1. 一起去了解HotSpotVM中的Oop模型吧!
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Object obj = new Object();
1.1 编译java代码成为字节码文件(Main.class)
1.2 HotSpotVM进行类加载
Object obj = new Object();
final Class<?> cl1 = Class.forName("java.lang.Object");
final Class<?> cl2 = Object.class;
final Class<?> cl3 = obj.getClass();
1.3 java对象的JOL内存布局
当我们使用Object obj = new Object()
这样的java代码去创建一个Object类型的对象时,会在堆中分配一个Object对象空间,并且在JVM虚拟机栈(简称VM栈)中创建一个引用obj,分配到栈帧的局部变量表(Local Variables)中的某个槽位中。
而一个java对象在堆中存储的内存布局,称为JOL(Java Object Layout),存储的方式也就是下面这样的一个图
- 1.markword,在32bitVM中是4个字节,64bitVM中是8个字节,现在都是64bit虚拟机多,一般都是8个字节。
- 2.类型指针,其实应该是klass指针,它就是指向了方法区中的instanceKlass对象。有4字节/8字节两种,取决于开不开启压缩,现在一般的VM默认都是开启压缩的,也就是一般都是4个字节。
- 3.数组长度,占用4个字节,我们也可以知道java中数组的最大长度只有Integer.MAX_VALUE,底层规定死的只有4个字节,只有数组才有该组成部分。
- 4.实例数据,主要存放的就是对象的成员变量。
- 5.padding,主要用来做4/8字节填充,比如之前几个部分的长度只有22个字节,就得填充成为4/8的整数倍,需要使用padding去填充两个字节。(4字节填充还是8字节填充,取决于操作系统,以及使用的编译器以及配置的相关参数,默认32bit系统是4字节填充,64bit系统下是8字节填充,当然也可以通过参数去进行修改,下面会有提到)
class oopDesc {
friend class VMStructs;
friend class JVMCIVMStructs;
volatile markOop _mark; //markOop,也就是markword对象指针
union _metadata { //元信息,联合体,Klass指针或者是压缩指针,Klass也就是指向方法区中的类的元信息的对象
Klass* _klass; //Klass为Klass类,可以开启非压缩指针,这样就占用8B去存放
narrowKlass _compressed_klass; //使用uint去存放...默认情况下都会使用压缩指针去存放以节省空间,只占有4B
} _metadata;
1.4 从HotSpotVM源码中去对instanceOopDesc去进行解析
class instanceOopDesc : public oopDesc {
// aligned header size.
static int header_size() { return sizeof(instanceOopDesc)/HeapWordSize; }
// If compressed, the offset of the fields of the instance may not be aligned.
static int base_offset_in_bytes() {
// offset computation code breaks if UseCompressedClassPointers
// only is true
return (UseCompressedOops && UseCompressedClassPointers) ?
klass_gap_offset_in_bytes() :
static bool contains_field_offset(int offset, int nonstatic_field_size) {
int base_in_bytes = base_offset_in_bytes();
return (offset >= base_in_bytes &&
(offset-base_in_bytes) < nonstatic_field_size * heapOopSize);
1.4.1 对C语言中的对齐填充原理的介绍
#include "stdio.h"
struct data
long data;
int data0;
int main()
printf("%lu", sizeof(struct data));
#include "stdio.h"
#pragma pack(4)
struct data
long data;
int data0;
int main()
printf("%lu", sizeof(struct data));
使用上面的代码中的#pragma pack(4)
struct p
char c;
int d;
short i;
double f;
char g;
1.4.2 对HotSpotVM中HeapWord和HeapWordSize的说明
class HeapWord {
friend class VMStructs;
char* i;
char* value() { return i; }
const int HeapWordSize = sizeof(HeapWord);
1.4.3 进一步了解instanceOopDesc中的相关方法
static int header_size() { return sizeof(instanceOopDesc)/HeapWordSize; }
// If compressed, the offset of the fields of the instance may not be aligned.
static int base_offset_in_bytes() {
// offset computation code breaks if UseCompressedClassPointers
// only is true
return (UseCompressedOops && UseCompressedClassPointers) ?
klass_gap_offset_in_bytes() :
static bool contains_field_offset(int offset, int nonstatic_field_size) {
int base_in_bytes = base_offset_in_bytes();
return (offset >= base_in_bytes &&
(offset-base_in_bytes) < nonstatic_field_size * heapOopSize);
1.5 从HotSpotVM源码中去对arrayOopDesc去进行解析
class arrayOopDesc : public oopDesc {
friend class VMStructs;
friend class arrayOopDescTest;
// Interpreter/Compiler offsets
// Header size computation.
