“recipe”/'rɛsəpi/ ,其本意是“菜谱”,它常常可以被引申为表示导致某个结果的“原因” “必备因素”。在一些场景中,我们可以用它来替换 cause,lead to 这些表示“导致”的表达。英英释义:a way of doing something that will produce a particular result
recipe 常接介词 for,后面跟的名词可以是正向含义的,比如 success,happiness,这时 recipe 可以理解为“诀窍”;也可以是有负向意义的名词,比如 failure,disaster,chaos。
① 比如我们想说成功的关键是要有好主意和执行力,我们就可以说:
Good ideas with great execution are a recipe for success.
② 比如我们想说光有雄心壮志,但是没有行动,到头来注定要失败,就可以说:
Ambition without action is a recipe for failure.
③ 我们常说“An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” 其实说的就是保持健康的配方,就是要吃有营养的食物。这时我们就可以把它改编成:
Eating nutrition-rich food is a recipe for good health.
这期的《经济学人》在点评美国的中期选举时就用到了 recipe。中期选举后,美国国会分裂,共和党和民主党分别掌管参众两院,《经济学人》认为这种分裂会导致一系列问题:
In a country where one chamber of the legislature is based on population and the other on territory, this division is a recipe for gridlock, poor governance and, eventually, disenchantment with the political system itself.
sure recipe可靠的方法 eg. Turning away under a strong attack is a sure recipe for defeat. 遭遇犟劲攻击时躲避开来是获胜的要诀。
动词(verb) + recipe
have 有制作法:I’ve got a good recipe for fudge. 我有一套做奶油软糖的好方法。
cook, make 烹饪;制作菜肴:This recipe can also be made with ricotta cheese. 这道菜也可以用意大利乳清干酪来做。
try (out) 尝试烹饪法:I enjoy trying out new recipes. 我喜欢尝试新的烹饪法.
read 看食谱follow, stick to, use 根据食谱做;用…烹饪法做。 If you want the dish to turn out right you should follow the recipe. 想让菜肴好吃你就得照着食谱来做。
adapt 改进制作法devise 发明烹饪法。 All the recipes in the book have been devised by our team of experts. 本书所有的食谱都是由我们专家组的成员发明的。
discover, find 发现制作法。 He is credited with having discovered the first recipe for gin back in the 1600s. 人们认为他是17世纪发明杜松子酒调制法的人。
recipe + 动词(verb)
call for sth, use sth 食谱需要…;食谱使用…:She always said that if a recipe calls for cream you shouldn’t use yogurt instead. 她总是说如果食谱要求用奶油你就不能用酸乳酪替代。
to a recipe 按照… 做法:The dish is made to a traditional Italian recipe. 这道菜是用传统的意大利做法制成的。~ for 做…的方法:a recipe for leek soup 做韭菜汤的方法(figurative) To live every day to the full is a recipe for happiness. 快乐的秘诀就是每天都活得充实。 a recipe for disaster/success 导致灾祸的原因;成功的诀窍
A strong willingness to learn and practice is the recipe for English fluency.
The recipe for English fluency requires a strong willingness to learn and practice.
造句: That the middle-aged woman had assaulted the driver is the recipe for disaster of Chongqing bus.