

作者: 儿童言语治疗路老师 | 来源:发表于2021-12-14 12:02 被阅读0次

    Functional Behavioral Assessment And Functional Analysis


    Students with autism of all ages occasionally engage in extended periods of challenging behavior.  These behaviors can become challenging due to their frequency, intensity, or duration.  If the behavior is persistent and pervasive enough that learning and/or the safety of the classmates or educators is jeopardized, trained behavior interventionists will create a plan for changing the student behavior. Functional Behavioral Assessment, (FBA) helps educators to understand the function(s) of the behavior.  Then educators can design interventions to teach appropriate replacement behavior(s).


    The rationale behind conducting an FBA is that all behavior serves an identifiable purpose.  Under operant conditioning principles, individuals “learn” to engage in certain behaviors in order to fulfill a particular need.  Specifically, student behavior occurs for one of the following four reasons:

    执行 FBA 的基本原理是,所有行为都服务于一个可识别的目的。根据操作制约原则,个体为了满足某种特定的需要而“学习”从事某种行为。具体来说,学生行为的发生有以下四个原因之一:

    Attention 注意

    Access to certain tangible item or activity


    Escape or task avoidance 逃避或逃避任务

    Sensory fulfillment 感官满足

    Students with autism have been shown to adhere to these behavioral theories.


    In a Functional Behavioral Assessment, behavior interventionists collect data, conduct interviews, review existing information, and observe student behavior in order to form a hypothesis about behavioral function.


    Functional Behavioral Assessment


    AHRC NYC’s school psychologists supervise the FBA process.  Classroom staff collect data.  FBA data collection strategies include using A-B-C charts to better understand the role of antecedents and consequences in maintaining the behavior. Scatterplots help to identify certain times of the day and environments that show higher rates of student behavior.  After a period of data collection, the student’s educational team will meet to analyze this information.  A behavioral hypothesis is used to create an individualized behavior plan. Each team member’s role in the behavioral modification is addressed.

    纽约市人权委员会的学校心理学家监督 FBA 的过程。教室工作人员收集数据。FBA 数据收集策略包括使用 A-B-C 图表来更好地理解前因和后果在维持行为中的作用。散点图有助于确定一天中某些时间和环境中显示出较高比率的学生行为。经过一段时间的数据收集,学生的教育团队将开会分析这些信息。一个行为假设被用来创建一个个性化的行为计划。每个团队成员在行为修正中的角色被提出。

    Functional Analysis


    A more formalized process of identifying the function of a behavior is called a Functional Analysis, (FA).  An FA is a more clinical approach to determining which of the four functions is maintaining the behavior.  In our schools, only highly-trained Board Certified Behavior Analysts (BCBA)are responsible for conducting FAs.

    一个更形式化的识别行为功能的过程叫做功能分析(FA)。FA 是一种更为临床的方法,用于确定四种功能中哪一种维持行为。在我们的学校里,只有受过高度训练的认证行为分析师(BCBA)才负责实施行为分析。

    In a Functional Analysis, interventionists create a safe environment in which BCBAs can “test” different behavioral hypotheses.  Through repeated exposure to different behavioral environments, interventionists can confidently identify the student motivations.  While FAs allow educators to be more assured of their hypotheses, they are time-consuming and difficult to conduct. As a result, they are only implemented by highly-trained behavior specialists an after an FBA has been insufficient.

    在功能分析中,干预主义者创造了一个安全的环境,在这个环境中 bcba 可以“测试”不同的行为假设。通过反复暴露于不同的行为环境,干预主义者可以自信地识别学生的动机。虽然学生会使教育工作者能够更加确信他们的假设,但是这些假设耗费时间,而且难以实施。因此,在 FBA 不足的情况下,它们只能由训练有素的行为专家来实施。

    The FBA is a multi-step process that may include some or all of the following:

    FBA 是一个多步骤的过程,可能包括以下部分或全部内容:

    record review 记录审查

    parent and staff interviews 家长和工作人员面谈

    student interviews if appropriate 如果合适的话,可以面试学生

    the completion of rating scales such as the Motivation Assessment Scale (MAS) or the Question About Behavior Function (QABF)


    direct observation of the student in the problem activity/setting


    functional analysis. 功能分析

    A good FBA will include a graph summarizing the observations and/or functional analysis.

    一个好的 FBA 应该包括一个总结观察和/或功能分析的图表

    The FBA should result in a statement or statements that tell you WHY the child is engaging in the behavior.

    FBA 应该导致一个陈述或陈述,告诉你为什么孩子是从事的行为。

    The functional analysis is one step or possible component of the FBA. The functional analysis is a manipulation of events to PROVE why the behavior is happening. For example, if the assessment data suggests that a child may be attention seeking with his/her behavior, then the functional analysis will be implemented so that in one condition, the child is given a toy immediately following the challenging behavior but in the comparison condition, the child is given attention immediately following the challenging behavior. Then, the behavior analyst will count and graph the number of times the child engaged in challenging behavior in each condition. If the child is truly attention seeking, the rates of challenging behavior will be higher when the child receives attention for his/her behavior when compared to rates when the child received a toy following his/her behavior.

    功能分析FA是 FBA 的一个步骤或可能的组成部分,功能分析是对事件的操纵,以证明为什么会发生这种行为。例如,如果评估数据表明儿童可能通过其行为寻求注意力,那么将进行功能分析,以便在一个条件下,儿童在挑战行为之后立即得到一个玩具,但在比较条件下,儿童在挑战行为之后立即得到注意力。然后,行为分析师会计算并绘制每种情况下孩子参与挑战行为的次数。如果孩子确实是在寻求关注,那么当孩子的行为得到关注时,挑战性行为的几率会比孩子得到玩具时的几率更高。

    I have simplified the description of the analysis in order to show readers the difference between an FBA and a functional analysis. Many functional analysis conditions can be completed and they may be quite complicated depending on the child’s behavior and other relevant information.

    为了向读者展示 FBA 和FA的区别,我简化了分析的描述。许多函数分析条件可以完成,并且它们可能相当复杂,这取决于孩子的行为和其他相关信息。

    By definition, a functional analysis results in an increase in challenging behavior in some or all conditions. Thus, only appropriately trained people should oversee the design and implementation of such conditions. Additionally, the functional analysis results may be influenced by the implementor, the setting, the language in which the instructions are given, and other variables. Thus, the functional analysis should be completed in conditions that are as close to the natural setting as possible (including people, materials, and location).


    Finally, the functional analysis ALWAYS results in a graph depicting the results of the analysis.