// The header is considered the oop part of this type plus the length.
// Returns the aligned header_size_in_bytes. This is not equivalent to
// sizeof(arrayOopDesc) which should not appear in the code.
static int header_size_in_bytes() {
size_t hs = align_up(length_offset_in_bytes() + sizeof(int),
// Check whether an element of a typeArrayOop with the given type must be
// aligned 0 mod 8. The typeArrayOop itself must be aligned at least this
// strongly.
static bool element_type_should_be_aligned(BasicType type) {
return type == T_DOUBLE || type == T_LONG;
// The _length field is not declared in C++. It is allocated after the
// declared nonstatic fields in arrayOopDesc if not compressed, otherwise
// it occupies the second half of the _klass field in oopDesc.
static int length_offset_in_bytes() {
return UseCompressedClassPointers ? klass_gap_offset_in_bytes() :
// Returns the offset of the first element.
static int base_offset_in_bytes(BasicType type) {
return header_size(type) * HeapWordSize;
// Returns the address of the first element. The elements in the array will not
// relocate from this address until a subsequent thread transition.
inline void* base(BasicType type) const;
inline void* base_raw(BasicType type) const; // GC barrier invariant
template <typename T>
static T* obj_offset_to_raw(arrayOop obj, size_t offset_in_bytes, T* raw) {
if (obj != NULL) {
assert(raw == NULL, "either raw or in-heap");
char* base = reinterpret_cast<char*>((void*) obj);
raw = reinterpret_cast<T*>(base + offset_in_bytes);
} else {
assert(raw != NULL, "either raw or in-heap");
return raw;
// Tells whether index is within bounds.
bool is_within_bounds(int index) const { return 0 <= index && index < length(); }
// Accessors for instance variable which is not a C++ declared nonstatic
// field.
int length() const {
return *(int*)(((intptr_t)this) + length_offset_in_bytes());
void set_length(int length) {
set_length((HeapWord*)this, length);
static void set_length(HeapWord* mem, int length) {
*(int*)(((char*)mem) + length_offset_in_bytes()) = length;
// Should only be called with constants as argument
// (will not constant fold otherwise)
// Returns the header size in words aligned to the requirements of the
// array object type.
static int header_size(BasicType type) {
size_t typesize_in_bytes = header_size_in_bytes();
return (int)(element_type_should_be_aligned(type)
? align_object_offset(typesize_in_bytes/HeapWordSize)
: typesize_in_bytes/HeapWordSize);
// Return the maximum length of an array of BasicType. The length can passed
// to typeArrayOop::object_size(scale, length, header_size) without causing an
// overflow. We also need to make sure that this will not overflow a size_t on
// 32 bit platforms when we convert it to a byte size.
static int32_t max_array_length(BasicType type) {
assert(type >= 0 && type < T_CONFLICT, "wrong type");
assert(type2aelembytes(type) != 0, "wrong type");
const size_t max_element_words_per_size_t =
align_down((SIZE_MAX/HeapWordSize - header_size(type)), MinObjAlignment);
const size_t max_elements_per_size_t =
HeapWordSize * max_element_words_per_size_t / type2aelembytes(type);
if ((size_t)max_jint < max_elements_per_size_t) {
// It should be ok to return max_jint here, but parts of the code
// (CollectedHeap, Klass::oop_oop_iterate(), and more) uses an int for
// passing around the size (in words) of an object. So, we need to avoid
// overflowing an int when we add the header. See CRs 4718400 and 7110613.
return align_down(max_jint - header_size(type), MinObjAlignment);
return (int32_t)max_elements_per_size_t;
1.6 对Klass的源码去进行解析
class Klass : public Metadata {
friend class VMStructs;
friend class JVMCIVMStructs;
// If you add a new field that points to any metaspace object, you
// must add this field to Klass::metaspace_pointers_do().
