So, history?
I'm very impressed, Frank.
Good. With your go-ahead, I'll start the mock-up.
Have Birch and Rasmussen seen this?
Not yet. I wanted you to be the first to have a look.
I'll schedule a time for you to fill in
the president.
Oh, no, no, no. That is your turf
, Linda. You should do that.
Thank You, Frank.
my pleasure. Thank you.
I so apologize for everything-- -
No, no, no, n-- it's not necessary. Now for the real meeting. So what is happening with Michael Kern?
Oh, it's a total nightmare. You know who you're gonna tap
next? Frank, we still need you in the house--
No, no, no. I wouldn't dream of
it. We've got our education bill. I was just curious.
Somehow the rumor is flying around that
we're gonna nominate Catherine Durant. I'm sure you've noticed. -
Is the rumor true?
Well, we weren't considering her at first, but the president asked me to have her vetted in case we wanna go that route
Interesting. -
What Do You think?
Well, she wouldn't be my first choice--
Who would be your first choice?
She campaigned hard against us in the primaries.
That's my reservation.
But you'd show yourself above party politics, and I know she'd work all the harder for it. Decent experience, respect cross the aisle.
So you think we can seriously consider her?
It's not the worst idea in the world
Where are you getting this shit?
Your stories.
I was Just- -
Who are You fucking?
Nobody. -
Oh, Come on.
You're a metro scrub
, and now look at you. You'd have to be fucking somebody important.
I'm just doing my job, Janine. Excuse me.
All set.
Is this your first remote? -
Yeah, it's my first time.
Right into the camera, don't shift in your seat, and there's no reason to speak above a conversational volume
. The mic will pick you up. You all ready? -
All right. Don't forget to breathe.
Five, four...
We'd like to welcome Zoe Barnes from the Washington Herald. Zoe, thank you for joining us.
I'm very glad to be here. Thank you for having me
You broke the education bill, the Kern editorial, and now Durant.
I'm just thrilled to be reporting news that matters
. And it's truly been a team effort. Everyone at the Herald pitched in. But, yes, a lot of firsts. First national story,
Thank you. Calling it a night
See you tomorrow, sir.
But, yes, a lot of firsts. First national story, first front-page byline, first TV interview. I would wave to my mom, but the cameraman said not to shift in my seat.
What a roller coaster
. It really is too bad. Kern was a good man.
And now Catherine Durant. -
Right place, right time, I suppose.
We like her, don't we? -
Very much.
Question is, does she like Sancorp as much as we like her?
I would say that that is a very good bet. But then again, I'm not a betting man.
No. You always like a sure thing.
When it avails itself. Good night, Remy.
Good night, Frank.
see You around.
Hopefully less And less now.
Oh, no. I charged the wrong thing. What did You have again? -
A medium decaf latte.
Med lat, dec. I don't know how to get it to go back.
this one And this one. -
this one?
No. Let me do it.
I have to ask you to stay back, congressman.
What's going on?
Some guy was trying to get into the building. When we said no, he started tearing his clothes off.
Nobody can hear you. Nobody cares about you. Nothing will come of this. Why don't you let these nice gentlemen take you home? Cover him up. It's cold out here.
You heard the congressman.
Cover him up.
Page 43, section 7. We'd like some clarification.
Section 7 has to do with the evaluative measures--
Evaluative measures. What we're talking about here are performance standards, plain and simple.
We can't have that. We open that can of worms
Gotta take it out, Frank.
The Administration wants it in.
Then we're all wasting our time.
Well, look, I can cut down
the frequency of testing,
but it's got to be part of the overall--
That's the thin edge of a two-ton wedge
No way, non-debatable. - All right, hold on.
There's no harm in hearing them out
, right?
Frank, what do you have in mind?
We adjust article 4. Hand me article 4. We go every three years instead of two.
Frank, for us to even consider testing--
Marty, we can't negotiate time intervals here.
If-- I'm just saying if-- The frequency could never be more than five years.
Look, five is a little high, but if you can bend on
Marty. -
Wait, wait, wait. And it's not just frequency. Veteran teachers would have to be exempt
if they have a proven record of excellence with the students.
Well, excuse me for a moment. Corey, will you take the reins on this
Right, so, article 4-- in terms of exceptions--
英 | 中 |
fill in | 口语:提供情况 |
dream of sth | 做梦想到,想到,考虑到(常用于否定句) |
in case | 以防...万一 |
go that route | 走那条路 |
metro scrub | 无名小卒 |
have sb | 邀请某人 |
call it a night/day | 今天晚上就到这儿(结束工作) |
come of sth | 由sth引起 |
can of worm | 头痛的问题,一团糟 |
cut down | 缩减,削减 |
the thin edge of the wedge | 重大事件的萌芽,开始无关紧要而后果严重的行为 |
bend on sth/doing sth | 下定决定做某事 |
take the reins on sth | 接过某事的权力(掌控) |
in terms of sth | 就...方面来说 |
英 | 中 |
turf | 地盘,势力范围 |
tap | v.挖人 |
byline | 标题下的署名 |
avail | 有益于,有助于 |
exempt | a. 被免除义务的 |
英 | 中 |
the rumor is flying around that... | 有谣言称... |
It's not the worst idea in the world | 这主意也不错 |
there's no reason to do sth | 不要做某事... |
I'm just thrilled to do sth | 对能做某事我感到很激动 |
What a roller coaster | 用于对事情的急剧变化的感叹 |
see you around | 再见 |
There's no harm in doing sth | 且做做某事也不会有害 |
what do you have in mind | 你想说什么? |