2020-03-29 20/20异象系列之九:新冠病毒与爱邻如己

2020-03-29 20/20异象系列之九:新冠病毒与爱邻如己

作者: 羊皮卷的味道 | 来源:发表于2020-03-29 00:16 被阅读0次
    Jason Meyer 杰森·迈尔
    Luke 10:25-37 路加福音10:25-37
    25 And behold, a lawyer stood up to put him to the test, saying, “Teacher, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?” 26 He said to him, “What is written in the Law? How do you read it?” 27 And he answered, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself.” 28 And he said to him, “You have answered correctly; do this, and you will live.” 29 But he, desiring to justify himself, said to Jesus, “And who is my neighbor?” 30 Jesus replied, “A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and he fell among robbers, who stripped him and beat him and departed, leaving him half dead. 31 Now by chance a priest was going down that road, and when he saw him he passed by on the other side. 32 So likewise a Levite, when he came to the place and saw him, passed by on the other side. 33 But a Samaritan, as he journeyed, came to where he was, and when he saw him, he had compassion. 34 He went to him and bound up his wounds, pouring on oil and wine. Then he set him on his own animal and brought him to an inn and took care of him. 35 And the next day he took out two denarii and gave them to the innkeeper, saying, ‘Take care of him, and whatever more you spend, I will repay you when I come back.’ 36 Which of these three, do you think, proved to be a neighbor to the man who fell among the robbers?” 37 He said, “The one who showed him mercy.” And Jesus said to him, “You go, and do likewise.” 25 有一个律法师起来试探耶稣,说:“老师,我应该作甚么,才可以承受永生呢?” 26 耶稣对他说:“律法上写的是甚么? 你怎么念的呢?” 27 他回答:“你要全心、全性、全力、全意爱主你的 神,并且要爱邻舍如同自己。” 28 耶稣说:“你答得对,你这样行,就必得生命。” 29 那人想证明自己有理,就对耶稣说:“谁是我的邻舍呢?” 30 耶稣回答:“有一个人从耶路撒冷下耶利哥去,落在强盗手中。他们剥去他的衣服,把他打得半死,撇下他一个人就走了。 31 正好有一个祭司,从那条路下来,看见他,就从旁边走过去了。 32 又有一个利未人,来到那里,看见他,也照样从旁边走过去了。 33 只有一个撒玛利亚人,旅行来到他那里,看见了,就动了怜悯的心, 34 上前用油和酒倒在他的伤处,包裹好了,把他扶上自己的牲口,带他到客店里照顾他。 35 第二天,他拿出两个银币交给店主,说:‘请你照顾他,额外的开支,我回来的时候必还给你。’ 36 你想,这三个人,谁是那个落在强盗手中的人的邻舍呢?” 37 他说:“是那怜悯他的。” 耶稣说:“你去,照样作吧。”
    Introduction 引言
    Last Month/This Month 上个月/这个月
    We have been in a series on 20/20 Vision. The month of February focused on the job description of leaders and the month of March focused on the job description of the congregation. This is the final installment of that series. We will pivot in April as we enter holy week. I will preach on the Triumphal entry (Matt. 21:14-17) next week, and then Easter in two weeks (Rev. 7:15-17). After Easter, Dave, Steven Lee, and I will start a series on 1 Peter. 我们讲这个20/20异象系列已经有段时间了。二月份我们重点关注教会领袖们的职责,三月份我们关注会众的职责。今天是这个系列的最后一讲。四月我们的重点要转向耶稣受难周。下周我要讲荣入圣城(马太福音21:14-17),下下周就是复活节(讲启示录7:15-17)。在复活节之后,戴夫、司提反和我将开始一个新的系列讲彼得一书。
    This is such a unique moment – we will probably not see something quite like this again in our lifetime. We are currently under a shelter order. Many people are just trying to get their bearings. And the church is asking what the Lord would have us do during this pandemic. When a shelter order looms over us, the Bible’s command to love our neighbor comes into its own. But what exactly does that mean? Jesus gives the answer in one of the most famous parables he ever told: The Good Samaritan. 这真是一个独一无二的时刻,我们这辈子可能不会再看到这样的事情发生。我们现在处于就地避难紧急令之下。很多人还不知所措。教会也在求问主要我们在这瘟疫大流行的时期做些什么。当就地避难紧急令压到我们头上时,圣经关于爱邻如己的命令就显出价值来。但那命令到底是什么意思?耶稣在祂所讲过的最著名比喻之一——好撒玛利亚人的故事中,给出了答案。
