[安装手册] HP ProBook/EliteBook/Zboo

[安装手册] HP ProBook/EliteBook/Zboo

作者: 王大发 | 来源:发表于2016-05-22 22:01 被阅读3248次

[安装手册] HP ProBook/EliteBook/Zbook using Clover UEFI hotpatch (10.11)



本手册一步一步的教你安装 EI Captian/Yosemite到你的使用Intel显卡的ProBook/EliteBook/Zbook机器。


提示:本手册同样适用于Mavericks(需要硬件支持)虽然我没怎么测试。事实上,我用同样的方法将老旧的10.6.8安装到了我的4530s上。当然,许多最新的 kexts 并不支持老版本的 OSX,无线网卡在老系统上也没那么容易驱动,你可能要去找老驱动或者换网卡。

我有俩笔记本,一个ProBook 4530s,一个ProBook 4540s,使用本文中所采用的 hotpatch 方法用了有一阵子。这些资料和配置也在其他型号的机器上测试过了,当然你认为这是测试版也没啥问题。

ProBook Install 已经不再受支持,所以本文同样也是对nguyenmac安装手册(http://www.tonymacx86.com/el-capita...-hp-elitebook-probook-others-clover-uefi.html)的一个替代。

What you need



  • 6系主板的型号: HP Probook 4x30s, 6x60b, Elitebook 2x60p, 8x60p, 8x60w

  • 7系主板的型号: HP Probook 4x40s, 4x0 G0, 6x70b, Elitebook 8x70p, 2x70p, 9470m

  • 8系主板的型号: HP 3x0 G1, Probook 4x0 G1/G2, Elitebook 8x0 G1, ZBook G1, Folio 1040 G1

  • 9系主板的型号: HP Probook 4x0/6x0/8x0/ZBook G2

  • 100系主板的型号: HP ProBook 4x0 G3 目前不是很确定,你可以试试,欢迎反馈。

  • OS X Yosemite 或者 El Capitan 的镜像,可以从 Mac App Store 下载

  • 8GB 以上U盘

  • 兼容无的d线网卡

  • BIOS 从 HP 网站升级到最新型号

Intel 以外的显卡暂时不被支持。虽然能找到一些方法去使用,但是这些都需要单独修改显示方面的配置,加入其他的kext,调整ACPI,本文不讨论这些。


  • HP Probook 4x30s: the laptop has whitelist BIOS, so only usable card is HP-branded Atheros AR5B195. You can also use a rebranded AR5BHB92 (AR9280).
  • HP Probook 6x60b/5330m, HP Elitebook 8x60p/2x60p: the laptop has whitelist BIOS, so only usable card is HP-branded Broadcom 43224HMS (582564-001/582564-002)
  • For laptops with NGFF/M.2 WiFi slot: BCM94352Z
  • Other laptop:
    WIFI ONLY: Atheros AR9280/9285, Broadcom 4322/43224 (better OS X feature support)
    WIFI+BT: AR5B195 (not recommended), Broadcom 43225HMB/4352HMB (better OS X feature support)

提示:HP 6x70b/8x70/2x70/9470m 内置蓝牙模块,所以如果你插的是带蓝牙模块的无线网卡,那么蓝牙不被使用。

关于 OSX 无线网卡的 FAQ:http://www.tonymacx86.com/el-capita...faq-read-first-laptop-frequent-questions.html

提示:USB 网卡不推荐,速度慢,不稳定


开始之前,先将 BIOS 恢复一下默认设置。


  • UEFI boot is enabled (hybrid/with CSM for best result)
  • secure boot is disabled
  • disable fast boot
  • IGPU graphics memory set to 64mb (Broadwell and Skylake)

提示:如果你的笔记本有switchable graphics相关的设置,打开它。这样在 Windows 下,它能正确的切换,在 Mac 下,独立显卡会被通过ACPI patches禁用掉。如果你也想在 Windows 中禁用屌,你得通过DGPU设置来完成。(译注:感觉这块儿没啥用,后面还有几句,没翻译)

准备 USB 安装和初始化

安装 OS X 之前,你可以通过 HP 提供的工具创建一个恢复 U 盘,这样当你想恢复回 Windows 的时候,可以通过它来恢复。

(译注:不太确定是不是 HP 提供的,反正是做个恢复 U 盘)

有一个不影响 Windows 安装 OSX 的奇技淫巧: http://www.tonymacx86.com/multi-booting/133940-mavericks-windows-8-same-drive-without-erasing.html ,有需求的自己看。

