolicy : NSURLRequestReloadIgnoringLocalCacheData;
设置缓存策略,如果加载图片模式存在并且 = YYWebImageOptionUseNSURLCache,
说明:NSURLRequestUseProtocolCachePolicy这个是系统默认的缓存策略,缓存不存在,就去重新服务端拉去,如果存在的话,根据下一步请求的Cache-control字段来进行下一步的操作,比如如果cache-control = must-revalidata,那么还会去询问服务端是否有数据更新,有的话就拉取新数据,没有就返回缓存;
// 2、根据request,option,cache,cacheKey,progress,transformblock,completionblock生成一个YYWebImageOperation对象
YYWebImageOperation *operation = [[YYWebImageOperation alloc] initWithRequest:request
cacheKey:[self cacheKeyForURL:url]
transform:transform ? transform : _sharedTransformBlock
// 如果有用户名跟密码, operation 的 credential 属性通过系统提供的 NSURLCredential 类生成
if (_username && _password) {
operation.credential = [NSURLCredential credentialWithUser:_username password:_password persistence:NSURLCredentialPersistenceForSession];
// 如果operation初始化成功
if (operation) {
NSOperationQueue *queue = _queue;
// 并且存在一个queue
if (queue) {
[queue addOperation:operation]; // operation 加入到 queue 就会执行;
} else {
[operation start]; // 如果queue不存在,直接开始这个operation
return operation;
- (NSDictionary *)headersForURL:(NSURL *)url {
if (!url) return nil;
return _headersFilter ? _headersFilter(url, _headers) : _headers;
* 生成cackeKey的方法
* 如果这个cacheKeyFilterblock存在的话,就把url作为参数传入block并且返回这个block,
_cacheKeyFilter这个block的返回值为NSString类型, 反之如果不存在的话直接以url的完整地址作为key
* @return cacheKey字符串
- (NSString *)cacheKeyForURL:(NSURL *)url {
if (!url) return nil;
return _cacheKeyFilter ? _cacheKeyFilter(url) : url.absoluteString;
// 以下是网络状态指示器部分的代码
#pragma mark Network Indicator
+ (_YYWebImageApplicationNetworkIndicatorInfo *)_networkIndicatorInfo {
return objc_getAssociatedObject(self, @selector(_networkIndicatorInfo)); // 运行时,关联对象,使用方法的selector,作为key;
+ (void)_setNetworkIndicatorInfo:(_YYWebImageApplicationNetworkIndicatorInfo *)info {
objc_setAssociatedObject(self, @selector(_networkIndicatorInfo), info, OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN);
// 设置网络状态,默认1/30秒会加载一次
+ (void)_delaySetActivity:(NSTimer *)timer {
UIApplication *app = _YYSharedApplication();
if (!app) return;
NSNumber *visiable = timer.userInfo;
if (app.networkActivityIndicatorVisible != visiable.boolValue) {
[app setNetworkActivityIndicatorVisible:visiable.boolValue];
[timer invalidate];
+ (void)_changeNetworkActivityCount:(NSInteger)delta {
if (!_YYSharedApplication()) return;
// 定义block,在这个block中操作计数加减
void (^block)() = ^{
_YYWebImageApplicationNetworkIndicatorInfo *info = [self _networkIndicatorInfo];
if (!info) {
info = [_YYWebImageApplicationNetworkIndicatorInfo new];
[self _setNetworkIndicatorInfo:info];
NSInteger count = info.count;
count += delta;
info.count = count;
[info.timer invalidate]; // 这里紧紧销毁计时器,不置nil会不会销毁失败?
// 每1/30秒执行一次timer,同时把info.count作为参数传递过去,
// 其实这里有个思考,初始化就调度这个NSTimer,设置repeats属性为YES,不需要每次增加网络数量跟减少活跃数量的时候都新初始化这个timer,需要发起的时候调用setFireDate来执行开始与停止定时器工作,岂不是效率更高?
info.timer = [NSTimer timerWithTimeInterval:kNetworkIndicatorDelay target:self selector:@selector(_delaySetActivity:) userInfo:@(info.count > 0) repeats:NO];
[[NSRunLoop mainRunLoop] addTimer:info.timer forMode:NSRunLoopCommonModes];
// 保证在主线程中调用block
if ([NSThread isMainThread]) {
} else {
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), block);
+ (void)incrementNetworkActivityCount {
[self _changeNetworkActivityCount:1];
+ (void)decrementNetworkActivityCount {
[self _changeNetworkActivityCount:-1];
+ (NSInteger)currentNetworkActivityCount {
_YYWebImageApplicationNetworkIndicatorInfo *info = [self _networkIndicatorInfo];
return info.count;
其实有个疑问在注释里面也写出来了,每次调用+ (void)incrementNetworkActivityCount
与+ (void)decrementNetworkActivityCount
- 代码规范. 从注释,到变量名,方法名,枚举的定义,可以看到一个好的开源项目其代码一定是让人读起来赏心悦目的.
- 容错处理.因为你不可能知道使用者会如何非法的使用你的api,所以要尽可能做更多的容错处理,最常见的情况就是判空的操作.
- 注意线程安全,如在
+ (void)_changeNetworkActivityCount:(NSInteger)delta