displacement: the moving of some

displacement: the moving of some

作者: 董八七 | 来源:发表于2018-11-22 15:35 被阅读10次

title: displacement
date: 2018-11-22 15:26:17
NO_sents: 670
NO_references: 177


  • The strips were extracted with laboratory-grade acetone, and gravimetric density was measured using the water displacement method before X-ray scanning. (Ivkovic et al., 2013)
  • When each state had been reached, all samples were weighed and the radial and tangential dimensions were then measured with a displacement transducer. (Kokutse, Brancheriau, Chaix, 2010)
  • BD was determined for one core from each tree using the water displacement method [37], by submerging the partial cores in cold water for approximately two days, removal of remaining bark and Lignin, extractives and decay in E. globulus 815 Table I. (Poke et al., 2006)
  • A parallel displacement of a vector (coordinate axes) is known as a translation. (Basilevsky, 2013)


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    本文标题:displacement: the moving of some