// note: put frequently-used fields together at start of klass structure
// for better cache behavior (may not make much of a difference but sure won't hurt)
enum { _primary_super_limit = 8 };
// The "layout helper" is a combined descriptor of object layout.
// For klasses which are neither instance nor array, the value is zero.
// For instances, layout helper is a positive number, the instance size.
// This size is already passed through align_object_size and scaled to bytes.
// The low order bit is set if instances of this class cannot be
// allocated using the fastpath.
// For arrays, layout helper is a negative number, containing four
// distinct bytes, as follows:
// MSB:[tag, hsz, ebt, log2(esz)]:LSB
// where:
// tag is 0x80 if the elements are oops, 0xC0 if non-oops
// hsz is array header size in bytes (i.e., offset of first element)
// ebt is the BasicType of the elements
// esz is the element size in bytes
// This packed word is arranged so as to be quickly unpacked by the
// various fast paths that use the various subfields.
// The esz bits can be used directly by a SLL instruction, without masking.
// Note that the array-kind tag looks like 0x00 for instance klasses,
// since their length in bytes is always less than 24Mb.
// Final note: This comes first, immediately after C++ vtable,
// because it is frequently queried.
jint _layout_helper;
// Klass identifier used to implement devirtualized oop closure dispatching.
const KlassID _id; // Klass的唯一ID标识符
// The fields _super_check_offset, _secondary_super_cache, _secondary_supers
// and _primary_supers all help make fast subtype checks. See big discussion
// in doc/server_compiler/checktype.txt
// Where to look to observe a supertype (it is &_secondary_super_cache for
// secondary supers, else is &_primary_supers[depth()].
juint _super_check_offset;
// Class name. Instance classes: java/lang/String, etc. Array classes: [I,
// [Ljava/lang/String;, etc. Set to zero for all other kinds of classes.
Symbol* _name; // 实例的类名的名称
// Cache of last observed secondary supertype
Klass* _secondary_super_cache; // 存放上一次使用到的次超类的类型缓存
// Array of all secondary supertypes
Array<Klass*>* _secondary_supers; // 所有的次超类的数组
// Ordered list of all primary supertypes
Klass* _primary_supers[_primary_super_limit]; // 所有有序超类列表
// java/lang/Class instance mirroring this class
OopHandle _java_mirror; // java/lang/Class的实例镜像指针
// Superclass
Klass* _super; // 当前类的直接父类
// First subclass (NULL if none); _subklass->next_sibling() is next one
Klass* _subklass; // 当前类的第一个子类,
// Sibling link (or NULL); links all subklasses of a klass
Klass* _next_sibling; // 链接所有的子类
// All klasses loaded by a class loader are chained through these links
Klass* _next_link; // 被同一个类加载器加载进来的类连成的链表
// The VM's representation of the ClassLoader used to load this class.
// Provide access the corresponding instance java.lang.ClassLoader.
ClassLoaderData* _class_loader_data; // 存放了加载当前这个类的类加载器数据
jint _modifier_flags; // Processed access flags, for use by Class.getModifiers.
AccessFlags _access_flags; // Access flags. The class/interface distinction is stored here.
// Biased locking implementation and statistics
// (the 64-bit chunk goes first, to avoid some fragmentation)
jlong _last_biased_lock_bulk_revocation_time;
markOop _prototype_header; // Used when biased locking is both enabled and disabled for this type,原始的markword
jint _biased_lock_revocation_count;
class InstanceKlass: public Klass {
friend class VMStructs;
friend class JVMCIVMStructs;
friend class ClassFileParser;
friend class CompileReplay;
// See "The Java Virtual Machine Specification" section 2.16.2-5 for a detailed description
// of the class loading & initialization procedure, and the use of the states.
enum ClassState {
allocated, // allocated (but not yet linked)
loaded, // loaded and inserted in class hierarchy (but not linked yet)
linked, // successfully linked/verified (but not initialized yet)
being_initialized, // currently running class initializer
fully_initialized, // initialized (successfull final state)
initialization_error // error happened during initialization
// If you add a new field that points to any metaspace object, you
// must add this field to InstanceKlass::metaspace_pointers_do().
