Beiyang Guangxu Yuanbao Beiyang Longyang belongs to a large series in the history of modern machine coinage in China. It also has certain historical significance for today. Its founding period is from 22 to 34 years of Guangxu. After more than ten years, the coin models have been replaced several times. Even in the same founding year, there are many factors, such as mould repair, coin material, process technology, factory management and so on, which make the editions extremely complicated.


藏品介绍 该组藏品为北洋造光绪元宝,币面珠圈内镌满汉文“光绪元宝”,上缘镌“北洋造”,下镌币值“库平七钱二分”,背面为一蟠龙,上镌“34th YEAR OF KUANG HSU”,下镌“PEI YANG”。此币包浆柔美,历史过渡性自然,透过厚厚的包浆可见质地银白发亮,线条流畅,凹凸有致,形神威严,铸造工艺极佳,品相精美,该组"北洋造光绪元宝"银币正背面皆有标刻着,当代各银铺钱庄独一无二的记号,是不可多见的"改版币"十分珍贵难得稀少,有着极高的收藏价值)值得收藏。 The collection is made of Guangxu Yuanbao in Beiyang, with Manchu "Guangxu Yuanbao" in the coin bead circle, Beiyang in the upper margin, Kuping seven cents in the lower margin, and Panlong on the back, YEAR of KUANG HSU in the upper margin and PEI YANG in the lower margin. This coin has a soft pulp and a natural historical transition. Through the thick pulp, we can see that the texture of the coin is silver-white and shiny, the lines are smooth, concave and convex, the form and spirit are dignified, the casting technology is excellent and the appearance is exquisite. The front and back of this group of "Beiyang Guangxu Yuan Bao" Silver coins are marked. The unique marks of contemporary silver shops are rare "revised version coins" with extremely high quality. Collection value) is worth collecting.

光绪元宝是近代中国钱币中的精品,有着历史熏陶,是价值很高的革命文物,具有深远的历史纪念意义;同时,还是考古和研究中国历史文化难得的实物。珍贵的光 绪元宝钱币记载着清朝惊天动地的历史,由于历经百年风雨,存世量极为稀少,尤其是包浆浓厚的更为稀缺,因此很受收藏爱好者青睐。
Guangxu Yuanbao is a fine piece of coins in modern China. It is a revolutionary cultural relic with high value and has far-reaching historical Memorial significance. At the same time, it is also a rare object in Archaeology and research of Chinese history and culture. The precious Guangxu Yuanbao coins record the earth-shaking history of the Qing Dynasty. After a hundred years of storms and hardships, the stock is extremely scarce, especially the thick puree is more scarce, so they are very popular with collectors.
光绪末年,云南省获准在昆明宝云局旧址设厂,以德国进口机器,四川招用技工,户部造币总厂发模,于光绪三十三年(1907年)建成云南银元局,后更名云南造币分厂,铸行“光绪元宝”,有新旧两类,多种版别,旧式背英文,新式背无英文,称团龙。有七钱二分 、三钱六分 、一钱四分四厘 、七分二厘四等币值。

此枚云南省造光绪元宝库平七钱二分银币为老版云南光绪元宝,直径:3.9cm,正面铸有铭文,顶部铸楷体“云南省造”四字,底部铸货币价值“库平七钱二分”,中心为满汉文“光绪元宝”四字直读,左右各一十字星。背面中心为蟠龙图,外环英文“YUN-NAN-PROVINCE(云南省造)”和“7 MACE AND 2 CANDAREENS(七钱二分)”,左右各一十字星。此币成色佳,版面设计优雅,布局和谐,保存完整,存世稀少,收藏价值极高。

This group of Yunnan Province made Guangxu Yuanbao. Regular script calligraphy is very exquisite, atmospheric, balanced and stretching structure, leading in Longyang. Its secret anti-counterfeiting is unparalleled, unparalleled, the surface of the coin is mellow, with great ornamental and collection value. Even the layman who has not studied the silver dollar is fond of it, and the collection value and appreciation space are worth looking forward to.

In addition, the group of "Guangxu Yuanbao" silver coins are on the front and back. The unique mark of the contemporary silver shops is the rare "revised coin" which is very precious and rare, and has a very high collection value.
In China, collectors are extremely fond of coins with dragon totem, because the Chinese nation is the descendant of the dragon. In folklore, the dragon on the back of the coin can increase a person's luck, so that it always tends to good fortune and avoid bad luck under the protection of the dragon. Therefore, these two Guangxu Yuanbao with the totem of the dragon have always been loved by collectors.