然后这是份关于笔记本创建Clover UEFI的指南:http://www.tonymacx86.com/el-capita...de-booting-os-x-installer-laptops-clover.html


  • 安装完成后,拷贝RealtekRTL8111.kextIntelMausiEthernet.kextClover/kexts/Other目录,是必须的,否则没以太网。如果你确定你的无线网卡兼容,你也可以选择拷贝FakePCIID.kext, FakePCIID_Broadcom_WiFi.kext, 和 ProBookAtheros.kextClover/kexts/Other

FakePCIID.kextFakePCIID_Broadcom_WiFi.kext 在: https://github.com/RehabMan/OS-X-Fake-PCI-ID. ProBookAtheros.kext 在4x30s DSDT patch github: https://github.com/RehabMan/HP-ProBook-4x30s-DSDT-Patch

  • 使用createinstallmedia。它工作的很好,同时也可以作为 OS X recovery 分区来使用。

  • 最好使用USB2的介质。�USB3 在六系准系统上,可能会有问题。

  • 一些笔记本需要使用替换DropTables。比如使用 Sandy Bridge CPU turbo boost enabled 的型号(如Core i5-2xxx, Core i7-2xxx, but not Core i3-2xxx等)。


按照上一节提到的方式安装 Clover UEFI。安装完毕并正确配置(config.plist, kexts, 就像你做启动盘时那样)后,你就能从硬盘引导啦。这时你的引导文件应该是和你的U盘 Clover 是一样的。注意别忘了HFSPlus.efiHPFanReset.efi


此时虽然系统被启动起来了,但还是有许多硬件没有被正确驱动。我们需要打补丁(patch DSDT),合理配置config.plist,安装必要的驱动文件。

在此之前,你已经将RealtekRTL8111kext/IntelMausiEthernet.kext注入到了 Clover,你应该已经能上网了。不管 WIFI 还是有线网,连接它,然后继续往下看。

(译注:像 RehabMan 大神致敬,本文以及这个 Repo 都是大神的作品)

To start, the developer tools must be installed. Run Terminal, and type:

开始之前,Mac 的开发工具必须被安装。打开终端( Terminal ),然后输入:



这时可以把刚刚提到的补丁和工具包从 github 拉回来了。


mkdir ~/Projects
cd ~/Projects
git clone https://github.com/RehabMan/HP-ProBook-4x30s-DSDT-Patch probook.git


cd ~/Projects/probook.git


这时你可以重启计算机验证刚刚步骤的成果。重启可能有点慢,不要紧张,这是因为kexts(驱动)被安装好了,但是 ACPI 没有被正确配置。


刚刚下载的补丁文件,不再使用 DSDT/SSDTs 方法打补丁,而是采用 Clover hotpatches 技术来打补丁,这么做的好处是侵略性更小,依赖额外准备好的 SSDTs 文件,。这种方式比之前的补丁方式侵略性小,也更容易操作一些,不再extract/disassemble/patch/compile这些步骤。(在 HP ProBook Installer 时代,这些步骤是自动化完成的)。



cd ~/Projects/probook.git

build.sh脚本将所依赖的 SSDT 文件编译出来(通过 iasl ),生成后的文件在./build目录。它也会生成一些稍后会用到的配置文件。


cd ~/Projects/probook.git
ls build


SSDT-1040-G1-Haswell.aml    SSDT-8x70.aml            SSDT-PRW.aml
SSDT-2x70.aml            SSDT-9x70.aml            SSDT-SATA.aml
SSDT-3x0-G1.aml            SSDT-BATT-G2.aml        SSDT-SMBUS.aml
SSDT-4x0-G0.aml            SSDT-BATT-G3.aml        SSDT-USB-4x0-G3.aml
SSDT-4x0-G1-Haswell.aml        SSDT-BATT.aml            SSDT-USB-4x0s-G2.aml
SSDT-4x0-G1-Ivy.aml        SSDT-FAN-MOD.aml        SSDT-USB-4x30s.aml
SSDT-4x0-G2-Broadwell.aml    SSDT-FAN-ORIG.aml        SSDT-USB-4x40s.aml
SSDT-4x0-G2-Haswell.aml        SSDT-FAN-QUIET.aml        SSDT-USB-6x60.aml
SSDT-4x0-G3-Skylake.aml        SSDT-FAN-READ.aml        SSDT-USB-6x70.aml
SSDT-4x30s.aml            SSDT-FAN-SMOOTH.aml        SSDT-USB-820-G2.aml
SSDT-4x40s.aml            SSDT-HACK.aml            SSDT-USB-840-G2.aml
SSDT-6x60.aml            SSDT-IGPU-HIRES.aml        SSDT-USB-850-G2.aml
SSDT-6x70.aml            SSDT-IGPU.aml            SSDT-USB-8x0s-G1.aml
SSDT-8x0-G1-Haswell.aml        SSDT-KEY102.aml            SSDT-USB-8x60.aml
SSDT-8x0-G1-Ivy.aml        SSDT-KEY87.aml            SSDT-USB.aml
SSDT-8x0-G2-Broadwell.aml    SSDT-LANC_PRW.aml        SSDT-XOSI.aml
SSDT-8x0-G2-Haswell.aml        SSDT-LPC.aml            SSDT-ZBook-G2-Haswell.aml
SSDT-8x60.aml            SSDT-PNLF.aml            readme.txt