    Jesus tells this parable in the context of a test of wits between Jesus and a lawyer seeking to test him or trap him. It is possible that this professionally trained scholar in the Jewish Law thinks he can put Jesus in his place because this uneducated Galilean lacks official biblical (i.e., legal) training. Here is a little spoiler alert. Even if you are an educated expert in the word, you do not challenge the person who is the Eternal Word himself who became the Incarnate Word. We know it is not going to go well for him. This battle of wits comes to us in two rounds. In each round, the lawyer asks a question, Jesus counters with a question, the lawyer answers, and then Jesus states a conclusion. 耶稣讲这个比喻的背景是在律法师与耶稣的智力竞赛中,他们想试探陷害耶稣。这个经过犹太律法专业训练的学者以为他能让耶稣有自知之明,因为这个没受过教育的加利利人缺乏正规的圣经(即律法)训练。这里有点小剧透。哪怕你在神的话语上训练有素,你也不应该挑战这位永恒之道成了肉身的人。我们知道胳膊拧不过大腿。这场智力竞赛有两个回合。在每个回合中,律法师提一个问题,耶稣就反问一个问题,律法师回答,然后耶稣作总结。
    Luke 10:25-37 – Outline 路加福音10:25-37 纲要
    Round 1 (vv. 25-28) 第一回合(25-28节)
    A. The Lawyer’s Question (v. 25) A.律法师的提问(25节)
    B. Jesus’ Counter Question (v. 26) B.耶稣的反问(26节)
    C. The Lawyer’s Answer (v. 27) C.律法师的回答(27节)
    D. Jesus’ Conclusion (v. 28) D.耶稣的总结(28节)
    Round 2 (vv. 29-37) 第二回合(29-37节)
    A. The Lawyer’s Question (and Motive) (v. 29) A.律法师的提问(及动机)(29节)
    B. Jesus’ Story and Counter Question (v. 30-36) B.耶稣的故事及反问(30-36节)
    C. The Lawyer’s Answer (v. 37a) C.律法师的回答(37a节)
    D. Jesus’ Conclusion (v. 37b) D.耶稣的总结(37b节)
    We will walk through the movements of the text, we will come to the main point of the text, and then we will seek to apply the text to today’s moment. 我们先串讲这段经文,然后得出要点,然后应用在今天的处境中。
    Round 1 第一回合
    A. The Lawyer’s Question (v. 25) A.律法师的提问(25节)
    25 And behold, a lawyer stood up to put him to the test, saying, “Teacher, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?” 有一个律法师起来试探耶稣,说:“老师,我应该作甚么,才可以承受永生呢?”
    a. A Trick Question a.一个陷阱问题
    Notice that this is not a sincere question. It is a trick question – a question that sets a trap and puts Jesus to the test. But it is a trick question, not because he is asking about something trivial, but because it is something ultimate and eternal. 注意这不是一个真诚的提问,而是一个陷阱问题——设下圈套来试探耶稣。这之所以是个陷阱问题,不是因为他问的是鸡毛蒜皮的小事,而是关乎终极与永恒的问题。
    b. An Eternal Issue b.一个永恒的问题
    The lawyer (i.e., an expert in the Jewish Law) is asking about what the Law says about inheriting eternal life. But notice the angle of the question. He does not ask how to receive eternal life, but how to inherit it. What is the significance of that word “inherit?” 那个律法师(即犹太律法专家)问的是关于律法讲如何承受永生。但请注意提问的角度。他不是在问如何接受永生,而是如何承受永生。“承受”这个词有什么重要之处?
    B. Jesus’ Counter Question (v. 26) B.耶稣的反问(26节)
    26 He said to him, “What is written in the Law? How do you read it?” 耶稣对他说:“律法上写的是甚么? 你怎么念的呢?”
    Jesus responds in a very typical Rabbi type way. Have you noticed that Rabbis often answer a question by asking a question? It reminds one of the old adage: “Why does a rabbi always answer a question with a question? Answer: why not?!” 耶稣的回应是非常典型的拉比式。你有没有注意到拉比们常常用提问题来回答问题?这让人想起一句古老的谚语:“为什么拉比总是用问题来回答问题呢?回答:为什么不呢?”
