

作者: 星际生存者 | 来源:发表于2023-10-04 04:48 被阅读0次

    #地球online#,202310050442.一个人生存最大的困境,就是“邻里劣势”。所谓的“邻里劣势”是泛指,指包括父母夫妻在内以及社会生活圈子的所有人,整体的综合素质和相互关系质量很低,彼此缺乏相互支持,彼此缺乏信任和合作。如何突破“邻里劣势”困境?应对措施有那些?第一就是换环境,换圈子,去具有高度互动性和优质人群所在地。第二就是挺身而出组织起合适的人,构建自己的优质关系圈。第三是隔离周边社会关系,独善其身,保持自己的身心不被打扰。第四是通过网络等载体,输出价值,构建虚拟社会关系支持系统。第五是认命同化,自甘堕落混迹低质量生存品质里得过且过。第六是成为周边关系的破坏者和掠夺者,成为地头蛇和伤害者,获得更多收益。第七是成为低质量社会环境的潜在领袖,也就是成为那些包打听闲言碎语贪便宜破坏他人隐私的垃圾社会关系制造者。第八是成为为虎作伥的帮凶和跟随者,在邻里劣势里成为人们希望你成为的那种垃圾弱势者。你想成为哪一种人?如何突破你的人生困境?# Earth online , 202310050442. The biggest dilemma of a person's survival is "neighborhood disadvantage". The so-called "neighborhood disadvantage" refers to the low overall quality and relationship quality of all people in the social life circle, including parents and couples, and the lack of mutual support, trust and cooperation. How to break through the dilemma of "neighborhood disadvantage"? What are the countermeasures? The first is to change the environment, change the circle, and go to the place where people are highly interactive and high-quality.The second is to come forward and organize the right people to build their own high-quality relationship circle. The third is to isolate the surrounding social relations, to be alone, and to keep one's body and mind from being disturbed. The fourth is through the network and other carriers to export value and build a virtual social relationship support system. The fifth is to accept fate and assimilate, willing to degenerate and muddle along in the low-quality quality of life. The sixth is to become the destroyer and plunderer of the surrounding relationship, to become the local snake and the victim, and to gain more benefits. The seventh is to become a potential leader of a low-quality social environment, that is, to become a producer of garbage social relations who pry gossip and destroy other people's privacy. The eighth is to become the accomplice and follower of the tiger, and to become the kind of garbage underdog that people want you to be in the neighborhood disadvantage. What kind of person do you want to be? How to break through your life dilemma?