这些文件你不是全都用的上,需要根据你的配置和准系统型号来选择。它们最终会被安装到 EFI/Clover/ACPI/patched

To mount your EFI partition, use the mount_efi.sh shell script
from the project:

首先使用mount_efi.sh挂载 EFI 分区:

cd ~/Projects/probook.git
sudo ./mount_efi.sh /




One of the model specific SSDTs such as SSDT-4x30s.aml or SSDT-4x40s.aml, etc.


使用 SSDT-BATT.aml, SSDT-BATT-G2.aml, 还是 SSDT-BATT-G3.aml.
使用 SSDT-KEY102.aml 还是 SSDT-KEY97.aml
指定 USB customizations SSDT-USB-*.aml


如果没有自定义 USB SSDT,不要使用相关的文件,参考 USB customization 章节。

If there is not a system specific SSDT, you can try to use one that is close, but it is better if you provide the materials requested in "Unsupported laptops", so a correct SSDT can be created.

如果没有找到和你准系统相关的 SSDT,可以选择一个接近的型号试试。更好的选择是参考 ”Unsupported laptops” 部分,创建一个符合你系统的 SSDT。

举个例子,我使用ProBook 4530s1366x768屏幕,那么依赖:


在我的ProBook 4540s1080p屏幕上,我使用:


在更新的机器,比如 Skylake 的ProBook 4x0 G3,使用:



You could copy them with Finder or you can use Terminal.

从 Finder 复制这些文件,或者终端。



./install_acpi.sh install_4x30s


./install_acpi.sh install_4x40s_hires


./install_acpi.sh help

默认使用SSDT-FAN-READ.aml,从 BIOS 中读取风扇控制参数。如果你想改变这个设置,你需要在调用install_acpi.sh的时候指定第二个参数。可选的参数有:READQUIETSMOOTHMOD


./install_acpi install_4x40s_hires MOD

如果你的准系统型号没有在安装脚本找到,那是因为这个型号还没被支持。查看Unsupported laptops部分。


使用Pike R. AlphassdtPRgen.sh脚本:https://github.com/Piker-Alpha/ssdtPRGen.sh




cd ~/Projects/probook.git
curl --fail -o ./ssdtPRGen.sh https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Piker-Alpha/ssdtPRGen.sh/master/ssdtPRGen.sh
chmod +x ./ssdtPRGen.sh

如果你使用更新型号(Broadwell, Skylake 和未来其他型号的 CPU 芯片),你需要使用 beta 分支:

cd ~
curl --fail -o ./ssdtPRGen.sh https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Piker-Alpha/ssdtPRGen.sh/Beta/ssdtPRGen.sh
chmod +x ./ssdtPRGen.sh





拷贝这个文件到 EFI 目录,/EFI/Clover/ACPI/patched/SSDT.aml

cd ~/Projects/probook.git
sudo ./mount_efi.sh /
cp ~/Library/ssdtPRgen/ssdt.aml /Volumes/EFI/EFI/Clover/ACPI/patched/SSDT.aml


sudo pmset -a hibernatemode 0
sudo rm /var/vm/sleepimage
sudo mkdir /var/vm/sleepimage


Note: It is common with certain Ivy computers with ULV CPUs and MacBookAir5,x SMBIOS to need kernel flag -xcpm. If you get a panic upon boot, add the -xcpm kernel flag to config.plist/Boot/Arguments.