    So this is what Jesus does. Jesus puts the lawyer on his heels, takes over the questioning, and puts the lawyer to the test. He asks a counter question “What is written in the Law? How do you read it? (v. 26). 耶稣就是这么做。耶稣反守为攻,接过问题,反过来考一考律法师。祂反问“律法上写的是什么?你怎么念的?”(26节)
    C. The Lawyer’s Answer (v. 27) C.律法师的回答(27节)
    27 And he answered, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself.” 他回答:“你要全心、全性、全力、全意爱主你的 神,并且要爱邻舍如同自己。”
    The lawyer answers rightly. If one were to inherit eternal life from doing the commands of the law, then one must love the Lord completely and love others completely. This is not hyperbole either when I say completely. Listen to it again “with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind”… and “your neighbor as yourself.” That is total love - love that will totally take over the control center of your life – heart, soul, strength, mind. Everything that you think, do, or say will come from love. 律法师回答正确。如果人要行律法诫命来承受永生,就必须全然地爱神爱人。当我说全然的时候一点都不是夸张。“全心、全性、全力、全意”和“邻舍如同自己。”这是全然的爱——爱全然占据了你生命的控制中心——心、性、力、意。你的所思所行所言都出于爱。
    D. Jesus’ Conclusion (v. 28) D.耶稣的总结(28节)
    28 And he said to him, “You have answered correctly; do this, and you will live.” 耶稣说:“你答得对,你这样行,就必得生命。”
    Jesus now simply lets that answer sink in a little more: “you have answered correctly.” But he does not congratulate him for the answer as if that gets him off the hook. The answer puts him on the hook. Now here is the earth-shattering conclusion. All you have to do to have eternal life is to do that. Have love totally take you over. But this conclusion is devastating. This is a path that is a dead end. There is no hope there. And this man knows it. So round 2 begins. 耶稣现在要让这律法师多想想回答是什么意思:“你答得对。”但祂表扬律法师并不是因这回答使祂摆脱了困境。律法师的回答反而把自己吊在钩上。现在是石破天惊的结论。你要得永生所要做的一切就是要这样行。让爱全然占据你。但这个结论是毁灭性的。这是一条死路。那是没有盼望的路。而这个人是知道的。于是第二回合开始了。
    Round 2 第二回合
    A. The Lawyer’s Question (and Motive) (v. 29) A.律法师的提问(和动机)(29节)
    29 But he, desiring to justify himself, said to Jesus, “And who is my neighbor?” 那人想证明自己有理,就对耶稣说:“谁是我的邻舍呢?”
    Perhaps this man simply wanted to best Jesus in some subtle theological debate, but he did not imagine that Jesus was going to put this man’s life to the test. Jesus is like that. This man thought he was like a fisherman and put his bait on the hook and he thought he could just reel Jesus in, but that is like trying to catch a blue whale with a Zebco fishing pole. You end up being the person that gets hooked and pulled into the ocean of his infinite power and wisdom. 也许这个人只想着用一些深奥的神学争议来打败耶稣,但他没想到耶稣要考验他的生命。耶稣就是那样的。这个人以为他像个渔夫,把鱼饵放在钩子上。他以为这样就可以把耶稣钓上来,哪曾想他是用萨比克钓竿钓蓝鲸。结果那人反而被拽进祂无限大能与智慧的海洋。
    Luke tells us not just this man’s question, but his motive in asking the question. This man wanted to justify himself. He desperately tries an evasive maneuver to get off the hook. This expert in the law just became a self-defense attorney. 路加不仅告诉我们这个人提的问题,也告诉我们这个人提问的动机。这人想证明自己有理。他急切地想试一下规避动作来让自己脱钩。这个律法专家刚刚变成一个自我辩护律师。
    If you are going to live by works, then you need to make the law more manageable. How can I make this easier for me? He looks for a statute of limitations in the Law. Who do I not need to love? Who can I safely cross off the list? He is trying to limit his sphere of responsibility. 如果你要凭着行为得生命,那你就得让律法变得更具可行性。我要如何才能让这变得对我更容易些?他寻找律法中的法令限制。我不需要爱谁?我可以心安理得地从名单上删除谁?他正试图限定自己的责任范围。
    So Jesus does not just ask a question this time. He tells a story and then asks a question that subtly but profoundly changes the lawyer’s question. 所以这回耶稣不是仅仅反问一个问题。祂讲了一个故事,然后再问一个问题,这个问题微妙而深刻地改变了律法师的问题。
    B. Jesus’ Story and Counter Question (v. 30-36) B.耶稣的故事及反问(30-36节)
    30 Jesus replied, “A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and he fell among robbers, who stripped him and beat him and departed, leaving him half dead. 31 Now by chance a priest was going down that road, and when he saw him he passed by on the other side. 32 So likewise a Levite, when he came to the place and saw him, passed by on the other side. 33 But a Samaritan, as he journeyed, came to where he was, and when he saw him, he had compassion. 34 He went to him and bound up his wounds, pouring on oil and wine. Then he set him on his own animal and brought him to an inn and took care of him. 35 And the next day he took out two denarii and gave them to the innkeeper, saying, ‘Take care of him, and whatever more you spend, I will repay you when I come back.’ 36 Which of these three, do you think, proved to be a neighbor to the man who fell among the robbers?” 30 耶稣回答:“有一个人从耶路撒冷下耶利哥去,落在强盗手中。他们剥去他的衣服,把他打得半死,撇下他一个人就走了。 31 正好有一个祭司,从那条路下来,看见他,就从旁边走过去了。 32 又有一个利未人,来到那里,看见他,也照样从旁边走过去了。 33 只有一个撒玛利亚人,旅行来到他那里,看见了,就动了怜悯的心, 34 上前用油和酒倒在他的伤处,包裹好了,把他扶上自己的牲口,带他到客店里照顾他。 35 第二天,他拿出两个银币交给店主,说:‘请你照顾他,额外的开支,我回来的时候必还给你。’ 36 你想,这三个人,谁是那个落在强盗手中的人的邻舍呢?”