// Annotations for this class
Annotations* _annotations; // 保存的是这个类上的注解列表
// Package this class is defined in
PackageEntry* _package_entry; // 保存的是这个类所在的包名
// Array classes holding elements of this class.
Klass* volatile _array_klasses; // 保存的是用来支持这个类的数组类的Klass
// Constant pool for this class.
ConstantPool* _constants; // 当前这个类的常量池
// The InnerClasses attribute and EnclosingMethod attribute. The
// _inner_classes is an array of shorts. If the class has InnerClasses
// attribute, then the _inner_classes array begins with 4-tuples of shorts
// [inner_class_info_index, outer_class_info_index,
// inner_name_index, inner_class_access_flags] for the InnerClasses
// attribute. If the EnclosingMethod attribute exists, it occupies the
// last two shorts [class_index, method_index] of the array. If only
// the InnerClasses attribute exists, the _inner_classes array length is
// number_of_inner_classes * 4. If the class has both InnerClasses
// and EnclosingMethod attributes the _inner_classes array length is
// number_of_inner_classes * 4 + enclosing_method_attribute_size.
Array<jushort>* _inner_classes;
// The NestMembers attribute. An array of shorts, where each is a
// class info index for the class that is a nest member. This data
// has not been validated.
Array<jushort>* _nest_members;
// The NestHost attribute. The class info index for the class
// that is the nest-host of this class. This data has not been validated.
jushort _nest_host_index;
// Resolved nest-host klass: either true nest-host or self if we are not nested.
// By always being set it makes nest-member access checks simpler.
InstanceKlass* _nest_host;
// the source debug extension for this klass, NULL if not specified.
// Specified as UTF-8 string without terminating zero byte in the classfile,
// it is stored in the instanceklass as a NULL-terminated UTF-8 string
const char* _source_debug_extension;
// Array name derived from this class which needs unreferencing
// if this class is unloaded.
Symbol* _array_name;
// Number of heapOopSize words used by non-static fields in this klass
// (including inherited fields but after header_size()).
int _nonstatic_field_size; // 非static字段,包括在header_size之后的继承的父类的字段
// static字段的数量,包括这个klass中的oop和非oop
int _static_field_size; // number words used by static fields (oop and non-oop) in this klass
// Constant pool index to the utf8 entry of the Generic signature,
// or 0 if none.
u2 _generic_signature_index; // 泛型签名的索引,是一个指向常量池的索引
// Constant pool index to the utf8 entry for the name of source file
// containing this klass, 0 if not specified.
u2 _source_file_name_index; // 源文件的名字,是一个指向常量池的索引
// static字段的数量,只包括这个klass中的oop字段
u2 _static_oop_field_count;// number of static oop fields in this klass
// java对象的字段的数量
u2 _java_fields_count; // The number of declared Java fields
int _nonstatic_oop_map_size;// size in words of nonstatic oop map blocks
int _itable_len; // length of Java itable (in words)
// _is_marked_dependent can be set concurrently, thus cannot be part of the
// _misc_flags.
bool _is_marked_dependent; // used for marking during flushing and deoptimization
bool _is_being_redefined; // used for locking redefinition
// The low two bits of _misc_flags contains the kind field.
// This can be used to quickly discriminate among the four kinds of
// InstanceKlass.
static const unsigned _misc_kind_field_size = 2;
static const unsigned _misc_kind_field_pos = 0;
static const unsigned _misc_kind_field_mask = (1u << _misc_kind_field_size) - 1u;
static const unsigned _misc_kind_other = 0; // concrete InstanceKlass
static const unsigned _misc_kind_reference = 1; // InstanceRefKlass
static const unsigned _misc_kind_class_loader = 2; // InstanceClassLoaderKlass
static const unsigned _misc_kind_mirror = 3; // InstanceMirrorKlass
// Start after _misc_kind field.
enum {
_misc_rewritten = 1 << 2, // methods rewritten.
