to 后也是能跟v-ing的?

to 后也是能跟v-ing的?

作者: 董八七 | 来源:发表于2019-01-10 22:05 被阅读9次

title: to-ing
date: 2019-01-10 21:42:10
NO_sents: 24172
NO_references: 3199

  • One possible approach to analyzing these data is multiple regression. (Faraway, 2006)
  • The assignment of mapped markers to coding genes provided an additional test of map validity. (Amores et al., 2011)
  • An alternative to controlling for competition by design is to adjust for competition effects at the analysis stage. (Durban, Currie, Kempton, 2001)
  • The recursion equations for the outbred cohort are a little more involved, as parents are inbred to differing degrees. (Walsh, Lynch, 2009)
  • These methods differ in computational requirements, efficiency in terms of extracting information, flexibility with regard to handling different data structures, and ability to map multiple QTLs. (Wu, Ma, Casella, 2007)
  • Differential sensitivity of C-3 and C-4 turfgrass species to increasing atmospheric vapor pressure deficit. (Sadras, Calderni, 2014)
  • As Z will tend to have many more rows than columns, random effects are suited to modeling correlation among a large number of observations, whereas covariance modeling in R is more local. (Wolfinger, 1993)
  • Knowledge of relationships among allelic heterozygosity of trees, their growth rates, and their resistance to environmental and biotic (e.g., insect herbivores) stresses is relevant to understanding evolutionary change as well as providing information that might be used in tree-improvement programs (Bergmann et al. (Chen et al., 2001)


  • to 后也是能跟v-ing的?

    title: to-ingdate: 2019-01-10 21:42:10NO_sents: 24172NO_r...

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    本文标题:to 后也是能跟v-ing的?
