Many Choices with only you.

Many Choices with only you.

作者: 婧婧看世界 | 来源:发表于2019-02-24 23:04 被阅读14次

    We are in a world with abundant accessible resources so we are offered with endless choices everyday in every aspect of our life. In ancient times, the only way to study was to learn knowledge from books or teachers but now you can get access to the whole world's wisdom on the internet. Not like old times that we can only meet friends face to face, probably only a few times in your life, now we can choose to meet our friends anytime anywhere online via cell phones or internet. What's more, we can have interactions with anyone on different social platform like weibo, facebook, twitter or weibo. We used to have events or activities in real life only but nowadays huge commercial campaigns or educational events can be held online, which gain much more attention and extend influences around the world. For example, Alibaba "double eleven" online-shopping event has achieved more than 200 billions rmb in one-day online shopping sales, 2018.

    Therefore, I totally agree that we are facing too many choices everyday. While it is enriching our life and broaden all possibilities in everything, it do brings some side effects. First of all, we cannot tell the quality of products or information. As I am shopping on the internet, I can only read the instruction or customer's feedback with actually seeing or touching the product. Even the advertisement is appealing, we still don't know whether is really good or suitable. Secondly, it is time-consuming to make a decision. When I wanted to prepare for my IELTS test, I searched information on the net but endless agencies popped up. I spent hours on reading others' instructions and selecting a suitable course. Also, we are easily misled by advertisements or celebrities. Fashions are easily evoked by some ads or famous persons in certain field and others just choose to follow them blindly because they don't want to spend time and energy in selecting information.

    To make the best decision when facing numerous choices, we have to know own needs. We have one life so everything has opportunity cost. If we spent time in hanging round, we won't have time for our effective study and work. Therefore, we have to set up our life goal, which is important to us all our life so that it will guide us though every aspect.

    Then with goal in our mind, we also need to set up key results to check whether every move or every decision are contributing to our ultimate goal. For example, as a student, setting up life-long studying habit is my vital goal so I will set up monthly or quarterly staged goal to see whether I make progress.

    Last but not the least, with all the objects and key results in our minds, we should have principle for everyday life. Then we can tell all the pros and cons of each choices and choose the most suitable one according to these principles. As long as we choose to do one thing, we can ignore others' judgement unless they are making constructive suggestions.

    Life will be easy once you start to take control of all your choices.



          本文标题:Many Choices with only you.
