Chinese legend(传说) tells that Buddha, the emperor of the Heaven(玉皇大帝), invited all animals to enjoy the New Year's celebration and only 12 animals appeared on time. In order to reward their loyalty, Buddha named each year after each animal in the order they arrived. That is: Rat,Ox,Tiger,Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig. The 2019 Chinese New Year celebrates the Year of Pig, the last animal honoured by Buddha.
外国画家笔下的水彩版十二生肖the twelve signs of the Chinese zodiac
*zodiac 黄道带(占星家用于表示星体位置的图表, 有十二个等份区, 各有其名称和符号, 尤用于推算行星对人生的影响)
①What's your Chinese zodiac animal?
②What's your Chinese animal sign?
①My zodiac animal is…
②I am a…
Do you know what the Chinese zodiac animalis this year?
It is the year of…
①What does your star sign say for this year?
②What does your astrological sign say for this year?
*astrological 占星的, 占星术的
*the year of one's Chinese zodiacanimal/Chinese animal sign 本命年
lucky gift money 压岁钱(幸运礼钱)
red packet/red envelope 红包
wrap a red packet/envelope 包红包
The red packet is a red envelope with money in it, the amount of which can be 1 RMB to a few thousand RMB. As usual, a red packet is given by the elderly and adults. It is generally believed that the money in the red packet may keep ones who receive the lucky gift money healthy and fit in the coming new year.
electronic red packet/envelope / the red packet/envelope on Apps 电子红包
the red packet/envelope on Wechat/on Alipay 微信红包/支付宝红包
App-sent/received red envelopes have appeared in recent years, we can take Wechat for an example, many young people spend most of their time on it for amusement during the Chinese New Year holiday.
blessing 福(五福)
patriotism blessing 爱国福
prosperity blessing 富强福
harmony blessing 和谐福
kindliness/friendliness blessing 友善福
dedication blessing 敬业福
collect the 5 blessings 集五福