    Scene: A man in need – stripped, beat, half dead. 场景:一个需要帮助的人——被剥了衣服,打得半死
    Rising Conflict: The search for a hero – who will help? 冲突升级:寻找英雄——谁会帮助?
    The priest – he is the protypical hero in Jewish thought. Surely the priest will help. He saw him, but passed by on the other side. 祭司——他是犹太人心目中的英雄。祭司当然应该伸出援手。他看见他,只是从旁边走过。
    Then along came a Levite. He was of the priestly line. Like an assistant pastor. He saw, but he passed on the other side as well. 然后来了个利未人。他也是祭司一类的人,就像助理牧师一样。他看见了,也是从旁边走过。
    Then along came a Samaritan. Now this is a profound moment. This Jewish man would have defined neighbor in a geographic way. That is, he would have drawn the lines ethnically and geographically. I need to love fellow Jews and some have disqualified themselves like tax collectors. And I can safely hate Samaritans and Gentiles. The story is directly addressing his racist attitude toward Samaritans. Could a Samaritan be anything positive – let alone the hero of the story? 然后来了个撒玛利亚人。现在是个意味深远的时刻。这个犹太人在地缘上是个邻舍,是根据种族和地缘的界线来划分的。我需要爱我的犹太同胞,虽然有些人不够格了,如税吏。我可以安全地恨恶撒玛利亚人和外邦人。这个故事直接针对律法师歧视撒玛利亚人的态度。撒玛利亚人能有什么好东西——还能作故事里的英雄?
    He saw just like the other two, but unlike them, Jesus says the Samaritan had something the other two lacked: compassion. What he had (compassion) led to things he did. He went to him and bound up his wounds, pouring on oil and wine. Very up close and personal. 这个撒玛利亚人像前面两个人那样看见了,但不像他们的是,耶稣说他具备了前两个人所不具备的东西:怜悯的心。他所具备的(怜悯心)让他做这些事。他去看他,用油和酒倒在他的伤处,包扎他的伤口。很亲切细致。
    Then he put the man on his own animal. He brought the man to an inn and took care of him the rest of the day (his time). Then the next day, he gave what was basically a blank check. Take care of him and I will pay the bill when I come back. 然后他把那人扶上自己的牲口,带着他到一家客店,整天照顾他(花自己的时间)。第二天,他相当于开了一张空白支票。他交代店家:请你照顾他,额外的开销,我回来时还给你。
    Now Jesus gets to the gotcha moment. Instead of asking “who is my neighbor?” Jesus asks, “Who was the neighbor?” 现在是耶稣设下埋伏的时候了。祂不是问“谁是我的邻舍?”而是问:“谁是那邻舍?”
    C. The Lawyer’s Answer (v. 37a) C.律法师的回答(37a)
    37 He said, “The one who showed him mercy.” 他说:“是那怜悯他的。”
    The lawyer is forced to answer what is at the heart of being a neighbor – a heart of compassion that shows mercy. He is showing the lawyer that his heart is hard. It is closed to compassion and thus devoid of mercy and only wants to get off the hook. He wants to minimize mercy, limit compassion. He is like Scrooge – how can I give as little as possible. What is the bare minimum? 律法师被迫回答邻舍的心是什么——施怜悯的同情心。祂在向律法师显明他的心肠是硬的。这颗心对同情关闭,因此缺乏怜悯,而只想摆脱干系。他要把怜悯最小化,限制同情心。他就像吝啬鬼——我怎么能给得尽可能少?最低要求是多少?