到现在为止,你还在使用最初用于安装引导的那个config.plst。现在所有必须的 ACPI 文件已经放好了,可以更新一下这个 config.plist 了。


cd ~/Projects/probook.git
sudo ./mount_efi.sh /

config.plist和你的硬件有关系。所有的 plist 文件在./config目录下。你能浏览到它们:

cd ~/Projects/probook.git
ls config


config_1040_G1_Haswell.plist    config_4x0s_G2_Haswell.plist    config_8x0s_G1_Ivy.plist
config_2x70p.plist        config_4x0s_G3_Skylake.plist    config_8x0s_G2_Broadwell.plist
config_3x0_G1.plist        config_4x30s.plist        config_8x0s_G2_Haswell.plist
config_4x0s_G0.plist        config_4x40s.plist        config_8x60p.plist
config_4x0s_G1_Haswell.plist    config_6x60p.plist        config_8x70p.plist
config_4x0s_G1_Ivy.plist    config_6x70p.plist        config_9x70m.plist
config_4x0s_G2_Broadwell.plist    config_8x0s_G1_Haswell.plist    config_ZBook_G2_Haswell.plist

拷贝适合你硬件的 plist 文件到你EFI分区的EFI/Clover/config.plist

提示:如果你安装过程总,自定义了 DropTables,你可能需要引入它们在你最终的config.plist 中。

拿我的 ProBook 4530s 再举个例子:

cd ~/Projects/probook.git
cp ./config/config_4x30s.plist /Volumes/EFI/EFI/Clover/config.plist

你也可以使用 Finder 拷贝这些文件。

After copying the config.plist from the repo to EFI/Clover/config.plist, you should customize the SMBIOS so you have a unique serial. You can use Clover Configurator to do this (use google to find/download it). DO NOT use Clover Configurator to edit your actual config.plist. Instead edit a "dummy" config.plist to create the SMBIOS data and then use copy/paste with a plist editor (I use Xcode) to copy the SMBIOS section into my active config.plist. Clover Configurator is too buggy and cannot be trusted with edits to your real config.plist. Make sure you use the same SMBIOS model as the original plist used.

把正确的 config.plist 放到 EFI/Clover/config.plist 之后,你可能有根据个人信息自定义 SMBIOS 的需求。你可以使用Clover Configuration生成这些信息,然后把SMBIOS的内容拷贝到你自己的config.plist中。注意,千万不要直接编辑你的config.plistClover Configuration 太多 Bug,不可信,它会抹掉你的重要信息。



确认已经看到了Known Problems,特别是Audio:章节。如果完成安装之后你重启电脑发现没有声音,不要惊慌,照着那部分内容重建缓存。

当遇到问题无法解决需要问的时候,不要忽略Problem Reporting章节中所说的必要文件,带上它们,问题才更有可能解决。


From time to time, updates may become available to the project repository. In the event of such updates, you may want to update your copies, and re-patch DSDT/SSDT with the updates.

随着时间的推移,新的补丁包可能更有效。升级到新版的补丁,你需要更新你本地的文件,重新patch DSDT/SSDT。

我们用了 git,这一切只需要几条命令:

cd ~/Projects/probook.git
git stash
git pull

In the case any of the SSDTs are updated, you will need to copy them to your EFI partition (as when you originally installed). Same goes for updates to the plist files. It is a good idea to update to the latest files before contemplating applying major updates to the system.

所有的 SSDTs 文件都会被更新,你需要重新拷贝它们到你的 EFI 分区(就像你之前做的一样)。更新你的 plist 文件也是同样的操作。在打算进行系统主版本升级(10.10->10.11)的时候,值得进行一次更新。



  • UEFI booting via Clover
  • built-in keyboard (with special function keys)
  • built-in trackpad (basic gestures)
  • HDMI video/audio with hotplug
  • AirPlay mirroring to AppleTV
  • WiFi, provided you have compatible hardware
  • Bluetooth (with handoff) using BCM94352HMB
  • native USB3 with AppleUSBXHCI (USB2 works also) (except 10.11 with 6-series laptops with NEC/Renesas)
  • native audio with AppleHDA (using injector for easy updates), including headphone
  • built-in mic
  • built-in camera (if you are lucky)
  • native power management
  • battery status
  • backlight controls with smooth transitions, save/restore across restart
  • accelerated graphics
  • wired Ethernet
  • Mac App Store working
  • Messages/FaceTime (working on 10.10.3 even though I didn't run through the guide: http://www.tonymacx86.com/general-help/110471-how-fix-imessage.html)


  • you may notice the screen flicker on certain websites/apps with gray gradients
  • card reader is not working on some models (would require significant development effort, not important to me)