_misc_has_nonstatic_fields = 1 << 3, // for sizing with UseCompressedOops
_misc_should_verify_class = 1 << 4, // allow caching of preverification
_misc_is_anonymous = 1 << 5, // has embedded _host_klass field
_misc_is_contended = 1 << 6, // marked with contended annotation
_misc_has_nonstatic_concrete_methods = 1 << 7, // class/superclass/implemented interfaces has non-static, concrete methods
_misc_declares_nonstatic_concrete_methods = 1 << 8, // directly declares non-static, concrete methods
_misc_has_been_redefined = 1 << 9, // class has been redefined
_misc_has_passed_fingerprint_check = 1 << 10, // when this class was loaded, the fingerprint computed from its
// code source was found to be matching the value recorded by AOT.
_misc_is_scratch_class = 1 << 11, // class is the redefined scratch class
_misc_is_shared_boot_class = 1 << 12, // defining class loader is boot class loader
_misc_is_shared_platform_class = 1 << 13, // defining class loader is platform class loader
_misc_is_shared_app_class = 1 << 14, // defining class loader is app class loader
_misc_has_resolved_methods = 1 << 15 // resolved methods table entries added for this class
u2 _misc_flags;
u2 _minor_version; // minor version number of class file
u2 _major_version; // major version number of class file
Thread* _init_thread; // Pointer to current thread doing initialization (to handle recusive initialization)
OopMapCache* volatile _oop_map_cache; // OopMapCache for all methods in the klass (allocated lazily)
JNIid* _jni_ids; // First JNI identifier for static fields in this class
jmethodID* volatile _methods_jmethod_ids; // jmethodIDs corresponding to method_idnum, or NULL if none
intptr_t _dep_context; // packed DependencyContext structure
nmethod* _osr_nmethods_head; // Head of list of on-stack replacement nmethods for this class
volatile u2 _idnum_allocated_count; // JNI/JVMTI: increments with the addition of methods, old ids don't change
// Class states are defined as ClassState (see above).
// Place the _init_state here to utilize the unused 2-byte after
// _idnum_allocated_count.
u1 _init_state; // state of class,类的加载状态,是一个枚举类型,定义在上面了
u1 _reference_type; // reference type,引用类型(强软弱虚)
u2 _this_class_index; // constant pool entry,指向常量池中class的索引
// Method array.
Array<Method*>* _methods; // klass的方法数组
// Default Method Array, concrete methods inherited from interfaces
Array<Method*>* _default_methods; // 继承自接口的default方法数组
// Interface (Klass*s) this class declares locally to implement.
Array<Klass*>* _local_interfaces; // 本地实现的接口
// Interface (Klass*s) this class implements transitively.
Array<Klass*>* _transitive_interfaces; // 这个类实现的过渡接口
// Int array containing the original order of method in the class file (for JVMTI).
Array<int>* _method_ordering;
// Int array containing the vtable_indices for default_methods
// offset matches _default_methods offset
Array<int>* _default_vtable_indices;
// Instance and static variable information, starts with 6-tuples of shorts
// [access, name index, sig index, initval index, low_offset, high_offset]
// for all fields, followed by the generic signature data at the end of
// the array. Only fields with generic signature attributes have the generic
// signature data set in the array. The fields array looks like following:
// f1: [access, name index, sig index, initial value index, low_offset, high_offset]
// f2: [access, name index, sig index, initial value index, low_offset, high_offset]
// ...
// fn: [access, name index, sig index, initial value index, low_offset, high_offset]
// [generic signature index]
// [generic signature index]
// ...
