原文标题:Why Testing Improves Memory: Mediator Effectiveness Hypothesis
原文作者:Mary A. Pyc* and Katherine A. Rawson
An intuitive but incorrect assumption isthat learning only occurs during study and that testing is useful only forevaluating the state of memory (1). However, testing improves memory, asdemonstrated with a wide variety of materials and learners (2). Given thewealth of research establishing the empirical benefits of testing,it issurprising that the mechanisms underlying testing effects are not wellunderstood.
We propose the mediator effectivenesshypothesis, stating that testing improves memory by supporting the use ofmore-effective mediators during encoding (a mediator is a word, phrase, orconcept that links a cue to a target).What makes a mediator effective? Two keyfactors are mediator retrieval (i.e., mediator is recallable when prompted withthe cue) and mediator decoding (i.e., mediator elicits the target from memory)(3). The mediator effectiveness
hypothesis assumes that mediators generatedduring testing (versus restudy only) are more likely to be subsequentlyretrieved and decoded, increasing recall of target responses.
To test this hypothesis, we presented 118participants with 48 Swahili-English translation pairs (e.g., wingu-cloud) foran initial study trial and then three blocks of practice trials. In the test-restudygroup, each practice trial for an item involved a cued recall test followedimmediately by restudy. In the restudy group, each trial involved only restudy.
test-restudy practice produced almost a threefold increase in final testperformance in the C group (Fig. 1A) As converging evidence, the same patternis apparent when examining recall as a function of mediator retrieval in theCMR group (Fig. 1B).
Results support the mediator effectivenesshypothesis and offer one theoretical explanation for why testing is beneficialfor memory: Mediators generated during encoding are more effective (i.e., morelikely to be retrieved and decoded) with test-restudy versus restudy practice.We are not claiming that mediator effectiveness is the only mechanismunderlying testing effects. However, mediator effectiveness may be an importantcontributor.
Why did testing yield more-effectivemediators?
Successfully retrieving mediators duringpractice may enhance their memory strength. Additionally, retrieval failuresduring encoding may promote shifting from less- to more-effective mediators(5), and retrieval failure occurs during testing but not restudy.