I didn't get a lot of young people in the gymnastic.
Sadik I want to be like you man.
I want to get it to your level .
I want to have a nice car.
I want to have the pro card.
I want to have a magazine covers
I'll be honest with you , if you want to be successful you need to work twice as hard as I do because people are still working so damn hard these days.
They are waking up at 4:30 in the morning they are never missing a meal they are never missing a workout.
They are training twice a day .
You are going to CHOP every day.
You are gonna point 01% better.
But it's not gonna happen overnight.
如果你想要成功,你必须比别人努力两倍,因为如今的人们都太tm 努力了。
你只有不断地努力,才能获得 0.1 的收获