Array<u2>* _fields;
enum ClassState {
allocated, // 已分配
loaded, // 已加载,并添加到类的继承体系中
linked, // 链接/验证完成
being_initialized, // 正在初始化
fully_initialized, // 初始化完成
initialization_error // 初始化失败
- 1.类的加载(Loading)阶段,也就是从磁盘/网络/jar包等地方获取字节码文件。
- 2.类的链接(Linking)阶段,主要包括:验证、准备、解析三个步骤。
- 2.1 验证主要是对字节码文件去进行验证,判断字节码是否符合当前的VM的要求。
- 2.2 准备阶段主要给类变量(static变量)赋给0值(8种基础类型就是0,对象类型就是null),以及给一些常量去进行赋真实值(不需要new的常量,比如
public static final String str = "wanna"
)。 - 2.3 解析阶段主要是将常量池中的符号引用转换成为直接引用。(ps:其实这步应该是在初始化完成之后再执行)
- 3.初始化(Initialization)阶段主要是执行类的构造器方法(
是javac在编译时收集所有的类变量的赋值操作和静态代码块整合完成的一个方法。(需要new的常量就会在这里完成,比如public static final String str = new String("wanna")
和public static final Object obj = new Object()
的相关子类,都会是方法区中的成员,主要包括Klass、ConstantPool、Method等。还有一个点是很值得关注的,源码的注释中有这样的一句话:Constant pool for this class
1.7 针对Oop/Class/Klass做个小总结
- 1.实际上
去进行表示的,也就是它和我们普通的java对象本质上来说是没什么区别的。 - 2.实际上Klass的镜像
1.8 HotSpotVM中方法区的动态性
最典型的应用就是去完成运行时动态代理,相信使用过Spring Framework
1.8.1 了解JDK类库中的defineClass方法
static native Class<?> defineClass1(ClassLoader loader, String name, byte[] b, int off, int len,
ProtectionDomain pd, String source);
static native Class<?> defineClass2(ClassLoader loader, String name, java.nio.ByteBuffer b,
int off, int len, ProtectionDomain pd,
String source);
public native Class<?> defineClass0(String name, byte[] b, int off, int len,
ClassLoader loader,
ProtectionDomain protectionDomain);
1.8.2 了解ASM框架动态生成字节码的基本原理
public class HelloWorldDump implements Opcodes {
public static byte[] dump() {
ClassWriter cw = new ClassWriter(ClassWriter.COMPUTE_FRAMES);
* 第一个参数设置字节码的版本
* 第二个参数设置类的访问标识符,这里主要用到ACC_PUBLIC用来设置该类是公有的(public关键字),以及ACC_SUPER设置它是有父类的(extends关键字)
* 第三个参数设置我们要访问的类的类全限定名为com/wanna/asm/HelloWorld
* 第四个参数设置签名
* 第五个参数设置父类的全限定名java/lang/Object
* 第六个参数设置实现的接口为null
cw.visit(V1_8, ACC_PUBLIC | ACC_SUPER, "com/wanna/asm/HelloWorld", null, "java/lang/Object", null);
MethodVisitor mv1 = cw.visitMethod(ACC_PUBLIC, "<init>", "()V", null, null);
mv1.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 0);
//调用Object父类的构造器方法...需要使用到的是invoke special字节码
mv1.visitMethodInsn(INVOKESPECIAL, "java/lang/Object", "<init>", "()V", false);
mv1.visitMaxs(1, 1);
MethodVisitor mv2 = cw.visitMethod(ACC_PUBLIC, "toString", "()Ljava/lang/String;", null, null);
mv2.visitLdcInsn("This is a HelloWorld object.");
mv2.visitMaxs(1, 1);
return cw.toByteArray();
public class MyClassLoader extends ClassLoader {
protected Class<?> findClass(String name) throws ClassNotFoundException {
if ("com.wanna.asm.HelloWorld".equals(name)) {
byte[] bytes = HelloWorldDump.dump();
return defineClass(name, bytes, 0, bytes.length);
throw new ClassNotFoundException("Class Not Found: " + name);
public class HelloWorldRun {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
MyClassLoader classLoader = new MyClassLoader();
Class<?> clazz = classLoader.loadClass("com.wanna.asm.HelloWorld");
Object instance = clazz.getDeclaredConstructor().newInstance();
This is a HelloWorld object.
final String filePath = "/Users/wanna/Desktop/Code/java/jdksrc/jdk_debug/src/main/java/com/wanna/asm";
try (FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(filePath + "/" + "HelloWorld.class")) {
使用javap -v com.wanna.asm.HelloWorld
1.8.3 了解JDK类库提供的Proxy.newInstance
public class JDKProxy {
public interface ProxyTest {
public String getName();
static class ProxyTestImpl implements ProxyTest {
public String getName() {
return "wanna";
static class InvocationImpl<T> implements InvocationHandler {
T target;
public InvocationImpl(T target) { //必须得把target传进来,不然没有目标对象的实现类调用不了...
