Highlights from Day25

Highlights from Day25

作者: 荆棘海_Ph | 来源:发表于2019-03-30 18:47 被阅读0次
    Anyone could have asked those questions and arrived at the same answer that the Warby Parker squad did. Once they became curious about why the price was so steep, they began doing some research on the eyewear industry.

    1.arrive at an answer/decision/ solution/compromise:找到答案/作出决定/找到解决方式/达成妥协等,to reach a decision, solution etc after a lot of effort.

    相比find/come up等,用arrive at an answer有一种终于找到答案的感觉。

    例句:After much consideration, we have arrived at a decision. 再三考虑之后,我们作出了决定。

    2.steep:价格过分昂贵的,steep prices, charges etc are unusually expensive.这个词由形容山路陡峭的本意引申而来,用来形容价格高或大幅度增加或下降的。

    比如说:steep rents/price

    That’s when they learned that it was dominated by Luxottica, a European company that had raked in over $7 billion the previous year. “Understanding that the same company owned LensCrafters and Pearle Vision, Ray-Ban and Oakley, and the licenses for Chanel and Prada prescription frames and sunglasses—all of a sudden, it made sense to me why glasses were so expensive,” Dave says. “Nothing in the cost of goods justified the price.”

    3.dominate:支配,控制,to control someone or something or to have more importance than other people or things.这是一个经常在经济类新闻中出现的词,表示在市场中起到垄断地位时就可以用到。

    比如说:China's oil market is dominated by two giant companies: Sinopec Group and CNPC.

    4.rake in:轻易赚取很多钱,rake本意指用耙子耙,rake sth in引申为赚大钱,可以用“捞钱”这个与rake本意接近的词来共同记忆。

    例句:If someone opened a burger bar, they’d really rake it in . 如果谁开一家汉堡包店,一定会发大财的。


    比如说:How can we justify spending so much money on arms? 我们怎么才能解释花那么多钱购买武器是正当的呢?

    另一个释义可以用A justify B的句式,说明A的存在说明了B是有道理的,比如说:Nothing justifies murdering another human being. 什么都不能成为谋杀他人的正当理由。

    又比如文中的这句:Nothing in the cost of goods justified the price.

    Taking advantage of its monopoly status, Luxottica was charging twenty times the cost. The default wasn’t inherently legitimate; it was a choice made by a group of people at a given company. And this meant that another group of people could make an alternative choice. “We could do things differently,” Dave suddenly understood. “It was a realization that we could control our own destiny, that we could control our own prices.

    6.monopoly:垄断,独占,if a company or government has a monopoly of a business or political activity, it has complete control of it so that other organizations cannot compete with it.与上文的dominate前后呼应。

    例句:For years Bell Telephone had a monopoly on telephone services in the US. 贝尔电话公司曾多年垄断美国的电话业务。

    7.inherent:内在的,固有的,a quality that is inherent in something is a natural part of it and cannot be separated from it.这个词的重点在于它的natural自然性,与之前的default有异曲同工之妙。

    例句:Every business has its own inherent risks. 每笔生意本身都有风险。

    8.alternative:表示另外的,可替换的,an alternative idea, plan etc is different from the one you have and can be used instead,进一步可以表示突破常规的,deliberately different from what is usual, expected, or traditional.是一个很灵活的形容词,可以在某些语境替换different/another等。

    例句:An alternative route is along the Via Unione. 另一条路线是沿着联合路走。



          本文标题:Highlights from Day25