    Jesus changes the question entirely. The lawyer is like the priest and the Levite. He is motivated by a minimalist attitude that desires to get off the hook and say, “who can I safely ignore? Who can I see and then safely pass by on the other side like the priest and Levite.” 耶稣把整个问题都变了。律法师就像那个祭司和利未人。他受极简主义态度的激励,只想摆脱干系,说:“我可以安全地忽视谁?我可以看见谁而又能够像祭司和利未人那样安全地从旁边走过?”
    Jesus says, a heart of compassion takes a totally different approach. We all see people in need. When we see need, a heart of compassion says what can I do – instead of what can I avoid. What can I give? What can I do?! How can I serve?! 耶稣说,一颗怜悯的心采取的是完全不同的行径。我们都看见需要帮助的人。当我们看见有需要的时候,一颗怜悯的心说我能做什么——而不是我能避免做什么。我能给出什么?我能做什么?我能如何服事?
    “God calls you to be a loving neighbor to anyone you see in need, irrespective of any differences in race, gender, social status, with a love that will go out of its way to help a person in need, even if it is inconvenient and costly.” One would think that is the main lesson from this parable. “神呼召你做一个对任何你看见有需要的人有爱的邻舍,不管对方的种族、性别、社会地位和你有多大的差别,带着爱心想尽办法帮助有需要的人,哪怕给自己带来不便或付出代价。”这应该是从这则比喻中学到的主要功课。
    D. Jesus’ Conclusion (v. 37b) D.耶稣的总结(37b节)
    And Jesus said to him, “You go, and do likewise.” 耶稣说:“你去,照样作吧。”
    So Jesus leaves him with the devastating conclusion. “You go, and do likewise.” This is doubly devastating. The meaning of “neighbor” has been expanded to anyone in need and the meaning of “love” has been filled out to mean “go out of your way to help a person in need, even if it is inconvenient and costly.” That is devastation #1 – putting the spotlight on the real meaning of “neighbor” and the true meaning of love. But devastation #2 puts the spotlight not on words or actions, but on himself – who he is. What would keep him from living this way and loving this way? You will either be hard-hearted or soft-hearted. You will either be filled with love for others or filled with a self-justifying, self-centered, calculating heart. 所以耶稣留给他一个毁灭性的总结。“你去,照样作吧。”这有双重的毁灭性。“邻舍”的含义扩展到了任何一个有需要的人,而“爱”的含义也被充实变成“想尽办法帮助有需要的人,哪怕给自己带来不便或付出代价。”这是毁灭性之一——将聚光灯投在“邻舍”和“爱”的真实含义上。毁灭性之二在于,聚光灯不是放在话语或行为,而是他本人——他是什么人。是什么让他做不到,爱不出?你的心要么是刚硬的,要么是柔软的。你要么被爱他人的心所充满,要么被自义、自我中心和斤斤计较的心所充满。
    Main Point: The parable of the Good Samaritan shows us the condemnation of the law in order that we will find new life in Christ that brings us into the picture to fulfill its call. 要点:好撒玛利亚人的比喻让我们看到律法的咒诅,为要让我们在基督里找到新生命,带我们进入实现它呼召的图景中。
    Application: Destruction, Salvation, Reconstruction 应用:摧毁、拯救、重建
    1. Destruction: Search and Destroy All Self-Righteousness 1.破坏:搜寻并摧毁所有自义
    So how do we hear the story of the Good Samaritan without feeling devastated and depressed? Where do I get a heart filled with compassion? How could I possibly love like this and live like this all the time? I am basically a selfish person and you are telling me that I need to stop being calculating and self-serving and serve everyone in need. And how do I know when I have ever done enough? Salvation means loving God with everything and loving people I see in need? This is going to cost me everything! 我们听了好撒玛利亚人的故事,如何能不感到沮丧和难过呢?我到哪里让心充满怜悯呢?我怎么可能一直这样爱,一直这样生活呢?我基本上是个自私的人,而你告诉我需要停止斤斤计较和自私自利,却要服务每个有需要的人。我怎么知道我什么时候做够了呢?救恩意味着以一切来爱神,以及爱一切我看到有需要的人?这将让我付出一切所有的!