this.target = target;
public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args) throws Throwable {
Object ret = method.invoke(target, args);
ret += "666";
return ret;
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
Object instance = Proxy.newProxyInstance(JDKProxy.class.getClassLoader(),
new Class<?>[]{ProxyTest.class},
new InvocationImpl<ProxyTest>(new ProxyTestImpl()));
Method method = instance.getClass().getMethod("getName");
Object ret = method.invoke(instance);
public static Object newProxyInstance(ClassLoader loader,
Class<?>[] interfaces,
InvocationHandler h) {
final Class<?> caller = System.getSecurityManager() == null
? null
: Reflection.getCallerClass();
* Look up or generate the designated proxy class and its constructor.
*/ //查找或生成指定的代理类及其构造函数。
Constructor<?> cons = getProxyConstructor(caller, loader, interfaces); //获取到构造器
return newProxyInstance(caller, cons, h); //使用Constructor#newInstance去new一个对象
private static Constructor<?> getProxyConstructor(Class<?> caller,
ClassLoader loader,
Class<?>... interfaces)
// optimization for single interface
if (interfaces.length == 1) { //如果接口的数量是一个
Class<?> intf = interfaces[0]; //获取到接口就行
if (caller != null) {
checkProxyAccess(caller, loader, intf);
return proxyCache.sub(intf).computeIfAbsent( //在computeIfAbsent里面计算出来代理类的构造器
(ld, clv) -> new ProxyBuilder(ld, clv.key()).build() //最终会回调ProxyBuilder#build,在里面创建字节码文件
} else { //如果接口有很多个,需要克隆一份接口出来去完成...
// interfaces cloned
final Class<?>[] intfsArray = interfaces.clone(); //把接口克隆一份
if (caller != null) {
checkProxyAccess(caller, loader, intfsArray);
final List<Class<?>> intfs = Arrays.asList(intfsArray);
return proxyCache.sub(intfs).computeIfAbsent(
(ld, clv) -> new ProxyBuilder(ld, clv.key()).build()
Constructor<?> build() {
Class<?> proxyClass = defineProxyClass(module, interfaces); //获取到Class对象(通过写字节码,再使用类加载器加载进来)
final Constructor<?> cons;
try {
cons = proxyClass.getConstructor(constructorParams); //从代理类Class对象获取构造器
} catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
throw new InternalError(e.toString(), e);
AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction<Void>() {
public Void run() {
cons.setAccessible(true); //设置构造器为可访问的
return null;
return cons;
private static Class<?> defineProxyClass(Module m, List<Class<?>> interfaces) {
String proxyPkg = null; // package to define proxy class in
int accessFlags = Modifier.PUBLIC | Modifier.FINAL; //设置访问标志位为PUBLIC|FINAL
* Choose a name for the proxy class to generate.
long num = nextUniqueNumber.getAndIncrement();
String proxyName = proxyPkg.isEmpty()
? proxyClassNamePrefix + num
: proxyPkg + "." + proxyClassNamePrefix + num;
ClassLoader loader = getLoader(m); //获取到类加载器
trace(proxyName, m, loader, interfaces);
* Generate the specified proxy class.
*/ //生成特殊的代理类的二进制的字节码数组,里面会写字节码到一个byte数组当中,写字段、方法、字节码等...
byte[] proxyClassFile = ProxyGenerator.generateProxyClass(
proxyName, interfaces.toArray(EMPTY_CLASS_ARRAY), accessFlags);
try { //通过UNSAFE类去定义一个类,它是个native方法,是交给JVM去做了...
Class<?> pc = UNSAFE.defineClass(proxyName, proxyClassFile,
0, proxyClassFile.length,
loader, null);
reverseProxyCache.sub(pc).putIfAbsent(loader, Boolean.TRUE);
return pc;
} catch (ClassFormatError e) {
* A ClassFormatError here means that (barring bugs in the
* proxy class generation code) there was some other
* invalid aspect of the arguments supplied to the proxy
* class creation (such as virtual machine limitations
* exceeded).
throw new IllegalArgumentException(e.toString());
1.8.4 针对方法区动态性的小总结