01.24 leapfrog

01.24 leapfrog

作者: 平十 | 来源:发表于2019-01-24 22:55 被阅读0次

1) 翻译:David 超越了他的同班同学,只用两年半就拿到了本科学位。

David leapfrogged his classmates and got his undergrad degree within just two and a half years.

2) 形容创业公司发展迅速时: 

Within only a couple of years, it leapfrogged from a small business into a big one. 


  • 01.24 leapfrog

    1) 翻译:David 超越了他的同班同学,只用两年半就拿到了本科学位。 David leapfrogged hi...

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    leapfrog n. v. 释义:to suddenly become better, more advance...

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    我觉得自己生硬 有点格格不入 却又拼命让自己柔软 边界模糊 希望融入 就更模糊 遇到天昭的文字 就一读再读 是相似的人吧

  • 01.24


  • leapfrog

    David 超越了他的同班同学,只用两年半就拿到了本科学位。 David leapfrogged his clas...

  • leapfrog

    翻译:David 超越了他的同班同学,只用两年半就拿到了本科学位。 David is leapfrogged to...

  • 2019-01-24 每日一词 leapfrog

    leapfrog to suddenly become better, more advanced etc tha...

  • 现象级每日一词:leapfrog

    leapfrog: v. to suddenly become better, more advanced etc...


      本文标题:01.24 leapfrog
