一 常见用法
1. 最简单的相等匹配
let a = 1
switch a {
case 1:
print("not 1")
2. 枚举匹配,顺便绑定变量
enum School {
case Student(name: String, age: Int, address: String?)
case Teacher(name: String, age: Int, address: String?)
let karl = School.Student(name: "karl", age: 27, address: "AH")
switch karl {
case let .Student(name, age, address):
print("\(name) -- \(age) -- \(address)")
3. 元组匹配,通配符,where语句
let point = CGPoint(x: 7, y: 0)
switch (point.x, point.y) {
case (0,0): print("On the origin!")
case (0,_): print("x=0: on Y-axis!")
case (_,0): print("y=0: on X-axis!")
case (let x, let y) where x == y: print("On y=x")
default: print("Quite a random point here.")
其中第四个case中使用了where语句添加匹配条件。但是前面这个(let x, let y) 似乎仅仅是值绑定
let count = 7
switch count {
case Int.min..<0: print("Negative count, really?")
case 0: print("Nothing")
case 1: print("One")
case 2..<5: print("A few")
case 5..<10: print("Some")
default: print("Many")
二 自定义模式匹配
switch是如何判断模式是否匹配的呢?,实际上用的是 ~= 运算符
let a = 1
switch a {
//这个case相当于 1 ~= a
case 1:
print("not 1")
//这样我们就可以通过重载 ~=运算符来为一些自定义类型添加模式匹配能力
struct Affine {
var a: Int
var b: Int
func ~= (lhs: Affine, rhs: Int) -> Bool {
return rhs % lhs.a == lhs.b
switch 5 {
//相当于 5 ~= Affine(a: 2, b: 0)
case Affine(a: 2, b: 0): print("Even number")
case Affine(a: 3, b: 1): print("3x+1")
case Affine(a: 3, b: 2): print("3x+2")
default: print("Other")
三 if case let,guard case let,for case let
case表示模式匹配,let表示只绑定,case let 就是如果模式匹配,那么将一些值绑定到let声明的常量。
先看if case let
enum Media {
case Book(title: String, author: String, year: Int)
case Movie(title: String, director: String, year: Int)
case WebSite(urlString: String)
let m = Media.Movie(title: "Captain America: Civil War", director: "Russo Brothers", year: 2016)
if case let Media.Movie(title, _, _) = m {
print("This is a movie named \(title)")
//还可以追加判断条件year < 1888
if case let Media.Movie(_, _, year) = m, year < 1888 {
print("Something seems wrong: the movie's year is before the first movie ever made.")
二 guard case let 和if case let 的区别就是if 和 guard的区别
三 for case let
enum Media {
case Book(title: String, author: String, year: Int)
case Movie(title: String, director: String, year: Int)
case WebSite(urlString: String)
let mediaList: [Media] = [
.Book(title: "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone", author: "J.K. Rowling", year: 1997),
.Movie(title: "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone", director: "Chris Columbus", year: 2001),
.Book(title: "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets", author: "J.K. Rowling", year: 1999),
.Movie(title: "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets", director: "Chris Columbus", year: 2002),
.Book(title: "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban", author: "J.K. Rowling", year: 1999),
.Movie(title: "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban", director: "Alfonso Cuarón", year: 2004),
.Movie(title: "J.K. Rowling: A Year in the Life", director: "James Runcie", year: 2007),
.WebSite(urlString: "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Harry_Potter-related_topics")
for case let Media.Movie(title, _, year) in mediaList {
print(" - \(title) (\(year))")
for case let Media.Movie(title, director, year) in mediaList, director == "Chris Columbus" {
print(" - \(title) (\(year))")