    You will be paralyzed and won’t want to do anything because you think it will cost you everything and there is no assurance that you will ever do enough or every have enough compassion. Our best efforts will condemn us and we will try to avoid responsibility because we know we can’t measure up. 你会瘫倒在那里,什么都不想干,因为你认为这会让你付出一切,而且无法保证你作得够好,或有足够的怜悯心。我们最大的努力反过来会谴责我们,我们会想要逃避责任,因为我们知道我们永远都不够格。
    But that is not our situation. Why? We tend to always read the Bible in a way that puts us at the center of the story. We think we are called to be the hero or main character of the story. But the moral of the story is not (first and foremost): be the Good Samaritan. The first point we must see is our failure to ever live up to that. We are the lawyer in the story. We need to have our self-righteousness slain first. Then we need to see that Jesus is the Ultimate Good Samaritan and we are the person that is dying. 但这不是我们的处境。为什么?我们倾向于在读圣经的时候把自己放在中心的位置上。我们以为我们被呼召去当故事里的英雄或主角。但故事的寓意(最首要的)不是:要做好撒玛利亚人。第一点我们必须看到的是我们无法做到。我们是故事里的那个律法师。我们首先需要让我们的自义被杀死。然后我们需要看到耶稣是终极的好撒玛利亚人,而我们是那个垂死的人。
    2. Salvation: How Do I Receive Eternal Life – Believe in the Lord Jesus and You Will Be Saved! 2.拯救:我如何接受永生——信主耶稣,我就会得救!
    It is easy to see some surface similarities between the Good Samaritan and our Great Savior. 表面上看好撒玛利亚人和我们伟大的救主之间有很多相似之处。
    Good Samaritan 好撒玛利亚人 Our Great Savior 我们的救主
    Saw us in danger of death 看见我们有死亡的危险 Saw us in danger of death 看见我们有死亡的危险
    He had stopped and had compassion他停下来,有怜悯 He stopped and had compassion 祂停下来,有怜悯
    He gave of himself (there was a cost) 他奉献自己(付出代价) He gave of himself (there was a cost)祂奉献自己(付出代价)
    But it is the stunning differences that stand out. Jesus did more, paid more, accomplished more, for much, much longer! 但有惊人的不同突显出来。耶稣做得更好,付出更多,成就更多,持续的也更加更加地长!
    The Good Samaritan let his donkey carry the man and paid the price to check him into a temporary home (hotel). Jesus endured a gruesome death and carried our sins to purchase for us an eternal heavenly home. The Good Samaritan saw a stranger. Jesus saw enemies. The man who fell among robbers had done nothing wrong in this story. In salvation’s story, Jesus looked upon people who had all sinned against him by living for themselves and slighting his worth and honor. 好撒玛利亚人让他的驴驮那人,出钱让他住进临时的家(客店)。耶稣经历了可怕的死亡,承受我们的罪刑,赎买我们进入一个永恒的天家。好撒玛利亚人看见的是一个陌生人。耶稣看见的是众多敌人。那个被盗匪打劫的人在故事里并没有做错什么。而在救恩的故事中,耶稣看着人们都对祂犯罪,都只为自己而活,轻看祂的价值与荣耀。
    That is why someone like the thief on the cross could have any chance at all of salvation. Jesus says, Today you will be with me in paradise. Not because he did anything. He confessed that the crucified Jesus really was the King of the Universe who alone could allow this person to enter his kingdom – on the cross! 这就是为什么像十字架上的盗匪竟然也有救恩的机会。耶稣说,今天你必定同我在乐园里了(路加福音23:43)。这并不是因为这个盗匪做了什么。他只是承认被钉的耶稣真的是宇宙的君王,只有祂能让这个人进入祂的王国——哪怕祂在十字架上!
    That is why when you read in the book of Acts and a Philippian jailor who knows he is guilty and deserves to die asks the apostle Paul, “what must I do to be saved?” Paul does not say, “here is what you need to do to earn it. Have compassion on everyone you see!” He says, “believe in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved” (Acts 16:31). That is all. Jesus is enough. He paid our entire bill. He opened up his eternal kingdom and gave us an eternal home! 这就是为什么当你读到使徒行传里腓立比的一个狱卒知道自己有罪该死,问使徒保罗:“我该作些什么才可以得救?”保罗并没有说:“为了赚得救恩这是你需要做的。要对你见到的每一个人有怜悯心!”而是说:“当信主耶稣,你就必定得救。”(使徒行传16:31)。那就是全部。耶稣就够了。祂付清了所有罪债。祂打开祂永恒的国度,赐给我们一个永恒的家!
