BBC NEWS--China板块--气候变化题材(背单词版)

BBC NEWS--China板块--气候变化题材(背单词版)

作者: 大汪小喵 | 来源:发表于2017-05-10 19:15 被阅读15次


    固定搭配:vows to defend, landmark, aims to curb, fossil fuel emissions, incoming, withdraw from the accord, throw the agreement into chaos, postponed,a prime example of, intrigue, spill out into***, in one corner***others***,conspiracy, is driving to roll back, little interest to him,has out, coherent policy on***, is destined to be, contentious, decidely uncertain resolution,global governance, congratulatory,lead the way in***, back the agreement,shift***away, in an effort to,there is no evidence that

    climate change:中国vows to defend Paris Agreement

    中华人民共和国主席习近平has vowed to protect the landmark 巴黎气候变化协议, which aims to curb 气候变化以及 fossil fuel emissions.

    习近平make the promise 在电话中with incoming 法国总统马克龙,the Chinese foreign ministry said in a statement.

    美国总统特朗普仍然没有下定决心 whether to withdraw from the accord--大选时的承诺之一。

    气候领域的专家担心such a move would throw the agreement into chaos.

    旨在讨论该议题的周二白宫会议has been postponed.


    现在白宫内部意见不一over whether the US should withdraw from 巴黎气候变化协议 is a prime example of 经常报道的有关巴黎气候变化协议的 intrigue within the 特朗普政府 spilling out into a policy debate.

    In one corner senior officials like strategist **** and Environmental Protection Agency head ****who are on record calling for an exit from 巴黎气候变化协议.Others, like Energy Secretary ****, have been noncommittal.Meanwhile, Secretary of State **** has said the US should keep a 'seat at the table' and presidential adviser/daughter Ivanka Trump and son-in-law Jared Kushner are pro-Paris.

    特朗普曾经tweet that 全球变暖 was a Chinese conspiracy, 他很多时候避开针对这个话题的相关讨论. While his administration is steadily driving to roll back 许多奥巴马执政时期的制度政策, 环境类制度政策as a whole seem of little interest to him.

    白宫任何会议 to has out a coherent policy on 巴黎气候变化协议 is destined to be contentious 以及 with a decidedly uncertain resolution. 

    习近平向马克龙总统表达中法两国应该保护achievements of global governance, 包括巴黎气候变化协议,中国外交部消息。

    在奥巴马总统的推动下,美中两国issued several joint statements on 气候变化,其中包括两国将签署巴黎气候变化协议,因为中美两国是世界两大制造污染的国家。

    马克龙总统 received his congratulatory phone call from 美国总统,马克龙总统向特朗普总统表达了他也将seek to defend the climate deal.

    周二,在意大利米兰的一次会议上,奥巴马发言称中美两国had to 'lead the way' in the fight against climate change.

    '好消息是 the private sector has already made a determination that 未来是清洁能源,' he said.

    ‘Those things are locked in now,在能源部门.Because of the debates taking place in the current administration, the steps may be taken more slowly than they would have been done, 但是我有信心,'奥巴马提到。

    The latest comments come as 各个代表在德国波恩会面to discuss how to put the 巴黎气候变化协议into practice.

    约有200个国家have backed the agreement, 旨在将全球气温升幅控制在2度以内。

    这场会议 also seeks to shift the world economy away from 化石燃料 in an effort to 控制洪水、干旱以及海平面上升。

    特朗普之前曾表示他认为 there is no evidence that 人类are responsible for 气候变化.

    特朗普 has called for 更多的钻井、更少的法律法规以及批准了的加拿大石油项目。



          本文标题:BBC NEWS--China板块--气候变化题材(背单词版)
