

作者: _undefined | 来源:发表于2020-06-02 09:44 被阅读0次

    增 insert into

    // 插入所有列(value的个数要与列的个数对应)
    insert into table_name values (value1, value2, value3);
    // 指定列名插入
    insert into table_name (column_name1, column_name2, column_name3) values (value1, value2, value3);

    删 delete

    delete from user where some_column=some_value;
    为了避免忘记 where 字句,设置安全模式
    set sql_safe_updates = 1
    1 为开启, 0 是关闭
    执行时如果没有指定 where 字句会报错:
    [Err] 1175 - You are using safe update mode and you tried to update a table without a WHERE that uses a KEY column

    改 update

    // 必须指定 where 字句,否则会修改所有
    update table_name set column_name1=value1, column_name2=value2 where some_column=some_value;
    为了避免忘记 where 字句,设置安全模式
    set sql_safe_updates = 1
    1 为开启, 0 是关闭
    执行时如果没有指定 where 字句会报错:
    [Err] 1175 - You are using safe update mode and you tried to update a table without a WHERE that uses a KEY column

    查 select

    // 查询列名
    select column_name, column from table_name;
    // 查询所有列
    select * from table_name;
    // 查询返回不重复的
    select distinct column_name, column_name from table_name;
    // 子句 where
    select * from table_name where column_name='value'
    // 字句运算符
    = 等于
    <> | != 不等于
    > 大于
    >= 大于等于
    < 小于
    <= 小于等于
    between 查询范围 eg: select * from user where id between 1 and 10;
    like 模糊查询
    in 查询多个值 eg: select * from user where id in (1, 2);
    // 逻辑运算符
    and 并
    or 或
    // order by 排序
    select column_name, column_name from table_name order by column_name, column_name asc | desc
    正序 asc eg: select * from user order by id asc;
    倒叙desc eg: select * from user order by id desc;
    // limit N 查询数量
    select * from table_name limit N;
    // offset M 偏移量
    select * from table_name limit N offset M;
    // limit N offset M 简写 limit N, M
    select * from table_name limit N, M;