    Reconstruction 重建
    Now return back to this story with fresh eyes and a new heart because the Greater Good Samaritan came and saved us. If we were the person that was dying and then was helped and healed, don’t you think that will change us? Won’t we go and do likewise – not in order to be saved but because we are saved. 现在我们用新的眼光和新的心回到这个故事上来,因为那更伟大的好撒玛利亚人来拯救我们。如果我们是那个垂死之人,得到救助和医治,你不认为这会改变我们吗?难道我们不会也去做同样的事吗?不是为了被救,而是因为我们已经被救。
    Salvation always has an inner start but an outward arc. The tree bends as the wind blows. The healing hurricane of Jesus’ love has blown over us and bent us toward loving others. If salvation is freely given and if we freely receive, then we can freely give. Salvation always is an inner work with an outward arc. We no longer have to focus inwardly on ourselves any longer. Who can I share this love with that I have received? 救恩总是动之于内而形诸于外。风吹树摇。耶稣的爱就像有医治大能的飓风,吹向我们,让我们倒向爱人如己的方向。如果救恩是白白赐下的,如果我们是白白接受的,那么我们也可以白白地给予。救恩总是动之于内而形之于外。我们内心不再总是关注自己。我所接受的爱,我能向谁分享呢?
    Salvation in Christ means that the standard of love is not just self-love, but Christ’s love. Listen to 1 John 3:16-18. 基督里的救恩意味着爱的标准不仅仅是自爱,而是基督的爱。请听约翰一书3:16-18
    16 By this we know love, that he laid down his life for us, and we ought to lay down our lives for the brothers. 17 But if anyone has the world’s goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God’s love abide in him? 18 Little children, let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth. 16 主为我们舍命,这样,我们就知道甚么是爱;我们也应当为弟兄舍命。 17 凡有世上财物的,看见弟兄穷乏,却硬着心肠不理,他怎能说他心里有 神的爱呢? 18 孩子们,我们爱人,不要只在言语和舌头上,总要在行动和真诚上表现出来。
    If we have received a love like this, we can’t go back and see someone in need and “close our heart against him.” That would mean God’s love has not entered in and made its dwelling in our hearts. This is a self-giving, laying down your life kind of love. Now I want to do this story. I know I can’t do it perfectly, I won’t do it perfectly, but I want it really and truly. 如果我们接受到了像这样的爱,我们回去的时候看到有需要的人却“向他关闭我们的心门。”这可能说明神的爱不曾进入且内驻在我们心里。这是一种自我奉献,甘心舍命的那种爱。现在我想要做这个故事里的英雄。我知道我不能做到完美,我将来也做不到完美,但我们真的真的想做到。
    And this is what the people of God are called to be. The children of God are those who love obedience and are zealous for good works. We don’t come to Scripture to be hearers only. I want us to come to Scripture ready to “be doers of the word and not hearers only” (James 1:22). We come to corporate worship expecting real heart engagement and real life change. 而这正是神的子民蒙召去做的。神的儿女们是爱顺服的人,也是热心善工的人。我们来到圣经面前,不是仅仅作一个听者。我希望我们来到圣经面前,要“作行道的人,不要单作听道的人”(雅各书1:22)。我们来参加集体敬拜,期待着真正的全心参与和真正的生命翻转。
    Good Neighbor Bingo 好邻居宾果游戏
    I have a Good Neighbor Bingo sheet here. The goal is to fill as many squares as you can. But you don’t do this in order that you will win, but in order that those you serve will win. You already have victory in Jesus – now you want to share that with those in need. This can be an amazing moment to reach the lost, love our neighbors, but also to disciple others. Maybe you disciple your children and involve them in what it means to love their neighbors – they will always remember playing Good Neighbor Bingo as when they did the biggest neighborhood outreach they ever did. And what if it was not just a one and done, but a beginning – names learned, needs met, stories told, relationships formed, bridges built. 我这里有一张好邻居宾果表。游戏规则是你要填满这些方格,越多越好。但你这样做不是为了让自己赢,而是要让你所服务的对象赢。你已经在耶稣里得胜了——现在你要分享给有需要的人。这可以是很棒的机会来接触失丧的人,爱我们的邻居,同时也可以门训别人。也许你门训你的孩子,让他们认识什么是爱他们的邻舍——他们将永远记得这个好邻居宾果游戏。这不是一锤子买卖就完了,而仅仅是个开始——认识对方的名字,满足他们的需要,分享了故事,建立了友谊,搭起了桥梁。
    Conclusion 结语
    We are going to sing the song: “you are stronger…so let your name be lifted higher.” Jesus defeated death. All that could kill us forever has been decisively defeated. This will be my closing exhortation to our people this week. I will show this slide of “Good Neighbor Bingo.” My exhortation will be: "Let’s cover as many squares as possible as we seek to love our neighbors.” His name will be lifted higher as our witness stretches further. 我们要唱这首歌:“你是更强……所以让你的名被举得更高。”耶稣战胜了死亡。能让我们永死的都被决定性地战胜了。这是我这周对我们会众的结束劝勉。我要让你们看看《好邻居宾果》表。我的劝勉是:“当我们寻求爱我们邻居时,让我们填满越多的方格越好。”当我们的见证扩张得越大,祂的名就被举得越高。
    Eusebius quote: the deeds of the Christians were on everyone’s lips and they glorified the God of the Christians. But the only way that will make any difference is if they come to know the Savior – the Christ of the Christians. They are not to look at us and say, “what a good person, but what a great Savior!” 优西比乌名句:基督徒的事迹被口口相传,他们在荣耀基督徒的神。唯一不同的地方在于他们是否认识救主——基督徒的基督。他们不是看着我们,嘴里说:“多好的一个人!”而是说:“多伟大的救主!”