Find My Mac/锁定:Find My Mac不能正确工作,不要锁定你的 Mac 因为它很难在被解开。

Wifi 在休眠后唤醒变慢:禁用SysPrefs->Energy Saver 中的 Wake for network access



  • 重启 without caches (在 Clover, 选择 without caches)
  • 重新生成缓存:
sudo touch /System/Library/Extensions && sudo kextcache -u /
  • 正常启动


Audio: External mic via requires mono-stereo adapter

Audio: If your laptop has a "combo jack" (combo headphones, external mic), the external mic will not work. Note: This is except for laptops with ALC280. The needed XML is in the project to enable full headset switching (4 pin) for ALC280 only equipped laptops such as the 8x0 G2, ZBook G2. Tested on the EliteBook 850 G2 Broadwell.

WiFi not working: Please realize you must install compatible hardware. Most of these laptops do not come with supported WiFi cards. If you have installed a compatible WiFi card, test it on Windows before concluding there is a problem with OS X. Finally, make sure the device is powered on. There is button on your keyboard deck for WiFi radio power. The LED often does not reflect the true state of power to the device, so don't mash it like a maniac. Press it once, and wait for the networks to populate... it is not instant. If it doesn't work, press again, and again... wait for the networks. If it is not working, check antenna connections and test on Windows.

Camera after sleep: On some laptops (4540s, others?) the Camera may intermittently not be detected after sleep (seems longer sleeps more than shorter sleeps). It is alleviated somewhat by portType=4 for the port associated with the camera, but still may happen occasionally. Workaround: sleep the laptop again, wake.

Slow boot and constant fsck with certain SSDs: If you have fsck always running on boot, disable TRIM. The final config.plist used in this guide always enables the TRIM patch. You can easily disable it by setting Disabled=true. You will notice your boot is extremely slow and you will notice the fsck in verbose boot or system.log. I have this issue with my desktop and Mushkin SSDs, and has been reported here with Intel SSDs. I have no issue with Crucial (M4) or Samsung (EVO).

USB customization

There are several USB SSDTs (build/SSDT-USB*.aml) provided for a few models. But you will notice that not all models are accounted for. Since USBInjectAll.kext is being used, all ports will be injected for models which lack a custom USB SSDT, but it is optimal to only inject the ports needed.

To assist in creating a new USB SSDT, the following procedure should be followed:

  • enable the port limit patch if necessary (XHC 8086:8xxx and 100-series XHC).
    (you will find the port limit patch in the config.plist but disabled by default)
  • run IORegistryExplorer v2.1 (see "Problem Reporting" below for link)
  • plug a USB3 device into each USB port (does not need to be all ports simultaneously)
  • plug a USB2 device into each USB port (does not need to be all ports simultaneously)
  • go back to the running instance of IORegistryExplorer and save the resulting ioreg file

Reply with an a note regarding your laptop hardware details and the resulting ioreg file. From the data in the ioreg a custom SSDT for your USB ports can be created.

The same procedure can be used if your USB ports/devices are not working (or some of them not working) even if you have a custom USB SSDT. Just boot with kernel flag -uia_ignore_rmcf so that the current custom configuration (for USBInjectAll.kext) is not in effect.

Other post-install tasks

Trackpad: Be sure to visit the options in SysPrefs->Trackpad and change them to your liking.

Trackpad three finger support: You can configure three finger swipes in SysPrefs->Keyboard->Shortcuts. Instead of pressing keys for a given function, do the three finger swipe (up/down/left/right).

Disable trackpad when using an external mouse: The latest script installs the VoodooPS2Daemon. It allows you to disable the built-in trackpad when a USB mouse is plugged in. Just check the box in SysPrefs->Accessibility->"Mouse & Trackpad".

Bluetooth: If you get the Bluetooth Setup Assistant popup, go to SysPrefs->Bluetooth->Advanced, uncheck the boxes.

Major updates

For example... 10.10 to 10.11.

First step should be to update to the latest repository as described in "Updates to the patch repositories".

Also update Clover to the latest using the Clover installer.

Also update config.plist at EFI/Clover/config.plist to the latest content from the repo. Be sure to retain your own SMBIOS data at config.plist/SMBIOS.

Now you can update via the App Store. Just boot the installer/updater upon restart.

After updating, run ./install_downloads.sh again:
Code (Text):

cd ~/Projects/probook.git

The reason for running ./install_downloads.sh both before and after the update is because the kexts installed by install_downloads.sh may depend on the version of OS X currently running.

