

作者: 麦子时光_新浪 | 来源:发表于2020-08-18 07:26 被阅读0次

    准备Caffe  环境

    brew install  -vd snappy leveldb gflags glog  szip  lmdb

    brew tap homebrew/science

    brew install hdf5  opencv

    brew install  protobuf  boost  wget 

    上述第三行 命令 之后

    icu4c is keg-only, which means it was not symlinked into /usr/local, because macOS provides libicucore.dylib (but nothing else). If you need to have icu4c first in your PATH run: echo 'export PATH="/usr/local/opt/icu4c/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bash_profile echo 'export PATH="/usr/local/opt/icu4c/sbin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bash_profile For compilers to find icu4c you may need to set: export LDFLAGS="-L/usr/local/opt/icu4c/lib" export CPPFLAGS="-I/usr/local/opt/icu4c/include" For pkg-config to find icu4c you may need to set: export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="/usr/local/opt/icu4c/lib/pkgconfig" ==> openblas openblas is keg-only, which means it was not symlinked into /usr/local, because macOS provides BLAS and LAPACK in the Accelerate framework. For compilers to find openblas you may need to set: export LDFLAGS="-L/usr/local/opt/openblas/lib" export CPPFLAGS="-I/usr/local/opt/openblas/include" For pkg-config to find openblas you may need to set: export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="/usr/local/opt/openblas/lib/pkgconfig" ==> numpy If you use system python (that comes - depending on the OS X version - with older versions of numpy, scipy and matplotlib), you may need to ensure that the brewed packages come earlier in Python's sys.path with: mkdir -p /Users/mac/Library/Python/2.7/lib/python/site-packages echo 'import sys; sys.path.insert(1, "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages")' >> /Users/mac/Library/Python/2.7/lib/python/site-packages/homebrew.pth