    Sermon Discussion Questions 讲道讨论问题
    Sermon Text: Luke 10:25-37 讲道经文:路加福音10:25-37
    Sermon Title: COVID-19 and Loving Your Neighbor 讲道标题:新冠病毒与爱邻如己
    Main Point: The parable of the Good Samaritan shows us the condemnation of the law in order that we will find new life in Christ that brings us into the picture to fulfill its call. 要点:好撒玛利亚人的比喻向我们显示律法的咒诅,为要我们在基督里寻找新生命,这将带我们进入实现这一呼召的图景中。
    Outline 纲要
    Round 1 (vv. 25-28) 第一回合(25-28节)
    A. The Lawyer’s Question (v. 25) A.律法师的提问(25节)
    B. Jesus’ Counter Question (v. 26) B.耶稣的反问(26节)
    C. The Lawyer’s Answer (v. 27) C.律法师的回答(27节)
    D. Jesus’ Conclusion (v. 28) D.耶稣的总结(28节)
    Round 2 (vv. 29-37) 第二回答(29-37节)
    A. The Lawyer’s Question (and Motive) (v. 29) A.律法师的提问(和动机)(29节)
    B. Jesus’ Story and Counter Question (v. 30-36) B.耶稣的故事和反问(30-36节)
    C. The Lawyer’s Answer (v. 37a) C.律法师的回答(37a节)
    D. Jesus’ Conclusion (v. 37b) D.耶稣的总结(37b节)
    Discussion Questions 讨论问题
    1. What does it mean that the lawyer is trying to test Jesus with this question? 1.说律法师要用问题试探耶稣是什么意思?
    2. How does Jesus turn the tables so that the lawyer is put to the test and put on the hook? 2.耶稣如何反守为攻让律法师被考验而且上钩?
    3. How does the lawyer try to get off the hook? How does Jesus put him back on it? 3.律法师如何试图脱钩?耶稣又如何把他抓回来?
    4. How is Jesus the Greater Good Samaritan? 4.怎么说耶稣是更伟大的好撒玛利亚人?
    5. Who are we in the story of the Good Samaritan? Multiple answers are possible, but the order of the answers is important! 5.我们在好撒玛利亚人的故事中是什么角色?答案可能有多个,但回答的顺序很重要!
    Application Questions 应用问题
    1. How are you like the lawyer in this story? How are you like the person left for dead in this story? How are you like the priest and the Levite? How are you like the Good Samaritan? 1.你有多像这个故事中的律法师?你有多像这个故事中那个垂死的人?你有多像那个祭司和利未人?你有多像好撒玛利亚人?
    2. What things can you do to fill out the Good Neighbor Bingo card? Will you make a plan? Who will do it with you? 2.你在填好邻居宾果卡的时候能做些什么?你愿不愿意做个计划?你想跟谁玩?
    3. What part of this message do you need to share with someone this week? Is there someone you need to exhort? 3.这篇讲道的哪一部分你需要在这周与人分享?有谁需要你去鼓励?
    Prayer Focus 祷告聚焦
    Pray for a grace to receive new life in Christ and fulfill the call to love your neighbor as yourself. 祈求恩典接受基督里的新生命,成就爱人如己的呼召。



          本文标题:2020-03-29 20/20异象系列之九:新冠病毒与爱邻如己