Mavericks compatibility

This guide will also work with Mavericks.

Here are some notes/exceptions regarding Mavericks:

  • not much testing with Mavericks
  • FakePCIID_HD4600_HD4400.kext is installed on Mavericks even though it is not needed (doesn't seem to do any harm)
  • AppleHDA_ProBook.kext must be regenerated for Mavericks

The AppleHDA_ProBook.kext injector checked into the project is for the current version of El Capitan.

To regenerate it under Yosemite/Mavericks:
Code (Text):

cd ~/Projects/probook.git

That will generate AppleHDA_ProBook.kext in the probook.git project directory and install it to /S/L/E. You can also install it with ./install_downloads.sh or with Kext Wizard if you wish.

Note: I haven't tested this guide end-to-end, but for example the same ACPI/kext setup works all the way down to 10.6.8 on my 4530s.

To transition from PBI-CE based install

If you used the ProBook Installer-Clover Edition (PBI-CE), you can transition to this hotpatch setup:

  • remove all files in EFI/Clover/ACPI/patched except for SSDT.aml (it came from ssdtPRgen.sh)
  • then follow all instructions for post-install in the guide (ACPI/patched, config.plist)
  • you can skip the part about "Power Management" unless you accidentally deleted SSDT.aml
  • ./downloads.sh and ./install_downloads.sh can be used to update your kexts

If you have a "mixed" system (HD3000 on 7-series), the PBI-CE installed MacBookPro9,2 SMBIOS and two kexts, either AppleGraphicsPowerManagement_MacBookPro9_2.kext and ACPI_SMC_PlatformPlugin_MacBookPro9_2.kext or AppleGraphicsPowerManagement_MacBookPro10_1.kext and ACPI_SMC_PlatformPlugin_MacBookPro10_1.kext. With the new method for USB patching, these hacks are not needed. You should use an SMBIOS appropriate for your CPU (MacBookPro8,2) and delete these kexts.

Unsupported laptops

If you think your laptop might be similar to the ones listed as supported, but needs only small tweaks, please provide the following information:

  • native DSDT/SSDT files extracted via Clover F4 (ACPI/origin)
  • audio codec dump from Linux
  • full hardware details (CPU, chipset, graphics device, screen resolution, etc)
  • output from 'lspci -nn' in Linux Terminal

Notes regarding HDMI vs. DP

The files in this guide contain patches to change external ports from DP to HDMI. This may not be appropriate if your laptop has a DP port instead of HDMI.

If your laptop has DP, please provide the files requested in "Problem Reporting". Capture ioreg when the external monitor is connected. Please make sure your profile provides complete and accurate details.

Other Notes

This guide (and recent PBI-CE) does not install the FakeSMC sensor plugins. They are inefficient and waste CPU cycles even when HwMonitor is not running. As a result, various CPU status, heat sink temperatures, fan speeds will not show in HwMonitor.

You are welcome to install the plugins manually: https://github.com/RehabMan/OS-X-FakeSMC-kozlek/

After you install them manually, the ./download.sh and ./install_downloads.sh scripts will continue to update them (if FakeSMC is updated) even though those scripts won't install them initially.

Problem reporting

All problem reports should be accompanied by various files that allow your progress to be accounted for...

In terminal,
Code (Text):

rm -Rf ~/Downloads/RehabMan
mkdir ~/Downloads/RehabMan
cd ~/Downloads/RehabMan
patchmatic -extract

Attach contents of Downloads/RehabMan directory (as ZIP).

Also, post ioreg as ZIP: http://www.tonymacx86.com/audio/58368-guide-how-make-copy-ioreg.html. Please, use the IORegistryExplorer v2.1 attached to the post! DO NOT reply with an ioreg from any other version of IORegistryExplorer.app.

And output from:
Code (Text):

kextstat|grep -y acpiplat
kextstat|grep -y appleintelcpu
kextstat|grep -y applelpc
kextstat|grep -y applehda

Also output from:
Code (Text):

ls -l /System/Library/Extensions/AppleHDA.kext/Contents/Resources/.zml

Also, press F4 at the main Clover screen, then compress and attach the EFI/CLOVER folder in use. And please, in order to reduce the size, omit EFI/Clover/themes.

Also post output of:
Code (Text):

sudo touch /System/Library/Extensions && sudo kextcache -u /

Compress all files as ZIP. Do not use external links. Attach all files using site attachments only.



    本文标题:[安装手册] HP ProBook/EliteBook/Zboo
