玄幻小说 《圣爱》 第六十章再遇罗拉(上)圣爱
第一部 跨世之恋
第六十章 再遇罗拉 (上)
罗拉小姐的全名为爱丽丝•罗拉,她小心的扶着爷爷,头上的卷发,在微风中,自然的飘动着,那会说话的大眼睛,衬着长长的会说话的睫毛,贵气中透露着娇巧可爱,那无拘无束的天性,满满的都是善良,“Grandpa, take care!”
“I’d like to go XIHU lake, I heard Hangzhou is one great and mysterious city, in that, maybe we can find different culture be compared than western culture. ”
“Grandpa, you look, that guy is Ming, I like him, he seems very kind and clever, and you?”罗拉小姐微笑着看着爷爷,然后又看看明。
“Welcome you to Hangzhou international hotel, hope you have a pleasure trip in China.”少年明说着一口流利的英语,微笑着露着那洁白的牙齿,牙齿上闪着光,看上去,甚至要比非洲人的牙齿,更加的健康和亮白!
罗拉小姐高兴的非常有礼貌的跟明来了一个拥抱,那是西方人特有的对人的一种尊敬,“Ming, so glad to meet you again, if you have free time, would you take us to look around Hangzhou city?”
“My pleasure! Rola.”
“Haha, please call me Alice, Rola is my family name, Alice is my given name, is it OK?”
“Alice, I look your Grandpa’s legs, maybe suffering the pain more than 30 years, and I think, maybe your Grandpa’s mama, her leg is no good.”明说着一口流利的美语。
“Really? I do not know, maybe need me to ask my Grandpa, OK! now, see you later.”爱丽丝小姐有些惊讶的看着明,有些惊诧。
爱丽丝小姐跟上了爷爷,尤曼斯回过头,“You know that guy?”
“Grandpa, we already see with each other, today is the third time, I do not think it is so coincident. And Grandpa, Ming said, your legs in pain is more than 30 years,is it really? And maybe my great grandmother’s legs maybe no better.”
尤曼斯停住了脚步,双眼发出了神采,棕色的眼睛就那样一动不动的盯着爱丽丝,“What? Why Ming know that? All our family member, legs so bad, your two brothers legs no better, your uncles legs no better. Your great grandmother’s legs no better; this is genetic effect and no possible to change it.”
“Oh, so beautiful scenes, especially that lake water, so blue and seems like the sky in the round. ”老人发出了感叹,然后回过头,望着爱丽丝。
“And you? What do you think?”
“I feel some mysterious and magical energy around the lake, I don’t know why this lake give me unsafe feelings.”爱丽丝小姐看着窗外那满眼的湖面,并没有流露出老人的那种喜悦,而是一种淡淡的说不出来的忧郁。
“In fact, I like Guangshou countryside rather than Xihu lake, because there is one Cangjie temple in which Chinese word is from that great man Cangjie.”说到光寿村的仓颉公园,爱丽丝小姐的眼神一亮,好似那里给她的记忆是如此的畅快和记忆犹新。
“Why you so said? Alice.”
“I only say my real minds, maybe that is my gut feelings, you think? My grandpa.”
“And my grandpa, I don’t know why my leg are in pain while I talk to Ming; when I leave Ming, my legs are OK but happen some muscle vibrations, how is your feeling, Grandpa?”
“Your feelings are real, no any lies to me? Alice.”
“Yeah, my grandpa, why I speak lies to you? necessary to me?”爱丽丝撅着嘴,脸上浮现出了不愉快的表情。
“Haha, Alice, sorry for my words, I always believe you forever. And how is your plan tomorrow? ”
“Grandpa, I hope Ming to be our travel guide, we can give money to him, is it ok?”爱丽丝恢复了常态,又笑嘻嘻的看着爷爷。