
作者: Wendy35 | 来源:发表于2019-01-02 20:38 被阅读68次

If you climb a mountain ,reach the top and look down, what is your feeling ?

One is so small before nature your troubles worries and unhappiness are so insignificant that you want back and live a new life.

This is the magic of travel.

gaze at nature

Once Miriam Beard saidTravel is more than the seeing of sights, it is a change that goes on deep and permanent, in the ideas of living.

To travel, you will be able to see many beautiful and spectacular scenes, this is good for your eyes

and stimulate your blood circulation which is good for your health. what's more it will broaden

your mind, and you will know much more about nature, the culture and the history of the place. 

If you travel with your friends, there will be more happiness than you expected. Once you look back

at your life your will find the travel experience is one of the most impressive and happest moments.

Great Austrian composer, Wolfgang Mozart, began to travel around the Europe at six years old. In

the following decade, he visited Munich, Vienna, Roman, London and Paris. This gave him the

opportunity to learn the most outstanding and advanced music art in the world, which contributed

to his being the most popular composer.

Let's suppose how it would be if Mozart didn't travel, what would he become ?Just as Mark Twain said Travel is fatal to prejudice bigotry and narrow mindedness.

So just pack your bags to explore your own country or to travel around the world. Take time to

absorb the beauty and inspiration of a mountain or a temple. Make up your mind to have a good

time. It's time for us to travel!


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