isa matlab函数

isa matlab函数

作者: linkoo | 来源:发表于2017-05-20 21:15 被阅读0次

isa Determine if input is object of specified class.
isa(obj,'ClassName') returns true if obj is an instance of the
class specified by ClassName, and false otherwise. isa also returns
true if obj is an instance of a class that is derived from ClassName.

Some possibilities for 'ClassName' are:
  double          -- Double precision floating point numeric array
                     (this is the traditional MATLAB matrix or array)
  single          -- Single precision floating-point numeric array
  logical         -- Logical array
  char            -- Character array
  int8            -- 8-bit signed integer array
  uint8           -- 8-bit unsigned integer array
  int16           -- 16-bit signed integer array
  uint16          -- 16-bit unsigned integer array
  int32           -- 32-bit signed integer array
  uint32          -- 32-bit unsigned integer array
  int64           -- 64-bit signed integer array
  uint64          -- 64-bit unsigned integer array
  cell            -- Cell array
  struct          -- Structure array
  function_handle -- Function Handle
  <classname>     -- Any MATLAB, Java or .NET class

isa(obj,'classCategory') returns true if obj is an instance of
any of the classes in the specified classCategory, and false otherwise.
isa also returns true if obj is an instance of a class that is derived from
any of the classes in classCategory.

classCategory can be 'numeric', 'float', or 'integer', representing
a category of classes:
numeric -- Integer or floating-point array (double, single,
           int8, uint8, int16, uint16, int32, uint32,
           int64, uint64)
float   -- Single- or double-precision floating-point array
           (double, single)
integer -- Signed or unsigned integer array (int8, uint8,
           int16, uint16, int32, uint32, int64, uint64)


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      本文标题:isa matlab函数
